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Raoul's Audio Logs

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by LaserLlamas, May 23, 2014.

  1. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    (( A reminder to all - You don't know any of this IC, you only know this OOC. Unless you manage to obtain Raoul's body in one piece, you shall never know any of this <3 ))

    -As the log begins, some music is accompanied to it in the background-

    Observation: Seeing as I'm old as shit and I'm as rusty as Tetanus Fields, I've decided I may as well begin a personal audio log of some sort. Amusement: May as well for once in the past four hundred years. Interesting that I was created with the capability of doing so but I never even used it. Statement: Well, let us begin.

    Statement: As of yesterday, the first public showing of The Matter Melter has been shown to the Wolves. Five dummy targets were destroyed in the blink of an eye, along with a small crater into the watch tower. Reminder: I need to fix that later.

    Observation: As I had anticipated, upon firing the weapon, the EPT drained my body dry of its energy, causing me to collapse before Artificial Nurse Interface wired me back into my room to allow me to recharge. Grateful: And she picked up the cannon from the courtyard while the rest of the fools just let is sit there, covered in snow.

    Amusement: I already knew this would happen, considering the early prototype of this weapon drained me to the point of nearly powering off. I was lucky to be near my room at the time.

    Observation: I have also taken down the poster of Asami from my room and the Sister Fister. They are both in the memento closet with my former knight attire and the rest of the junk. Amusement: I finally figured out Red isn't a clone of her, so I'm able to let that Ghost slip past me.

    Statement: I will now begin construction of both the Garage and the Clinic. Going to be a busy day.

    Observation: Psy has also found a subject for Artificial Nurse Interface and Unix, as well. This will prove most useful.

    -The audio log ends abruptly, the music ending as well-
  2. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    -The log begins again, more music accompanying it-

    -Raoul emits a long heavy sigh as the sounds of him leaning back in a chair are heard-

    Annoyance: God damn Birds... Observation: Upon visiting the Mills today, Red was being interrogated by some of the Cult of Bird Jesus, claiming she was on the bounty board. Told her to leave and not come back.

    Amusement: I already know who the bastard is that put her up there. The man attacked her himself, and after failing to even kill her he decided to be a vapid cunt and put a bounty on her. -He emits a beeping laugh through the recording-

    Observation: Following this logic, I should put a bounty on an innocent bystander, take a picture of them, and upload it to the bounty board, requesting this man be put on for looking stupid. I'm sure the bounty office will put this up there anyways.

    Statement: In other news, we have received the package from Red. Upon trying to deliver it, she and Malkov nearly crashed the ship into the Den because they tripped on some damn wires, causing the engines to blow a fuse. Malkov manually went into the engine to fix this damage, and was knocked unconscious. Observation: He sustained major burns to his torso and legs, along with a nasty gash on his head. Luckily I was able to fix him up.

    Amusement: He probably has cancer, or at least a little radiation sickness.

    Statement: I had little time because of this ship crash to finish Artificial Nurse Interface's Clinic, luckily it was to her liking and she was able to furnish it without assistance. Load off my back.

    Observation: I am now in the process of fixing Red's ship, and will have to begin on the package shortly after. Busy busy busy.

    Statement: In the meantime, I am in the process of deciding whether or no to turn away any Holy Fleet members who arrive at the Tavern. I assume at this point in time their only purpose of existence is to arrest or kill heretics, so their only purpose for being at the Tavern will to be stir shit up. This will not be allowed in the slightest when a dozen firearms are aimed at the bird brains.

    -The audio log ends, along with the music-
  3. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    -Transmission begin-

    Annoyance: Last night after the Wolves' meeting the Holy Fleet decided to visit the Tavern. After a rather rude encounter, I had to aim the Gauss Cannon at them to force them to leave. Observation: They're lucky they are dust in the wind.

    Statement: Any Holy Fleet members who arrive here will now be turned away. If they refuse, force is authorized. Annoyance: I will not let Cultists waltz into our home and mock it and its owners.

    Observation: Because of recent events and the amount of work I still have to be done my body is stressed beyond belief. Due to the recent events at the Clinic regarding the other parts of my brain being implemented new emotions are arising. Two of which I fear to come are "love" and "sorrow", for they will no doubt interfere with my work and psyche.

    Annoyance: The problem of Mars foolishly destroying the gate and sending a random bystander in with a gun to check on us has also been resolved.

    Statement: I have installed extra security measures into the Clinic and am beginning to work on more weaponry. Due to a trade with a former member of the USCM, I have acquired two of their handguns. I have already created 3D schematics of said handguns and am beginning to implement my EPT into them. Observation: They will be far superior then they were before.

