*On opening this link, it would be a store page for an app. Said app is about punting penguins into a mix of wooden, stone, and ice buildings to break them and earn points*
Boris requests removal of this offensive app, is discrimination. Else Boris will remove himself and replace with Banana Monkey Punch arcade game. Earn points by punching bananas! [email protected]
*Aruana promptly downloads it and plays it in her spare time. She enjoys the wanton havoc she can create with such funny little creatures.* *Ray, after some moral consideration, decides to download and play it as well. What's the worst thing that could happen?*
Oh god, I've been absorbed in this game on long haul runs. So good. Fuck those little punt able things though, damned near lost my ship to them. [email protected]
*A week after people started to play this game, their emails would of been stolen if they did not have proper anti-virus. These Emails would be used by Morgan and Crimson to spam ads about Morgan's torrant site. *