Greeting. Greetings, inhabitants of Antares Sector. This is Ser John of Gryphon's Peak. Request. Knights of Gryphon's Peak require coordinates to a hiveminded Glitch settlement. Clarification. Preferably a village. Flat. Now, since charity has been proven to be an unknown concept in this sector, I am offering 1000 pixels worth of gold for those coordinates. Addendum. I will be paying for only one location. The location will be scouted first to confirm the hiveminded kinsmen do reside there before payment. Request. If you have coordinates after the gold-offer has expired, keep them in mind, as our group will likely need them in the future. Gratitude. Thank you in advance. - Ser John of Gryphon's Peak
Informative. Price for the coordinates increased to 1500 pixels worth in gold. Impatient. Gold-offer will expire by next friday... - Ser John of Gryphon's Peak
This is troubling to me. Why is simple information of Glitch colonies worth that much money to you? Why do you specify that you're looking for Hiveminded groups? -Zig
Metalmen want to free their kin from the binding of the hivemind stupid. Give them freedom and self awareness.
Response. Bringing order to the frontier is a dead cause. Not worth the effort. Flat. Instead, focusing on matters that concern me and my kinsmen, the liberation of hiveminded brethren being one of them. - Ser John of Gryphon's Peak
Does it matter what he does with them? He's paying for the coordinates. What does it matter? If you don't like it, leave it at that. There are other people who will be willing to give out coordinates. As of right now I'm doing that myself. I wouldn't mind cashing in a few thousand pixels. -Spark
Tanji ~ I have a several coordinates of a few unimpressive backwater Glitch villages. However, instead of Pixels for a simple transaction I have a deal to offer. Connect me Tanji Saltus on a sub-band frequency 623.57 for more.
Greeting. Greetings, again. Polite. Apologies for the lack of replies. Informative. Due to lack of legitimate coordinates being given, the expiry-date of the gold-offer of 1500 pixels worth has been moved to next friday, 20.3.2415. - Ser John of Gryphon's Peak