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Raven: Video journal

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by solaruin, May 31, 2015.

  1. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    The video log appears black at first, and smoothly adjusts to the low, incandescent light. By the time raven can be seen, she's nearly finished undoing her last bun. Her hair falls, and cascades past her shoulders, out of the cameras view, and she tosses her neon green streamers onto the table. Her voice is low and relaxed.
    "So, my plans have changed a bit, since my last entry. Roland is dead now. Shortly after my last log, he came into my office, pissed off about...I don't know, something. We argued, and he ended up pulling a gun on me, and actually fired! I thought he loved me! I managed to hit his arm just in time, then I hit his neck. I don't think he expected me to be as fast as I was, and i got really lucky. My dad taught me some of the things he picked up in his time with the USCM. I threw Roland below decks and locked him in. Shot him a few days later..."
    She sighs and looks away from the camera, "I feel guilty over it. It makes me feel Tired, just thinking about it. We'd been through a lot together, but I couldn't deal with the beatings anymore."
    She pauses for a moment, then looks back at the camera. A smile forms over her face, "I met some new people though. Rida, Hector, and Marx. Rida's really fun. Her and I shop for cloths together, and we also explored a crash site. Hector is one of the people I met at pine hollow, same with Rida. We've talked and drank together, but I don't actually know much about Hector. He told me he finds me very attractive, but he wont do anything as long as I'm with Reed."
    She gives a giggle at the mention of Reed, "Reed is the one that decided to build Pinehollow. His old home, Katune, was bombed pretty hard. I got to see the ruins. He seemed really sad about it, but who can blame him. I ran into Reed at a clinic. He agreed to help me finish my medical training, and enlisted my help to clear out the mines in pinehollow. This is where we became an item."
    She leans back in her chair, and folds her hands over her stomach. As she talks, she occasionally jestures with her hands, "So we went into these mines...apparently they were full of some kind of dangerous gas. I got exposed to some, because I broke the seal on my suit. It caused hallucinations, but I didn't know. I saw, and felt, Reed start hitting me. He was shy, So I had been flirting with him for my own amusement. I don't know why my mind went there, but he tried to calm me down and I ended up knocking him sideways and passing out. When I woke up, they had removed my suit, so I was laying on a wooden platform in my panties and bra, with them trying to make sure I was okay. The first thing I saw was Reed, and I immediately started freaking out on him. I feel pretty guilty for it, but how could I have known? Rida dragged me off eventually, and explained that it wasn't real. That I imagined it. I felt fucking terrible! She went with me and I told him I was sorry and hugged him. We started crying and...It was really sweat. I think Marx cried too. After we were done crying and freaking out, Marx and Rida went to bed, and me and Reed came here, to my ship. I told him abut my ah...previous boyfriend, and he was more than a little upset. I showed him where he was. He told me he would get rid of the body if I wanted him to."
    She picks up her heavy blaster and shows it to the camera for a moment. "This was his gun. I shot him with it, and Reed got rid of the body. He knows how serious I am now, and I know how much I can trust him. The last thing that Roland did in his life, was make me fall in love with Reed. I've never trusted someone more. After he got rid of the body we ah...well we slept together. I felt safe, for the first time in fuck, what, a year now? I still feel safe, right now, knowing he's around to support me. After seeing what I did to Roland, he seems a little scared of me, but he doesn't realize how much that man tormented me! I told Reed how Roland had stabbed me before. He's seen my scars, even though I tried to hide them. But he can't see the emotional ones."
    Raven rubs at her eyes, trying hard to not cry in front of the camera. "Sorry...It's just, so fucking painful to think about what he did to me. I expected Reed to take what he wanted and leave, and for some reason I was even OK with that, but he was so sweet and considerate. I woke up the next morning and he was still there, sleeping like a rock, holding onto me like he was afraid -I- would be the one to ditch him."
    She giggles at this, even while crying, "I suppose I'll let him be scared for now though. It's useful, in a way. I think it will prevent him from doing anything stupid or reckless. He's the type to get himself into undue trouble, even more with Marx around. Marx tried to get him to go raid some ape village. Luckily this is while I had his ah...undivided attention, so it didn't happen."

