((A simple notepad that would be found on Red's person. Handwritten, in quite excellent penmanship)) Currently open investigations/projects Whereabouts of Mosstress- No leads, sources indicate she has not been seen for some time. Veil of Luminaria- I've been out of contact with Ivrian for some time, though I've heard no bad news of her doings. No news is good news I suppose, though this is worth looking into. Well being of Kimiko- I'm not sure what compels me, but I've taken an interest in her. I can sense there is something more to her than a hobbled bartender. She said she was a merchant, and crashed. She's working at the Den to acquire the capitol to reacquire another ship. Her manner reminds me a bit of Staress, though I have openly admitted that I'm not sure this is why I feel a connection. Maybe I am ready to move forward again. This is a course worth exploring. She is staying in the ship of a Hylotl woman named Wavemaker. Possibility of romantic interaction unconfirmed. A non-euclidean love fractal- So far, I can wrap Ashlyn-Storm-Sharptooth, John-Sharptooth, Cecily-Sharptooth, and Ape knows what else. The first troubles me for Ash's sake, the second confuses me for obvious reasons, and the last has legitimate concerns. Cecily was after Sharptooth for a position as her "slave", but I may have talked her out of it by convincing her than John would not receive such information well. I'm keeping tabs on this whole arrangement, but hopefully my worries are unfounded. Cold War- After a series of retaliative attacks (see the Familiarity: Holy Fleet of Avos case-notes), The Holy Fleet of Avos has tense relations with the Order on Taranis. Familiarity: Holy Fleet of Avos- I've had reports that they killed two Florans, Angel and Witherbane, in retaliation for the death and subsequent burning of two of their people on Taranis. This ties into the Cold War investigation, but is here for record of known relations. Sir "Prince Franz Ludwig III" has had successful diplomatic meeting with their leaders, and I've offered to assist in future endeavors. NOTE: Section incomplete, turns out I've been busier than I thought Closed/Completed Investigations Familiarity- The Wolves I had a private talk with one Hylotl named Ray. He seemed quite polite, and rather well kept for a representative for mercenaries. Their leader is Vox, who I have yet to encounter. My limited interaction with this group has been enough for me to be comfortable, at least until new problems arise.