    Annoyance: As well with this, I am unsure if Artificial Nurse Interface is beginning to develop feelings for me. If this is the case then it will surely spread to myself and my fears will begin. Observation: And I don't even fear being tortured, so that's something.

    Annoyance: I can only hope I am not correct.

    -Transmission end-
  4. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    -Audio log begin-

    Statement: I have been unable to continue my log due to the issue regarding my body's energy, however since the last one it has improved significantly.

    Statement: The issue of Altan attacking Artificial Nurse Interface has been resolved, luckily, along with a little "cat-fight" between her and SharpTooth. Amusement: I had to separate them before Artificial Nurse Interface melted the Floran's head off. -He emits a chuckling beep-

    Observation: I have told Artificial Nurse Interface of my fears, as well. Surprise: Didn't expect it to go how it did. She seemed fine with how I felt so it's gotten much more comfortable. Amusement: She's also managed to awake the old side of me before I started feeling like an old piece of shit. Observation: Now I'm just a piece of shit again. Amusement: Dragged a man out of the Tavern who was being a nuisance. Enjoyed the sound of his head thumping on each step of the stairs as I dragged him. Placed him in the wagon out front and Artificial Nurse Interface broke the wheel, sending him and the wagon down the stairs. Observation: Was an enjoyable experience.

    Annoyance: I still require time to fine tune these Wolves, as some in specific such as /Raylorn/ have become a bit annoying. He disregarded my order to not seek revenge and had the balls to ask for a Wolf over the intergalactic radio. Salty: We have an encrypted radio for a reason, fucking fool.

    Annoyance: I sent Lance and Psy to pick the boy up and bring him to my room where I tortured him with The Electric Chair for a solid 30 seconds, until my body's energy gave out and I was at 0%. Amusement: I think the point got across, however.

    Statement: And now the arena in the West wing of the Keep is finished as well. Joy: Can't wait to beat the shit out of the Pups as my excuse of "training." It'll help them, but it's going to help me the most, relieving much of my stress by punching them in the face. -He emits another chuckling beep-

    Grateful: Artificial Nurse Interface has begun recovering from being decapitated and was at 75% functionality when I had last checked, for this I am glad. Statement: My curiosity in her is peeking again, even with us being closer. Curious: To where this will go, I am not sure, however she seems very comfortable with our current relationship. Amusement: And yet I'm still a burden when I talk of fighting. I'm unsure if that's because of her directives or if how she feels. I'll figure it out later.

    Statement: I have already begun constructing rewards for the arena tournaments, once such reward is the EPT Muramasa, a similar design to my Head Hunter, however it cannot emit a magnetic field due to a large output of energy being needed. IE my own body as a prime example. Observation: However the EPT Muramasa is capable of shocking and stunning its targets, luckily, but requires a strong source of energy if it is to do this. That, or one would use it as a normal blade. It is effective in both fields.

    Statement: I require rest, now. Amusement: Goodbye myself.

    -Audio ends-
  5. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    -Audio log begins-

    Thinking: Debating whether or not I should mention I have blown my arms off.

    Observation: I decided to conduct a test later in the evening with EPT and explosives to create a grenade launcher of some kind. In the process of the EPT coil accelerating the package, the shock-wave must have set it off, causing it and the weapon in my hands to blow up. Annoyance: I am lucky it was in such a condensed form, as the gun took most of the blow. However I have now shocking stumps to whack people with.

    Statement: I will have to modify my original coil design to work with projectiles to send more of a pulse than a wave with the package. It will require a sensor so that it will only activate the moment the package passes to accelerate it.

    Annoyance: However I must get my arms back, which were completely blown apart. I must ask one of the Wolves to fix me up, but I feel as though Artificial Nurse Interface will be the only one who will be capable to because of Mars becoming a sissy girl.

    Amusement: While that's on my mind, it would appear Mars either was shot from space or came crashing through his roof. Observation: His room was quite literally a bloody mess, it was all over the walls and floors, when I had found him he was barely clinging to life. I fixed up his head by putting a metal plate in it and filling it with foam. Amusement: The poor boy forgot who he was, sort of. He reverted to a version of himself seven years ago, before the Earth was destroyed. -He emits a beeping laugh- Observation: When I had mentioned Earth being destroyed by a tentacle monster he assumed I was referring to adult films the Japanese had. Amusement: I'm not sure if he believes me or not yet. However it is fun to toy with him, at least until he remembers who we are.

