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Raybina PrimFeather backstory

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by MamaRay, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. MamaRay

    MamaRay New Member

    Nov 7, 2016
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    Raybina Primfeather

    Born to Lenox and Farla Primfeather. They were incredibly rich but also incredibly supportive of her wants and interests They cared for her, and she never had to work a day in her life, instead choosing extensive ongoing education. She had an all around uninteresting childhood, disciplined and spoiled in equal parts.

    She never stopped being bored, so she just kept learning more and more. She currently has two doctorates, in business and philosophy, and several bachelors degrees in varying other areas. She isn’t a stranger to hard work, but it’s always been of her own volition.

    She’s very interested in those who are well-learned, but can be rather nasty to those who are of lower intelligence. She’ll be looking for a bodyguard to help deal with the repercussions of her attitude. She makes no apologies for that attitude.

    She was in her fifties when her parents died. They left her all of their money, but the factory which made them that money functioned just fine without assistance. Raybina took what her parents held personally, but left the factory to the woman who’d been running it for the last thirty years, and told her the profits from then on were hers.

    Raybina has led an exciting life of romantic and sexual affairs, but never had her own children. She never cared to find out if she could, but since she was never careful about such things as pregnancy prevention, she assumes she cannot.

    Now she is about to turn 60 years old and she wants to pass on her legacy. She’s looking to hire a large staff to work under her to create a commune type of planet where workers can have all of their needs met in one place, working together to have a fully self-contained colony. She doesn’t hide her disdain for worlds where the government is too deep into the business of it’s citizens.

    Raybina went back to school after her parents died, this time pursuing a degree in history. She began to learn about the communes that were beginning to crop up in the middle of the industrial revolution, in early human civilization. She read about all of the failings of these type of communities, studied their weak and strong points, and wants to create one of her own.

    Her feathers are wilted and old, and she walks slowly, but always with a purpose. She is harsh and quick in her words, but non-judgemental to anything other than willful lack of intellect.