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Quarantine Force Delta Audio message 01/05.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Conrad Fiat, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Conrad Fiat

    Conrad Fiat New Member

    Nov 22, 2014
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    (( OOC note: The colors represent a meaning, green for good, yellow for faction, Darkish pink for lethal, and red for important things to remember, and light blue as the passive things. ))

    *A file could be found somewhere in a file cabinet in a ruined base or other military establishments, You would pick it up and press the ''play'' button in the center, When you pressed it a man shows up with a Hazmat gear on and holds a M60.*

    Hazmat dude: *Coughs.* Good-day command, as you can see here were doing great progress on the Erchius plague, Most of the miners we have caught escaping are being treated fairly, and they shall not be harmed until further notice.

    *The hazmat would walk threw a hallway with all these quarantine plastic on the walls and more hazmat personal and scientists walking around.*

    Hazmat dude: Were going to check the quarantine chamber where we keep the test subjects, subjects as in attempt to cure it of course.

    *the hazmat would chuckle as he'd would make a left turn and walk into a office with a double glass window where you can see pink rashes humans leaking pink mucus.*

    Hazmat dude: *Would sigh.* Poor bastards, well as you can see we are keeping these people here because they would be a threat towards the society out there! *

    *A scientist would walk in there with a other hazmat marine, the scientist would point to a miner that is infected but more mutilated having tentacles sticking out, as the hazmat would freak out and aim at it screaming ''We got a feral!''*

    Hazmat dude: Gah crap! *Would smash a button letting a alarm sequence go off and speaks into a microphone.* All armed staff please report to the quarantine chamber alpha-2, we got a feral on out hands!

    *There would get some more hazmat soldiers into that chamber as that feral mutated miner gets up and picks up the scientist and throws him against the window where the hazmat dude is filming.*

    Hazmat dude: Shoot it dammit! shoot it!

    *The hazmat would shoot the infected entirely down as the other non-feral infected would panic going into a corner hiding as big gunshots would sound.*

    Hazmat dude: Feral down! *He'd turn the camera to himself.* Trust me its all fine! just, give us more time, a lot of time..

    *The hazmat would touch the screen turning it off with the text, ''Erchuis plague research Delta-2.'' *

    LOG BOOK 02/05

    *If you rummage threw other cabinets of the old ruined military base somewhere you'd find a new data log book with the same text ''Erchuis plague research Delta-2.'' and you press ''play'' to watch the date log book, as the same hazmat dude appears.*

    Hazmat dude: *Ahem.* Sorry for that situation command, its now fully under control, and the feral is down, The boys did a great job on taking it down, now back to business, our research has made a vaccine! yes, you heard that right a vaccine for humans.

    *A scientist would appear and talks to the hazmat dude whispering and leaves again.*

    Hazmat dude: Ah.. i see well, the vaccine is being tested on the infected and some already have been cured, but.. the bad thing is if people have the virus or mutation for the past three days they are lost, we are still working on extending the vaccines effectiveness.

    *The hazmat dude would sigh and sit down holding the camera a front of him.*

    Hazmat dude: Anyways what does this plague do? Well.. most miners in the Erchius facility's are effected by that plague, MOST of them, and they escape leaving into the Antares solar system, which means. Most humans are in danger since its only effecting them if there is any other race getting effected its bad news, lucky were not on racial lock-down, that means that we ask humans to get over the facility and do a medical checkup.
    But the plague turns humans into pink skinned people, they would have dark pinkish rashes and would leak pink mucus that gives out a high infectiousness.

    *The hazmat dude would get up leaving the office going down the hallway, you'd see many other staff working around hard.*

    Hazmat dude: We dont have enough time.. just command, let us cure this, we have a low doses already and thats is the first stages vaccine.
    We are currently aswell looking for volunteers that are willing to assists the quarantine force.. anyways sorry command if this log is short.
    There is something going on down the hall, some commotion with some other brought in people, Unit-2045 signing off.

    *The hazmat dude touches the screen showing the ''Erchuis plague research Delta-2.'' text again.*
    #1 Conrad Fiat, Feb 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2015
  2. Conrad Fiat

    Conrad Fiat New Member

    Nov 22, 2014
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    (( Its updated again, Plus there is a log book 02/05 now. ))
  3. Conrad Fiat

    Conrad Fiat New Member

    Nov 22, 2014
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    LOG BOOK 03/05
    *You would find a PDA but not the same as the quarantine force like ones and you would press play and a man shows up with a quarantine uniform just without the mask showing a young male.*

    G'day, i am Devon Cranko.. formally known as unit-2045.. its been a while i made a audio message to whoever finds this..
    there is something wrong still.. i thought i killed him.. *He would rub his eyes for a while thinking and looks back at the cam.* I really did kill him! i firebombed my establishment! i saw him burn!
    I saw Janus burn.. i am not working with the force anymore.. i became a merc or.. at least something like that! i work on my own..
    *He would seem distressed seemingly not comfortable.*
    Last time i was on Salazar.. established my quarantine emplacement luckily the major co-operated and i did my work.. no casualties except for the incoming miners that escaped from the Erchuis mining complexes.. but.. *Sighs deeply rubbing his yaw and keeps silent for a while.* . . . .
    . . . .
    . . . .
    I think it came back.. and i am not just fucking around! it literally did! i mean.. when i left Salazar with my men command did not respond anymore.. its.. jesus.. lets say it was horrible.. we've found logs from other personal that explained a brought in miner that was sick and placed in quarantine.. but.. as you can know.. he went feral.. and.. infected the whole facility there..
    My men and i were able to clear out the place.. so many innocent souls..
    but i do know that.. i am made for this job.. i am the judgment that will bring salvation to those that are infected..
    I still have the antidotes.. luckily!
    I just need a place to start.. but where..

    What i did find was! some ark.. like maybe even before man was born in this galaxy!
    Some old ruined statues and.. some human stopping some tentacle monster thing.. at least it seems like..
    Could that be the cause for ''them'' to return? lets not hope so..

    This is Devon Cranko from the.. well.. no job.. but i will continue my work!
    So.. this Devon Cranko and my men.. were signing off..
    *The screen turns back as it is turned off.*