    Observation: I have finished a cybernetic tracking chip as well that connects to cybernetics and robotics. I plan to create one for organic bodies, however I will need to have it be powered by one's body heat when I do so. Annoyance: Microscopic devices such as these, however, take time, even when putting it through the printer.

    Annoyance: Well, back to trying to figure out how to press buttons on my console.

    -Audio ends-
  6. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    -Audio begins. Raoul's voice however is choppy and weak-

    An-Annoyance: Decided to v-visit that new-new USCM col-colony -static- Union yes-yesterday. That ass-asshole Scheff-Scheffler decided to shoo-shoot me for going through a-a door they f-f*cking le-left open. Bitter: L-Learn how to s-s-shut a door ins-instead of just break-breaking them do-down idiots.

    Obs-Observation: B-Because I am in sh-shitty condition I-I am adding my a-audio and visu-visual feed to t-this log from my tim-time at Union.

    -Raoul's audio/visual feed begins, the visual even appearing this log-
    > He walks through the open door of the Visa office, completely ignoring everything in there before he goes around, wandering Union, making mindless comments to himself.

    > He then runs into Joshua, Solour, and Marlowe, who begin questioning him about why he has weapons, explaining he walked in through the open door. Raoul begins saying how they should have closed the doors, but he has done nothing wrong.

    > Upon Joshua asking for his Visa, he pulls it out from his coat pocket. One optic would focus on it, showing a legit visa with Ro's face on it

    > Joshua would then try snatched it but miss as he Ro pulls it back, beginning to question him more as to why he was acting like this and forcing him to hand over his Visa. Joshua then proceeds to aim his gun at him and shoot him a few times in the chest.

    > Raoul's vision would go to the floor as he holds onto his knees, laughing. Joshua then fires several more rounds into his torso.

    > He walks up to Joshua and puts the barrel to his head, commenting on his rudeness. He then turns around and holds the Visa up to his vision, flicking his hands and setting it on fire.

    > He proceeds to walk out back the way he came, through the still open door. As he reaches the pad, he looks behind to see Joshua begin firing at him again, Raoul's rocket boots launching him onto the ledge.

    > Raoul eventually goes down to the pad and pulls the lever, closing the door and jamming the sword in, frying the circuits within. He then questions Oregon if he's going to try to kill him as well.

    > The door opens and Joshua aims his gun at Raoul, who leaps into the crater to the left of the pad, sitting in one of the many holes.

    > Eventually after talking to Autumn, Raoul goes back up and turns himself in because he will follow this home's request. Autumn asked nicely. He drops all of his weapons as instructed and recommends cutting off his arms unless they want to get tazered. He specifically digs the Head Hunter into the flooring and orders them not to touch it.

    > Raoul then goes into the scanner which does not pick up anymore weapons. Joshua goes behind him and rips off both of Raoul's arms. Raoul then has to belly flop down both ladders until he reaches his cell. He first sits on the toilet and plays poop.sfx out of spite.

    > Eventually one of the electrical sparks from his battery that has giant plucking holes in it hits the curtain setting it on fire. Raoul and the sprinkler both beat the flame out.

    > Raoul's optics suddenly go dark as he hits the flooring, obviously powering off.
    -The file would end-

    Continuing: An-Anyways... I-I need to speak to Luna ab-about visiting Onyx and hi-his organization. Obser-Observation: It would be good for-for her and Onyx's organization to ex-exchange rese-research. Anno-Annoyance: I canno-cannot leave due to ob-obvious rea-reasons.

    Statement: F*c-F*ck this, I'm out.

    -Audio log ends-
  7. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    -Audio begins. Raoul's voice is now a soft feminine voice-

    Thinking: Been awhile since I've made one of these. Bitter: A lot to talk about now... Resuming: Well I'll just go in order from my last entry.

    Statement: I was given a new battery by Cath and it worked wonderfully, made me feel young again.

    Observation: Two Glitch in specific have been causing trouble at the Den. Reassuring: Both now dead, thanks to us. Statement: I have helped killed the first, Astaroth, three times, before his fourth resulted in his final death or disappearance. Observation: The second one, Darkseid, tortured Vivian for information on my battery. He then used that information to overload it and cause me to receive a burst of energy, which when it ran out five minutes later, caused me to crash and burn before I was beheaded.

    Observation: I was then a head in a jar for a little while, until Onyx brought me to Cath's lab once more where Artificial Nurse Interface nearly wounded Cath and Maelstrom because she was being overprotective of me once more. Amusement: Onyx decided to punish me for my recklessness as well, so the voice you hear now is my new one that he has given me, along with a female body. Reluctant: I am keeping both, but modifying the voice to be a feminine version of my old one. Observation: I have run statistics between this body and my old one, and this one is far superior. Blunt: I don't care if I sound like a woman now, if any of the Wolves wish to laugh it gives me all the more reason to shove my boot into their ass.

