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Reflections [Herx-Amman]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Ricardo, Apr 30, 2015.

  1. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Even been kinda... I dunno, stuck between two places? I m- I mean like uh, not actual places but situations. Ye, that. Or maybe um, cultures would be a better word for it, ye. My family and I, we've always been kinda poor, you know? Like, when I was a little hatchling my pa and I would have to go hunting sometimes just to feed our family and of course we were fishermen so we ate a plucking shit ton of that.
    I have TWELVE sisters, can you believe it? If my ma and pa only had like 3 or 4 they probably would have been okay but then I guess I wouldn't have been born and this whole shitty ordeal would have been averted but uuuuh... I'm rambling. I'm just saying that sometimes you don't really fit into the places you're born into and things go bad, ye? You get pushed out some how and then... I mean I'm a Flightless. I always found solace in the words of the priesthood. It's where I belonged but some didn't think so. Some labeled me 'grounded'... So I had to go. What the hell is a plucker gonna do with a lifetime of traditional fishing experience when he's forced out of his home and dropped onto some human colony? That's the question I asked myself, anyways.
    So homelessness is a trip. Humans are pluckin' beast people, you know? 'Look, a bum! Lets throw rocks! DERHERHER!!' Buttpecker! Shit pisses me off just thinking about it! My pa gave me a nice little knife before I escaped and I had to sell it just to feed myself. Can you believe that? I mean I- I admit I bought more than just food but then again... That's just how I coped.

    Begging wasn't even the worst of it all, ya know? When that didn't get me all the pixels I needed to carry on I had to stand on the pluckin' street corner. Let me tell you I've smelled bad odors before but humans are a whole new class of grody!
    I carved myself a little niche and things were uh, I mean they weren't good but I was making it. Sometimes you forget where you've come from when you're living like an animal and a lot of the time, if I were being honest, I'd forget about the Sunborn, my teachings, my values, my home... I prayed when I could just to try and remember who I was and where I came from but things have a way of working at you and changing you.
    Times have their ups and downs. I've managed to find my faith again but... There's too much shit that goes along with it when you're living in a galaxy filled to the pluckin' brim with different cultures.

    I only ask to be happy and make my people proud.

    ((I didn't paint the scene with the boat. Only inserted the avians in it.))

    ((Edit: Oh and feel free to comment on this if you'd like. :) ))
    #1 Ricardo, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2015
  2. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    (( I first though the huge Avian in the boat was Skarti and the tiny Herx signified insignificance or something like that. Then I started reading... and bloody hell. It made me think. I like it and would be happy to see more! ))
  3. Optimism

    Optimism Guest

    (( And did you mean we can write our own in-character reflections/comments in response?
  4. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    Thank you! I should have made it clear that the big avian was his pa and the little one was just Herx as a hatchling. I'm glad you liked it! :)

    And I meant you can comment your thoughts on the story I made. If you did your own reflections you should probably just write your own thread so more people will see it!