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Discussion in 'Archives' started by QuestionableMotives, Jan 6, 2015.

  1. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    ((Sit down and gather around youngsters, for today I shall spin you the tale of the Vireo Heartplume that the Stargazers know. Ah yes, before his days in Antares, he was an edgy space terrorist, much like you are today! (I was bored and never showed much light on the 'bad things' that Vireo did before Antares, and then I felt like writing one day.... soo.... here's what I made) ))

    The bustling city whirled around the group of four- barely noticing them. Shopkeepers stood at their stalls, sporting impressive arrays of jewelry, weapons, huge fruits and vegetables, tender meats and other assorted goods. Dozens- if not hundreds of colorfully adorned Avians milled around, the females gawking at jewelry and purchasing food, the males examining expensive looking steel blades and crowding around inns and bars, - the explosive sounds of their laughter could be heard rising above the the crowd. Youngsters swaggered about in false confidence, played games and tried to stealthily sneak the healthiest looking fruits. Off in the distance, the distinct sound of bells were heard, echoing ominously throughout the city at regular intervals.

    But all this commotion did not affect the four. Many noticed them, but they neither noticed nor cared for the crowd. They were adorned in all black robes, hoods over heads- and underneath that, thin steel armor coated their bodies. They moved swiftly through the crowd, keeping silent unless neccesary, moving at a fast but not too suspicious pace.
    The group travelled for perhaps a quarter mile through the crowded streets, before taking a detour through an alley and into one of the more shady inns of Avos. Once inside, they pulled down their hoods and made their way to the bartender.
    "We are the Tears.", said one in a hushed whisper. The barkeep looked at them lazily, eyeing over the group. After a moment, he slouched over the counter and said in a thick voice that reeked of liquor -
    "'Aye, I can tell ye are. The door is in the back, along with the goods. Get'n and get out, there's a priest here that might git suspicious", he said to them.

    The leader of the four- a medium sized Avian with jet black feathers- simply nodded and walked behind the counter, and the three others followed after. They found the door the barkeep had told them of- once opened, it lead down a dimly lit staircase and into a wine cellar.
    "Ready?" the lead asked the group.
    One of the other three- an Avian with bright orange-y yellow feathers, spoke up for the group.
    "'Aye, we are."
    The leader- Sparrow, looked at him.
    "Vireo- you are these charges will work?"
    "Pretty sure."
    "Pretty sure?", Sparrow spat. "You realise there are no redo's, here right? I told you perfection and I expect it."
    "My stars," Vireo said, a mixture of annoyance and exasperation creeping into his voice, "For the last time, I fix ships. Not build bombs. But yes, they'll work. Happy?"
    A silence hung in the air for a handful of seconds before Sparrow finally said "Yes.". He turned to another of the group, a short but surprisingly muscular female Avian with sky blue feathers.
    "And you did bring the charges, Dawn?", he asked.
    The female didn't answer directly, instead reached into her robe and pulled out a small object, wrapped in brown paper.
    "There's three more in the robe", she said with a soft voice, which was laced with a surprising agression.
    "Good. Boss said there'd be weapons in here...." Sparrow turned about the room, before finally locking his gaze on a gun rack with four impressive looking rifles.
    "Everyone, take a rifle. These things are practically guaranteed to work, we stole them directly from the Preist's armory. You each get one magazine for each. This isn't a run and gun mission or assasination, like you gentlemen-" he breaks off, turning to Dawn, "and gentlewoman are accostomed to. This is a clean run- we aren't aiming to kill anyone with these. We brought the charges for that. You've all already been briefed on the plan- now we make our way to the temple."

    And so the group moved throughout the backalleys of Avos- through the poverty stricken and dirty slums of the Grounded, stealthily moving along the rooftops of the Stargazer's district, and finally to the rooftop of the nearest building to the Third High Temple of Kluex.
    Once there, they got set up.
    Sparrow ordered them about- "Vireo, you will travel with me into the Temple. Once that's been done, we move back here and detonate. Dawn, me and Vireo have radios. Use your own to give us updates on the situation if anything important happens- " Sparrow turned to the last member of the group, a crimson red Avian who was incredibly slender and the tallest of the group- only Vireo rivaled him in height. "Iren, you're the best shot here. If shit happens- I trust you to get yourselves out. Don't worry about me and Vireo. Don't fire unless ordered. Got it?"
    Iren replied with a curt "Copy" in his steady, almost serene sounding voice.
    "Alright, let's go."
    Vireo and Sparrow both took off their black robes- revealing their thin steel armour that almost identically matched that of the Temple's guards. Together, they made their way down to the ground floor of the building, and there they were thrust back into the bustling city. They quickly made their way to the Temple.

    "Look at that mess", Sparrow said. "The stargazers use their wealth to build themselves massive temples, adorned in Gold and Silver, no less, while the masses in the slums starve at their feet! These monsters deserve what they're about to get."