    Annoyance: I still have to coax Artificial Nurse Interface down so that she will not try to kill Onyx for what he did. Cath and I must figure out a time to re-implement my old modifications to this new body. Observation: He wishes to see a schematic of my EPT after I demonstrated it to him, however I will be setting base guidelines with him if he is to take it. A self-destruct system is already implemented if he plans to give this technology to anyone outside of the Wolves and his organization. This system will destroy the EPT coil within if an unidentified ID decides to wield the weapon and activate the EPT.

    Annoyance: And with this new body, Psy has already begun flirting with me and I have reluctantly decided to take her up on a date. Realiztion: Oh! Psy is a woman now too after losing a bet with me. -She emits a series of laughing giggles- Resuming: But I'm only doing this date to make her stop bugging me.

    Blunt: Sal is also bothering me now that he's taken an interest in my new body. Observation: He has already attempted to seduce me and get me to have sex with him, however I do not understand the value of it as I have nothing to gain by doing so. It will not aid me in any way possible. Amusement: It's interesting to see him frantically try to bang me, though.

    Thinking: Guess that's about it. Amusement: Going to start going down my list of people to beat the shit out of today... Going to be fun...

    -Audio ends-
  8. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    -Audio file begins. Raoul's voice is like his old one, though it's a female voice-

    Confusion: Shit this thing still exsists?

    Annoyance: Forgot about this thing...

    Blunt: Well a lot of shit has kept me busy, so I'll try to begin from where I left off.

    Informative: I kept the female body and requested a voice like my old one, only in the feminine variety. Cath was able to implement my old tech into this body so that's good. Amusement: He also didn't mention that he put a chip in my head to turn me into a slave so that was kind of adorable when it became activated. Even got me a nice collar to boot. Thinking: But even in my state like that I could still think freely when I was not assisting him in his lab. His actions seemed... How to put this... Scared, hesitant, confused. Observation: There were many times where he simply praised me as his creation, and all together seemed to be holding back his emotions around others, but showing how much he needed the company when I was around.

    Annoyance: Eventually Sal got paranoid up the ass about the collar and choked Cath before he deactivated both the chip and collar. Statement: Cath was surprised to see that I was still obedient, yet my old self at the same time. After talking a bit he understood why. Amusement: We're both sadistic bastards who enjoy seeing people in pain, torturing people, things like that. Recalling: We spent at least three hours talking about that alone, until he explained more about his past with the Miniknog and I explained the important parts of my own. Blunt: Eventually decided fuck it. I cannot become attracted to someone's body, but our personalities were in line with one another. Pulled him in for a kiss and then left. Amusement: So yes we are together now.

    -The song ends and a new one takes its place-

    Bitter: On a slightly less happy note, Malkov, Magnus, and Tyrian are dead. Informative: I found Malkov captured by pirates, or slavers, both are bitches. In my rage I slaughtered his captors before asking what they had done and took Malkov's body back to the Den. Observation: He was stabbed many times and his armor had been melted into his skin, fused with it. Bitter: He didn't die quick, this I do not doubt... Observation: His funeral was beautiful. Many people I had not met personally attended. Frankie, a new found friend of ours. Fleeters who aren't jackasses. The Lightbringers. And a few other random people.

    Anger: Magnus and I were quite literally shot in the back in Liberty Mills by Cole and two lackies, one of which is named Thresh. I will get back to him. Annoyance: They were after me and me alone, they tazed me with a coil to hinder me while Magnus threw his body in-front of me to protect me. He was mutilated by a shotgun and assault rifle, I could tell before they knocked me out a side of his face was missing and a chunk of his right side was as well. Anger: Cole then began to interrogate me aboard his ship using months old information when Mars will still being a double agent. He asked me things I wouldn't know. And all he got out of me was that I was looking for an old sword, Wolf Tooth. Anger: I was dropped on a random planet and my Pack came to save me. Sal was balling his eyes out per-usual. And then he had the fucking nerve to carry me in my arms through the hall, so that our patrons could see me in this state, and then into the meeting room in-front of the entire Pack. Bitter: I felt so fucking weak. Tyrian found out about his twin brother's death, and not even five minutes later he had shot himself...