    She checks her notes, "lets see, what else...I converted Rolands old bedroom into a pool, Which is really nice. I put some skin care products and soap into the filtration system, so it's really handy for washing up, and reduces a lot of the time I spend on personal upkeep. I did the pool myself, it was pretty easy. My parents sent me some money again, which I used to have the guest room converted into a medbay. I get a lot of visitors, but no one ever spends the night, and Reed shares my bed, so I really don't need a guest room. So far I've used the medbay once, for a man who had broken his Arm. It gave me a chance to put my new equipment to the test. The stuff was installed by the techs, but I setup all the digital components. I was very pleased to see them work so well. So ah, thank you mom. The man invited me to his home for some tea. We chatted in his weird cave home, and off I went! He was fun to talk to, but i got a lot of creepy vibes from him. Probably nothing..."
    "Finally, I was involved in a shootout. One of my newer friends, Xei, was getting himself beat up pretty nicely. Some random, high and mighty religious Avian started shooting up the place, specifically my friend Hector, who was trying to protect the fighters. Hector got clipped in the leg, but ended up smokin' the Avian. It was really impressive actually. I treated everyone's wounds. Hector went to jail, for some stupid reason, and the Avian's brother had a hylotl come in to double check his wounds."
    She gets a look of irritation on her face, "so, THIS person, the hylotl, decided to roll up, make fun of my work even though I saved the assholes life even AFTER he shot my friend, and all she does is redo my stitching and pretend like she had fucking healed him with the power of god. I don't even remember her name, but I don't like her. I even offered to help, which now I realize was pointless, and she just ignored me! The Avian's brother was rolling around on the ground sobbing, begging the Hylotl to 'heal his brother', so when the Hylotl said he healed his brother, the Avian's brother ate it up and showered him with praise. disgusting. But whatever, I'm going to bill the assholes next time I see them. I have been exclusively taking donations up to this point, but screw those people. Hector will get nothing but affection and support from me, but that Avian gets a fucking BILL!!"
    She slaps the keyboard, the recording ends.
  2. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    The lighting is dim, even more so than last time, with only her computer screen providing illumination. When the camera finally focuses, Raven can be seen shirtless, though the camera's angle doesn't show much. Her hair is already let down, and she looks like she's been run into the ground. She isn't on her ship; behind her a pair of boxes can be seen with cloths and other random belongings loosely packed in them or hanging out over the side. Reed is sleeping on a bed in the middle of her mess.
    "This fucking week...where to even begin."
    she sighs and rubs her face, "From the beginning I suppose...well, Hector got let out of prison, so I invited him up to my ship. I told him how I felt about selling drugs to my friends...showed him my hand cannon. I still need to replace the table I melted. At some point, Max showed up and...Oh! I didn't mention Max before, I guess I should go back further."
    she mutters something about keeping better notes, and takes a drink from a bottle of water she has.
    "Right, so Reed invited a bunch of people along to check out the last bits of the pine hollow mines. Max was one of those people. At first I really didn't like him. He spent the entire time bitching about how much he didn't want to be there. I guess another of Reeds friends, V, forced him and Reed to hug it out, so after we got attacked by an army of clawed mole things he asked to talk to us. Naturally, we went up to my ship. I passed out some food and drink, and we were invited to live and work in Max's new town. We went to check it out, and since my parents cut me off, I decided it would probably be a good idea to find real work. So I'm employed at their clinic now, which I've done all of zero work at."
    she looks back at Reed as he rolls over...
    "So yea, Max very quickly became rather protective of me. He enjoys my company I suppose, especially after a couple of tender nights...which leads me back to what happened on my ship. Like i said, me and Hector were hanging out there, and Max shows up. Sooo apparently Max REALLY doesn't like Hector, and tried to pick a fight with him. It was all I could do to shoo Hector off the ship and hold onto Max to keep him from trying to punch him out."
    she leans back in the chair, "Fucking men, they make this all so much more difficult than it has to be. They decide they don't like someone and it becomes a fight any time they're around each other.

    Raven looks away from the camera as she speaks, "So me and Reed had a talk, and agreed that it was time to make our relationship an exclusive one, so i wont be seeing other people anymore. This caused much more conflict than I anticipated. Max doesn't seem to be able to grasp why we want this, and well..."
    she give a long sigh and looks back at the camera, "Well, after a few days of people pressuring me for sex, I had a bit of a breakdown. I broke up with Reed and he had no idea what was going on and freaked out himself. Max basically shutdown because I immediately went to my room and started packing my things. I was going to just leave them all. The exact details of what caused this are...really complex, but for now lets just say I was causing a lot of people a lot of grief. I didn't feel like Reed could trust me, so I was going to remove myself to solve the issue."
    "Max had an emotional breakdown, Reed nearly killed himself with drugs, and by this time I hadn't even finished packing my bags. Max...made me a promise that he had better fucking keep, in order to prevent me from leaving. I agreed to it and twisted Max's arm till he would tell me where Reed was. We all wanted closure, So he led me to nuira's place. She's a floran, who I really have no strong feelings about either way. She took care of Reed while he was coming down off whatever shit he put in his body. we went inside, and me and Reed kissed and made up. Max is still really unhappy with me about all this, but he's going to have to get over it."
    she slowly shakes her head, "One of these days my journals are going to not be about who I am or am not sleeping with...hopefully next week will be a little different. I guess V found out that one of her friends were dead and got herself hurt pretty badly. That spawned quite a shit storm, which is part of the reason Max freaked out so badly. The two of them are together, and he's really afraid that he's about to lose everyone. I honestly wish there was more I could do for him, but he seems to think that the only way to feel better is to take out his frustrations by sleeping with me, and telling him no only added to that. He's going to have to figure something out."
    She taps her screen, and the log ends.
  3. solaruin

