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Not Approved Rat man

Discussion in 'Character Questions' started by Clem, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Since there is not really template to follow I'll keep it short and simple.

    Apex are known for their haphazard love for experimentation on things. Genetic modification is an example of this. So, what about an Apex labaratory in the frontier of Council Space was set up to do a few ethic and moral questionable genetic engineering projects where on one of the projects it went wrong and sparked the arrival of a new species of rat man. This ofcourse had some defect to it due to the project still being underway.

    Limited diplomatic and social skills to the other species, much like a tribal Floran trying to do some meeting with an envoy of the Hylotl or something in that direction. Where the Hylotl would be somewhat superior in negotiating and the Floran at a disadvantage.

    The whole thing got swept under the rug atleast, the part of the labaratory and the experiments so no known records are found of it. Only adventurers and explorers meeting these rat man on desolate or abandoned city worlds which were shining jewels at one point or another. Making a living there for themselves.

    Short list of pros and cons, I feel like it will come up.

    Apex mutated into rat men, also digigrade legs for added agility.

    Limited speech capabilities, a struggle to overcome when not understood.
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    To begin, we will certainly not approve multiple of these 'rat-men' and/or have them be a race that's accepted to exist around the universe. We simply don't allow custom races to be added in numbers, special characters are meant to be single exceptions and not applications to make an entire race canon in the setting.

    However, we can talk about just having your one rat-lad. From what I see, this character doesn't really offer any new character or story opportunities to you besides being able to say you're a 'rat-man'. You'd continue to play the character as you do currently, just with a new physical appearance. I don't feel like it would add much to the character as a whole.
  3. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I'd be fine with a single rat man, wrote this up early in the morning so my spelling isn't always 100% spot on at that time for little potholes to trip over. Ofcourse it'll replace the Apex pretending to be a rat man into an actual rat, but as you've previously saw the lengthy statement Khaltor made I did not feel too encourage to make it back then. But I made this request here and now because sod it all, eh?
  4. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Well yes, i'm asking a few questions about what you're planning to do with a proper rat person. Because like I said earlier, I don't believe making them an actual rat will really affect your roleplay much from what it already is.
  5. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    To me it'll feel making Skeek more complete, rather than a weird Apex in a suit it'll be a real shocker when he takes his helmet off. Or people see him without his helmet on. But on the fringe of council space, weird things are the norm since the boundaries are faded between the explored and unexplored.

    It'd also make Skeek more neutral than he currently is, allowing me to freely interact with groups of people in conflict if that would ever occur on a active scale. Perhaps even make Skeek overall more accepted in the frontier too. When social contacts get rolling I aim to get Skeek either get hired as an engineer for something or make my own freelance engineer ad should the former not succeed. Or something else entirely, depending on what the future will hold.
  6. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I don't personally see how turning him to a rat will change much of anything other than his race, really. I simply feel that the traits you're asking for are already achievable with the races we already have, like how you're already playing him as an apex, and that whatever being a rat really does for him is rather negligible.
  7. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    I now go through all the hoops to make Skeek a rat man as my intentional character idea was and now on when it comes to it you are essentially saying no? Because before I was made too discouraged to pull through with this?
    #7 Clem, Feb 21, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2017
  8. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    What Haplap is essentially saying is you haven't put much thought to this idea at all. At this point it would simply be 'being a rat man for the sake of being a rat man'. You haven't really asked yourself the question of "Could this character be a Apex instead?".

    To answer the whole 'shock' thing that can be honestly done with any dis-figuration. And as pointed out before, it has been proven that they play well as an Apex currently.
    And as for the other point - we did say to not be afraid to make a character application and maybe it would be approved. But right now, I personally don't see much that is approval-able here. There is just little reason to it all.

    There needs to be more thought in the idea, otherwise it really is just a cosmetic appearance.
  9. Clem

    Clem Lore Writer

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Right, after giving it plenty of thought. Here is my renewed vision of Skeek. Take your time to read it.

