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Ramblings of a Flightless

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Kaiser Franz, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Kaiser Franz

    Kaiser Franz New Member

    Feb 13, 2014
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    :Entry Twenty-Seven. Date 11/24/2414. Subject: Arrival:

    An auspicious day journal. I find myself poised on the edge of limitless possibility in this new land, guided only by the words of the trader who sold me his ship and Kluex above. We dropped out of FTL transit no more than five minutes ago. Tu'Lux still sleeps in his corner, completely unaware that the next phase of our journey has just begun. I'll allow him a few moments more to rest, he'll need all the energy he can muster for the work ahead.

    Despite my beliefs to the contrary the Human appears to have been honest in his dealings with me. The Freighter has enough cargo space for a fair haul and just enough fuel to manage the trip to the sector adjacent to this one. Hmmm.... Well, as the auto-pilot finishes pulling us into orbit I suppose now would be the right time to take stock of what provisions we have left.

    Pixels: 6,560
    Apparel: Tomb Guard Armor, Robes, Work Attire, Winter Gear
    Armaments: 1 Type-25 Energy Directed Pistols with 4 spare battery packs, 1 Harmonic Resonator (A kind gift, from a gentle hearted friend,) 1 Dawn Guard Repeating Pistol with 3 spare magazines, Tu'Lux's blade, and Tu'Lux's spear.
    Food: Ten bags of Corn Peckers, six bottled waters, one bottle of Wartwine.
    Fuel: 400 units

    We seem to be stationed in Orbit, I suppose it's time to rouse Tu'Lux. Almighty Kluex, bless us with your Glory.
    #1 Kaiser Franz, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014