    Vireo simply grunted in reply- an uneasy feeling has been growing inside of him the whole time. Was what they were doing really right? Would they really be making the world a better place, or was it - 'No.', he thought to himself. 'My mind is my enemy. This is right. My mind is my enemy. My mind is my.... enemy,' His efforts to reassure himself only gave way to more uneasiness- he had found himself repeating the same phrase more and more often ever since he joined The Tears. For two years now he had been repeating the phrase, and he was finally beginning to wonder if maybe his mind wasn't his enemy.

    Pushing these thoughts aside, the two had finally made their way to the gate. There, they found a relatively quiet spot near a fountain. Sparrow radioed in
    "Hey. Dawn, we're about to go in. Are we clear?"
    There was a moment of silence, before a pop of static and Dawn's voice could be heard over the comms.
    "Uh... yeah. You're clear. Two guards moving towards your location, but they don't seem alerted. Get in and get out, got it?"
    And so the two decended into the depths of the temple- the realm of the Stargazers. These hallowed grounds held many treasures, or so he'd been told. Vireo wouldn't have any time to discover them on this mission, however- and after the mission was done, he doubted there would be any treasures to return to.
    "Stop here.", Sparrow ordered him. Sparrow took out one of the charges, and placed it on the nearest pillar. He moved to the next, about 50 feet away, and repeated. He did this for all four charges, before finally finishing and giving a hand signal to Vireo- the signal they had already predetirmined to split up and make their way to the rendezvous with Dawn and Iren.

    After a very tense walk, Vireo returned to the rooftop. There, he found the rest of the gang, including Sparrow, waiting for him.
    Dawn turned to Vireo, giving him a small black box with a red button.
    "You know what to do", she said. While passing him the detonater, their fingers touched, and hers stayed on his a few moments longer than usual.
    'Stars above, I just need to get this over with and then ask Dawn out.' Vireo thought to himself- and blushed a little.

    He then took the detonater, glanced at Sparrow- who gave him an approving nod- and pressed the button.

    At first, nothing happened. Five seconds went by. Ten. Around fifteen, Iren finally spoke up "Did it wor- "
    He was cut off by a tremendous explosion- the ground at their feet shook, and they were temporarily deafened by perhaps the loudest noise Vireo had ever heard in his life. After a moment of shellshock- Vireo looked up to view the Temple. Except... Vireo doubted one could call it a temple now. The entire place has collapsed- it was scorched rubble. The once massive temple, the centerpeice of Avos itself... decimated. Suddenly, something dropped in Vireo's stomach. He was a monster. A murderer- it wasn't just the Stargazers in there, innocent people were there too! And he killed them! The realization took him by force- he doubled over, and threw up over the edge of the building. Suddenly, the world went black.

    Vireo woke up the next day, nestled in the warm thatch of his bed-nest. Dawn hovered over him, a concerned expression on her face. Once Vireo opened his eyes, Dawn's face light up almost instantly.
    Vireo, who normally would have been overjoyed to see Dawn, felt nothing.
    'So... this is what it's like to be a monster." he thought to himself. He felt numb but incredibly burnded at the same time- the souls of at least hundreds now layed on his shoulders. And he hated himself for it. Dawn yelled something to someone out of his view- but he couldn't hear what she said. All he heard was the blood pounding through his ears and the thoughts that roared through his mind.

    Three days later, Vireo stole Sparrow's ship and left for good. He spent a year learning to cope with himself, aimlessly wandering the stars and avoiding what had happened as best he could. Finally, he caught word of the Antares sector- he heard rumours of it's obscure yet oddly charming colonies, the hundred of people, plenty of which were outcasts such as himself, and couldn't resist. He decided he would finally stop running, and forge a new, better, cleaner life for himself. If he didn't, it would drive him mad.

    ((I kind of wrote that all in one sitting, so don't expect it to be 100% in-lore or perfectly written. If you like, please tell me or something. If you don't constructive critisism is always welcome. Thanks for taking the time to read, seriously!))
  2. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    My eyyyeees the lorebreaks ahhh
  3. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Ahh nooo like what it's been a while since I read on avian lore
  4. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Alright, let me start here:
    Lore problem: There isn't a "grounded are poor, stargazers are rich" division - it is actually pretty simple. Grounded are just the atheists, and the vast majority (if not all of them) left Avos in fear of prosecution or to seek others who are like-minded. Flightless are the general population of avians. The Stargazers are the avians who respond to the Clipped Council, who is (supposedly) in direct contact with Kluex and his will. You can imagine with these broad terms you could find a Grounded who is in fact very rich and uses his connections to remain in Avos, or just about anyone who just no longer believes in Kluex. On the other hand, just because one is a follower of Kluex does not mean he is a Stargazer - a priest is not necessarily a Stargazer, neither a high-ranking templar (though I suppose it would be likely).
    Also, Avos' culture is meant to resemble Mayan culture with magical crystals and the like, and I didn't find any kind of mention of that here. Just nitpick.