    While I personally feel that it goes without saying, the differences between an Apex, who is wearing a rat suit, because of some mental illness or delusion and an Apex who, through a series of unfortunate events, became an abomination through the physical and mental changes that were a result of some freak accident and the circumstances which were the cause of the accident as well as the mutative process itself, are readily apparent, I will elaborate some more, as was requested.

    Before this character became a Rat man, back when “Skeek” was still just a regular Apex, he was just another nameless technician, who was assigned to maintain a research facility, whose construction was rather rushed, which led to poor working circumstances as it was always near the verge of collapse. Through the efforts of our character and his team, the researchers were able to work without worrying about getting exposed to the radioactive substances that were modified to mutate Apex specimens in specific ways. The maintenance team however, was not that fortunate.

    As a result of long-term exposure, “Skeek” and his team suffered minor physical deformities and were beginning to be affected mentally as well. After submitting their complaints about these working conditions, they were forced to continue their assignment regardless.

    At one point in time, due to the extent of the effects on our technicians physical and mental health, an accident occurred during maintenance on an important junction point in the electrical wiring of the containment module after one of many failed experiments.

    This accident exposed “Skeek” to a large dose of radiation, which vastly accelerated the ongoing mutative process. The transformation was an excruciatingly painful process for our technician, as the climax of these changes altered his physical constitution to be more similar to that of a rodent, rather than that of an Apex. As his physical appearance became that of a Rat man, “Skeek” realized his cognitive functions were also affected.

    “Skeek” was now changed beyond recognition, and due to the fact that his front teeth were ever growing, he now also had the craving to chew on something in order to stop them from puncturing his own jaw, his limbs had also significantly changed, as he lost a lot of muscle mass in his arms and his legs became digitigrade, which made him more agile but weaker physically overall, his fur became more pronounced, which led to a general increase in body temperature, which was regulated by his new tail, which also aided in maintaining his balance as with his newly acquired hunchback. Along with the changes to his teeth, “Skeek’s” jaw alignment was altered as well, which provided him with a significantly stronger bite, but also resulted in a very unsettling speech impediment.

    These things concluded as they usually would, after the team of technicians was silenced the whole affair was swept under the rug, but “Skeek” managed to escape the facility. After having lived in solitude for an undeterminable amount of time, obsessing over the changes that had befallen him and those that were responsible for them, “Skeek” had acquired what could only be described as paranoia, social anxiety, general misanthropy and a general distrust of those similar to the ones who had put him through all of these miserable changes: immoral Apex scientists, vowing to thwart them wherever he could.

    However, in the meanwhile, “Skeek” would gladly settle for returning from his self-imposed exile, to work as an engineer or technician in the Fringe, even if that would put him in direct opposition of those that would judge him as a freak as well as his own inner demons, in order to gather resources to execute his revenge on those that wronged him.
  10. Smokestack

    Smokestack Bird man with a bird plan

    Aug 14, 2014
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    We're going to have to deny this application for the time being. The Rat Man in its current state has undergone too many reworks that the issue is that it is a concept that seems forced. A suggestion that can be made is that the Rat Man should be scrapped and be remade again with a different backstory. The issue is that staff is not here to make the character for you. However, you will have a chance to file a newer application at a later date.

    The issue with the Rat Man is that radiation does not work in such a manner. We have denied an application before where a character had a third arm just from radiation. The problem is that radiation does not work as intended and would not grant the following, as you have said, in such a coincidental manner as to make a Rat Man: Rodent constitution, overgrown front teeth, oral craving, digitigrade legs, rodent tail, hunchback, change in jaw alignment, strong bite, and a speech impediment. Some are blatantly not caused by radiation.

    We're not trying to discourage the general idea. But this specific rendition of the idea is denied. Should you want to apply with a much better suited and explained backstory, please think back to the lore of an Apex. Take the time to really work on the idea and then apply again at your leisure. Applying again so close after denial would not be wise though.