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// Ricky's Video Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by NovaZenk, May 25, 2016.

  1. NovaZenk

    NovaZenk New Member

    May 3, 2014
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    //>>> Enter Password : *****
    --- Password Accepted
    //>>> Enter Command : open file
    //>>> File Name : videologs
    --- Confirmed, Opening File
    --- Loading Done

    *The video would open with Ricky in his normal attire - a brown jacket, a white t-shirt, and jeans - sitting on his chair. He is examining his dogtags, but would soon put them down. A globe of Earth would hang beside him from a chain attached to the ceiling of his small spacecraft. He would begin talking.

    "Alright, so. This is my first log. I never really considered doing one of these things, but hey, it gives me something to do in my free-time. So, I read about this colony called Upside. Went there. Pretty nice place, but some weird shit can happen there. Got into a heated arguement with this asshole. Went fuck'n Drill Sergeant on some Floran who lightly poked him in the side. Turns out he has problems, talks to some guy about them. I left after he said that, and then I discovered a gun store. Bought some guns as the gun I had was getting old. I got a .357 revolver and a PDW. And then - get this - right while I was making the purchase, a fucking group of Florans invade the colony. The guy tells me to get in the bunker he has and I do so, cause I don't want to get eaten by no Florans. Some other civvies come down there, we talk about life while the local authorities deal with it. Invasion ended, Florans retreated. After that, things were just average. I got nothin' else to talk about thats worthwhile, so I'm gonna close this down. Bye, I guess? Maybe my future self will watch these."

    *The video recording ends.*

    //>>> Enter Command: end recording
    --- Recording ended.
    //>>> Enter Command : exit file
    --- File closed.
    //>>> Enter Command : shut down
    --- Goodbye!