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Refract Valley Laws

Discussion in 'Refract Valley' started by MaximumRose, Nov 15, 2016.

  1. MaximumRose

    MaximumRose Member

    Oct 11, 2016
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    The districts of Refract Valley separate its lawlessness from its order. In the Inner Zone, we will have stricter laws, and enforcers to keep those laws. In the Outer Zone, the laws will be much more lax and simple.

    IZ Regulations
    1. There shall be no unsanctioned destruction of the environment or its buildings in any way.
    2. Self defensed is sanctioned only in cases with good reasoning*
    3. Openly carrying a firearm is not sanctioned, excepting in situations of good reasoning**
    4. Guns must be holstered in a child protective lock when in a 50 meter radius of the school.
    5. CBRN Agents (Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, or Nuclear) are not permitted in any case planet side.**
    6. Civilian and visitor use of explosives is illegal in all cases, and is only permitted by government authorization in cases that it may be needed (mining, demolition, etc.).
    7. Unauthorized modifications or expansion of property may be subject to either amercement or deconstruction
    8. No one person shall be above another, only different in their capacities. Even owners and organizers are not above these laws.

    OZ Regulations
    1. CBRN Agents (Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, or Nuclear) are not permitted in any case planet side.**
    2. Civilian and visitor use of explosives is illegal in all cases, and is only permitted by government authorization in cases that it may be needed (mining, demolition, etc.).
    3. The OZ is ruled by the IZ. If deemed necessary, enforcers from the IZ will come out to fix problems in the OZ.
    4. IZ Enforcers may not enter the OZ unless there is a problem of planetary harm, or a disregard for basic human rights.

    Violation of these laws will be punishable in a fashion comparable to their severity and harm.

    COV Sectoral Law and Regulations can, at any time, be enforced by representatives of the council.

    * "good reasoning" being:
    - the harm, or threat of harm, of yourself or others.
    - the destruction of the property of yourself or others.
    - intentional trespassing onto the property of yourself.

    ** This includes, but is not limited to, poison of any kind, Germ weaponry of any kind, harmful gases of any kind (This meaning harmful to ANY race!!), or Nerve agents of any kind.

    These regulations are subject to change if the need arises.

    ((SPECIAL THANKS to Frohman and Tacoburger for all the help editting this this, and my IRL friends Tommy and Chris.))