    Story problems: Here we go... the main problem story-wise is it really lacks dynamic. Some avians decide to blow up a temple, so they meet up, get explosives, set up the plan, it explodes... and that is it. There are no twists. You set up four avians, briefly give them distinctive characteristics and skills that gives the reader the impression that they are going to be important later on, but they never happen. It is setup that Vireo knows a lot more about ships than explosives, and it created in me an expectation that they would fail... that somehow Vireo would have to go back and improvise and run into an angry Stargazer and it would be a close call and Iren would be forced to shoot to help him out... But nothing happens. Nothing. The main conflict of the story becomes Vireo's regret at killing people in the destruction of the temple... But it just raises another question of "did he never even consider what would happen after he exploded the temple with hundreds of innocent avians inside?" If they were worried about said collateral damage they could have just sent a warning right before blowing up the bomb to scatter the avians and minimize casualties. If you can, watch the movie "Inside Man". The main character, the author of the bank heist, says right from the start that his plan is foolproof; which leaves the audience in question wondering "how does the plan go, then? Why are they digging a hole? How do they plan to escape? Why are they buying time? What do they want?" It creates expectation, drama, twists, and interesting character interactions.

    I might have gone a little brutal in this critique. Not saying it lacks saving graces but these just stand out too much.
  5. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    Other way around, the stargazers are in direct contact with Kluex, while the clipped council exists to voice the opinions of the general population. I get the feeling they're somewhat defunct now, however, and they DONT HAVE WINGS. >: (
  6. Tallen

    Tallen New Member

    Dec 23, 2014
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    Shit, can't believe I got something as simple as that wrong... Well the lore is still very non-final. Also have no idea, I haven't been keeping up with the new lore in the nightly updates. Also, yup. No one has wings. At all.
  7. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Thanks for the input. Like I said, Im not 100% up-to speed with all the Avian lore, so Its my fault entirely for all the issues. I also just kind of sat down and wrote this all in one sitting, very little planning involved. I might do a much longer/revised version, the main reason I posted this was to give a little insight as to why Vireo is so cautious around obviously/openly religious Avians and stuff like that.
    And don't worry about being harsh with criticism, as long as you arent being an asshole (which u weren't), I don't have a problem .
  8. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    While this isn't directly stated, I believe it would be true, at least in some areas. In a place such as Avos, where the majority of the population is that of Stargazers, there would almost certainly be religion based discrimination. Take Xatu for example, he refuses to treat Gluaen's injuries or speak directly to me, since we're both Grounded ic'ly. Why wouldn't this be true in a large city? Grounded would probably have a tough time being employed, and businesses that DO employ grounded might lose business because of that choice.
  9. Wreth

    Wreth New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Grounded if found out probably wouldn't be allowed to remain on Avos, they'd be either killed or kicked off world.
  10. Not A President

    Not A President [help me]

    Oct 19, 2014
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    I can see that happening. Kinda like me with my social groups ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    I would love to see more interaction with them, though.
    Especially the leader and the sleek Avian. The sleek one ever said two or three sentences, ever, lol.
  11. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    Yeah I'll probably iron out the lore and plot errors ans make a larger story, but that's for another day
  12. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    It is mentioned that Grounded exist on Avos, but that they're pretty much stuck in ghettos. It talks about it in the Journal Entry that addresses Greenfinger's visit to Avos or an Avos colony, in which he speaks to a member of the Clipped Council. It also mentions that they're usually just ignored, driven out of population centers. In extreme cases, driven off world or even tarred if the crime is great enough.
  13. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    Here you're assuming an alien races follows the same social structure as we [humans] do. In avian culture, religion is EVERYTHING. it's the law, it's the government, it's the education system, police force, etc. To deny kluex is to pretty much throw up your hands and yell "I don't want to be a part of society anymore, outcast me"

    Also, apart from a glitch npc asking the avian PC to suppress their desire for shiny things, Avian seem to eschew decadence. The Avian PC often comments on props that use gold when it is unneeded, and the "gold" emblems that adorn temples are apparently just painted stone. I'm not saying there wouldn't be a wealth divide, but it's just something I don't see often referenced.
  14. QuestionableMotives

    QuestionableMotives Not To Be Trusted

    Oct 25, 2014
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    That's just the issue. There isn't too much info on Avian culture that would help me construct a living, breathing world. I had and I. The future will probably have to take some poetic licence and make assumptions. I have the basics of course, but I'm missing juuust enough to have gaps in the world to make it seem "off".

    P.S. if someone could reference me to official avian lore that maybe isn't on the wiki or something that'd b much appreciated