1- Eh, probably. 2- Yeah, birds in real life can sneeze. I can imagine that a man-bird hybrid would also sneeze when stuff gets in its nose.
alosdjhflkasbgladbgljasbn sdf wtf why is a bird sneeze cute. Things that taste delicious should not do cute things because cute things do not add to taste
well that sneezing bird made my night. Also, on topic. I have no idea. We're trying to apply the logic of inherently-meaty eyes to plant people in the first place. Unless we decide as a community one way or another, it's just going to have to be one of those grey areas in lore that we try not to talk about but inevitably make twelve threads over. I like this thread though thank you.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evolution_of_the_eye Eyes as we know them have evolved independently of one another over fifty times on Earth alone. There's no particular reason to think Florans wouldn't have eyes that are the same as what we consider to be them.
Plants with brains and sapience who are functionally the same as mammals (See "plant-boobs", everywhere).
Yes, functionally, so their eyes should function in the same way that mammals' do, and therefore should be capable of being colorblind. But ofc it doesn't matter.
I'm suggesting they COULD have inferior eyes. They also COULD have superior eyes. Also, you're only just confirming that now?