    Bitter: I can only blame myself for their deaths. Observation: If I had not let Malkov leave he would have lived. If I had not brought Magnus to the Mills he and Tyrian would both be alive... Anger: Why do people want /me/? Observation: I am still an old man in this body, a bitter and cranky one at that. Annoyance: If they just want a fight all they must do is ask...

    Annoyance: I broke with Sal as well since he babies me and treats me as though I cannot take care of myself. Observation: He tried to kill himself in-front of me which only pissed me off more. Blunt: He's alive though. Recalling: Cath wasn't surprised, and was even angry himself that he tried to do this. He said how he was correct when he called Sal "hopelessly infatuated". Observation: He spoke to Sal a few days later and set him straight. Sal isn't suicidal anymore and no longer goes after me, so that is all fine and dandy.

    Resuming: Back to Cole and his lackies, the one named Thresh... One of our Wolves captured him. I made his pain quick. Joking: Not really. Recalling: Grabbed his face and smoldered it, shot needles into his eyes, then smothered his body in flames before I took a bite out of his neck and watched him bleed to death seconds later. Amusement: Cath had to help me get chunks of meat out of my teeth. Informative: One down, two to go. Annoyance: Cole fled sector to no surprise with half the sector on his ass for what he did. Blunt: Surprised anyone other than the Wolves would give a shit about this. Addendum: Well, actually Fleet are doing it save their on asses since it happened in a place of their jurisdiction and they failed to stop it at all. Observation: Armada is doing it to get buddy buddy with us more about the contract work we're doing regarding HKC and USCM.

    Bitter: Other than that, the past two weeks have been stressful and exhausting. Observation: The only time I can truly relax and have time to myself is when I visit Cath aboard his ship or at the lab, but even then I collapse from exhaustion and am not able to do much. Bitter: Just the other day I ordered my bottle of Battery Acid around 11 PM. I caught up in so much shit I was unable to drink it until 4 AM. Informative: This is a regular night for me. Anger: I cannot fathom how organic beings can be so retarded... One was so disappointed that Cecily and Sharp were together that his solution to the problem was "I am going to kill Sharp!" Observation: He fucked it up and got shot in the leg about eight times by our bartender Kimiko. Annoyance: Then he held a Buster Cannon to Cecily's head, before I barely managed to save her and get myself shot in the chest TWICE. Anger: Why the fuck do I have to solve other people's problems!? Blunt: The worst thing someone can do around me is pop my top, because I will not stop until they're in pieces or balling their eyes out, hoping death is not coming for them next.

    Bitter: I am still debating if I should take a break of some kind, or leave all together... I was made for this work, but not made to deal with inbred fools who pick a fight over a whore. Annoyance: I suppose time will tell.

    -Audio log ends-
  9. LaserLlamas

    LaserLlamas Mother of the Pack

    Mar 28, 2014
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    -Audio log begins. No music plays for once-

    Thinking: It's been an interesting turn of events for the past month... Where to start...

    -Her voice jumbles and distorts a moment- Annoyance: Pardon that. What with Cath's new experiments, it's hard to mask the other voices. Reassuring: I'll get to that.

    Amusement: I like how the moment I retire to my Forge, within a week Nox and Mars are dead, and the Wolves disbanded. Pondering: Whether or not it's because I wasn't there, I don't know. Maybe I would have just joined them if I was there.

    Annoyance: When I went to retrieve my Mech from the garage, the former Wolves caught me halfway when I dug Malkov out of his grave. When they tried to take it, I merely flung it into a ditch and broke it so they can fix it themselves. Joking: Good luck shit heads. Resuming: Malkov is now buried somewhere safer. I will not disclose this information in case I perish.

    Continuing: Now, these experiments. Thinking: Sensitive information, but chances are -her voice jumbles- won't matter if someone kills me. Amusement: Much like how I uploaded my algorithm into Onyx's server, Cath managed to make different "Skins" if you would for my body. Recalling: Currently there's just a Avian and Floran one. Explaining: Essentially it's just synthetic flesh with feathers on it covering the metal frame of my body, it's like wearing a body suit. Only the bodysuit has blood flowing through it to simulate a real Avian. Annoyance: It was almost blown what I was when I attempted to retrieve the Mech, my shoulder was shot and the blood trickled down it. Luckily no one saw.

    Informing: The use of these two "skins", if you would, is to apply a different personality and image in order to take care of tasks I normally would be unable too. Granted, if my arm cut off and someone saw the metal frame under the flesh and feathers, it would be terrifying for most organics to witness.

    Thinking: As far as that goes, nothing interesting has happened. Farewell: On that note, farewell.

    -Audio log ends-