    solaruin New Member

    May 22, 2015
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    The camera snaps into focus, centered on Raven's face. She's wearing just a light green bra above her waist, but she's lazily slumped in her chair to the point that nothing is really shown. She's Idly tugging on one of her long green streamers, eyes off someplace else. The incandescent lighting from her previous videos is there, but everything else about the room is different. It looks like an actual planet side room, instead of a ship. Her eyes cut back to the screen passively, and she notices it's finally come on.
    "So, obviously I haven't been keeping up with these, due to the fact that I was literally incapable. Between being loaded up on amphetamines without my consent and getting locked in any of several dungeons, all for my 'protection', I've been JUST A LITTLE fuckin' out of pocket. I wont even bother going into that.anyone watching these would be someone close to me, and trust me, you don't want to know what happened to me. After all that mess I went home for three weeks or so to recover and cry a lot about Reed, so again, I was away from my ship."
    She finally tugs the streamer out, letting her hair freefall well out of the camera's view, and tosses the neon green fabric onto the table.
    "So I guess Reed is dead...not really much guesswork needed, he used the wrong door and got blasted out of an airlock. How do you even do that? It nearly killed me too, but my ship locked me down. I had to hack into my ship computer from my own servers, and get the thing to repressurize. Doing so broke my nav computer, but the servers dealt with all that just fine. The ship kinda just...fell apart after that. Turns out the big tentacle monster put a little tentacle monster in my reactor. I had a nice Floran named Metal-breaker on the ship with me for totally not sexual reasons, not sarcasm I know what you people think of me. He was helping me fix my ship, and we almost crashed the thing into the planets surface. He toughed out some major burns to get fuel to the thrusters again, and we were saved for all of 30 seconds. The monster started smashing things, lots of leaks, Olympus security came and bailed us out then blew my ship to hell..."

    "So, Reed is dead, my ship is gone, my legs are burned but pain pills are soo nice. I'm really glad most the burns were away from joints. but yea, I've gone from 'happily talking about marriage with the man I love' to 'I have nearly nothing' in the span of a month...it sucks. A lot. Thankfully I have good friends to help me out. Cullen is my new boss, and he seems a cool guy to hang out with. Cybele makes an occasional appearance to insult me and use my bath, but I love her to death as usual. I'm glad she came out again. Max is still bumping around somehow, and I've thought about having Cybele shoot him, but I haven't decided how I really feel about him. On one hand, he did awful things to me. On the other, he very clearly does care about me. It's strange. I probably shouldn't be spending so much time with him, considering how hung up on this Sarah girl he is, but the fucker had noooo idea what he wants to do about her. Seems romance is well out of his skill set. I had to sit him down and verbally tear him apart to show him what he's supposed to be doing. I think he has a better way forward now though, so maybe he'll make some happiness for himself.
    And then, there is Ziggy. He was a really good friend to Reed, and...well I can see why. He's unusually considerate of personal space, which means I have to invade his as much as possible, but more importantly he doesn't treat me like others. See, to most people, I'm either a toy slash doll, or an associate, or a medical provider. I think Ziggy is my friend. Don't get me wrong, I've had good friends before in the past, but NONE of them from here. I really like him, and I think I would like to be a great friend to Ziggy. I can only hope I don't do something stupid and hurt him somehow. I think I would be crushed."

    She rubs at her neck for a moment, complaining about some soreness there. Those paying attention would have spotted a faint pair of lines, forming two sides of a triangle on the side of her neck.

    "Anyway, I need to sleep. I have a small apartment on Olympus, and I'm thinking about opening a clothing shop up as soon as I can get ahold of Cullen again. I need a little capitol to get the fabric. I've repaired enough uniforms that I should be able to manage some design, and dying cloths is cake. Yea, I think that about covers it..."

    she reaches forward and taps the screen, directly under the camera, the recording stops.