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[REQUEST] /:: Armed Escort/Assistance

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Reconus, Mar 5, 2017.

  1. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    View attachment 4554
    \ \ \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------/ / /

    [The message seems to be a mix of both sup-par audio and distorted, fizzling imagery. The occasional crack and flash is visible in what seems to be an almost looped display, and the howl of dust, wind, and rain is clear as ever.

    A voice speaks out - undeniably sounding avian in nature, albeit sharp and thoughtful - presumably from the figure in the footage. Clear and understandable even despite the crackle and static and the torrent of weather about.]

    "- This is captain Llock of Ttha, and I am sending out a message for those capable in providing us - me and my men - assistance. Whilst our circumstances have indeed been strange, I have reason to fear the oncoming event that has undoubtedly followed us here.

    A supply run from our benefactor whom I will not name - for their good over mine - went awry. We were followed, harassed - and once they exposed themselves and their intentions - very suddenly forced to land prematurely upon our homeworld out in the open rather than our agreed destination.

    We have set up residence here temporarily, but due to our unfavourable condition we are sorely undermanned for a task of this scale. Hence, we require help from a bahtlirian source. We saw the vessel following us land recently, but we can hope on the storm to keep them at bay. However, as it offers us refuge from these agreed hostiles and the Sjetchen skirmishers, so too are we marooned here for the time being.

    We need able bodies - people with experience in security and by extent combat - to ensure we can return to safer territory with minimal hindrances and loss.

    I am more than willing to make it worth your time. We don't have much in the way of bahtli currency - pixels, I believe - but we can more than make up for that in what supplies we have spare. I'm sure we can work something out.
    All those interested in offering such assistance, please leave your words here. I will try to answer what questions I may, but we will not linger indefinitely. We won't let the opportunity fall through when it comes."

    [And like that, the message ends - but the connection holds strong, waiting for any would-be response.]
  2. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Interested in taking the job, if there are further details please share them here. As well as give a few updates please - LG
  3. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    Need more information. Otherwise, consider me sold on the job.

    - Sarah McKinley
  4. Sam Fisher

    Sam Fisher Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2015
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    Let me know when and where and you'll have two ready to get stuck in.

  5. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    [Another message is forwarded - and whilst the connection is far more forgiving this time around, the weather certainly is not. Rain slams against the ground about with ferocious noise, though not a bolt is seen or heard. The same voice speaks out, with the odd clang or whirr of machinery in the background.]
    "-ery well. As I specified before, we must return to safer territory out of the unconquered regions of the Watered Strips. We are currently in possession of a large shipment of supplies which we originally intended to drop at our final destination before complications occurred.

    These supplies mainly consist of relief aid for our people. We are primarily carrying food alongside medical supplies and narcotics. However, we are also transporting armour, armaments, and the ammunition to support them in the hope of giving us an upper hand against raiders and our hostile neighbours. The preservation of this resources is a necessity - a lot of effort went into procuring them, and we are not willing to see the pixels go to waste seeing them leave our hands.

    I have only a handful of men capable of defending these supplies - my drivers excluded, for obvious reasons. We do not know whom is coming to 'collect' them from us, nor their number, but we have judged them more than capable if they have been willing to assault if they have tailed us this far out with their cursed ship of theirs. I suspect they may know of our current conditions, somehow.

    We intend to set out when the storm has passed. If you are willing to share details of your own, I will gladly give a prompt for when it finally clears. Otherwise, I must trust in your ability and sensibilities.

    I will give you this warning, however, bahtli. Do not expect us to be open armed at you arrival. We cannot be too careful within our own entrenchment."

    [The message cuts off.]

    ((Event is planned for this coming weekend - The 11th of March, Saturday. Will update when possible on specific times!))
  6. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    [With a new day comes a new message, put up onto the "request for assistance''. The audio quality has not changed since last time, the occasional crashing gust of wind mixing with the downpour from above, and the visuals have worsened back into a rippling, static filled display.]
    "-- A small update on our condition. More recent reports indicate that the storm will be passing over us shortly, giving us a clear. Our more accurate estimates say it will dissipate in more more than three cycles. For you, I believe that using galactic time scales that will be only one. Tomorrow.

    We have already prepared the supplies for transport, though we will not be uprooting our camp just yet. Not until we ready to make a final move. I will be forwarding contact details for those interested in aiding us in the meantime, so we may co-ordinate both co-ordinates and a planet-side location for your arrival. For those who cannot receive such details, I will be on sector communication channels. You are free to contact me there.

    If anyone else has questions, we may be able to cover them there. If you need to know more however before assisting us, then now would be the time to ask. There may not be another time to do so.

    We should be more than enough to ward off this bahtli raiders if all goes accordingly.
    I wish you all luck."

    [The message cuts off.]

    Any of those participating feel free to PM @Reconus both on the forum or in the discord for ease of gathering, or for questions in general.))
  7. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    ((The event has been postponed, and rescheduled for next weekend. Same time - 8 & 9pm EST, 18th of March, Saturday. Also, as a reminder - people are encouraged to check this page for updates and time scheduling. The delay (for now) will be treated as OOC. The above message will be 'reposted' for continuity at the date it is meant for.
    Apologies for any inconveniences caused.

    Any of those participating feel free to PM @Reconus both on the forum or in the discord for ease of gathering, or for questions in general.))
    #7 Reconus, Mar 11, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 11, 2017
  8. Liraxus

    Liraxus New Member

    Jan 21, 2014
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    --Message recieved from "Thriftergirl22"

    "T##ting on# ##o th#ee..."
    "T#sting one t#wo three..."
    "Testing...okay, it's working. So, my friend told me about this, I'm not an escort, or security personnel, but I've been scavenging for a couple of years, and I've seen my fair share of shit, raiders don't exactly sound as bad as...well, giant Poptops. That's another story, though. Just send the message when you're ready, and I'll be down with doing this, I might even be able to offer some supplies for this escort, if needed."

    "Rest assured, I know how to pull a trigger, I'm hoping this can lead to both of us being happy."

    --Message cut from "Thriftergirl22"​