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Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by The Lucky Prism, Feb 24, 2014.

  1. Log #1

    File found. Warning: File is set to auto-delete upon closing. Load and view anyway? [Y/N]

    *A few human voices can be heard. They're pretty young; about 18-25 years old. The one voice that exact words can be made out is also male, and sounds around 22 years old.*

    "Yeah, guys. Go on ahead. Just gonna write the log for today."
    *A male voice can be heard shouting a reply, but the exact words cannot be heard.*

    "Great." *There's a short pause, and while the speaker isn't talking, raindrops are heard*
    "I guess I should state my name first. I'm Jack Summerset, the third member of this crew. We have about ten people. Nine if you don't count the Glitch."
    *Pauses for a moment, as if he's considering to modify that sentence.*
    "We, uh... crashed here. Sort of. 'Crashed' isn't quite the word to use. More like we had a rough landing. We're on the right planet and all, and nobody's hurt, so..."

    "As I st-*A huge block of static covers up what the speaker is saying here for a very large portion of the log."
    -e haven't found it yet, but Sarah says we're close. She just...knows things. She's always right, too. It's super creepy. One time, she guessed what kind of fruit I wanted for breakfast. Like, how-
    *Something unhearable cuts the speaker off. There's no sound at all during the duration, as if someone cut the sound out for that time period.*
    ...Oh. Right. I should end this..."
    *A clicking sound is heard, and the audio log ends*
    #1 The Lucky Prism, Feb 24, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  2. Log #2

    Attempting to re-load...
    Load successful. Warning: File is set to auto-delete upon closing. View anyway? [Y/N]

    *The file starts with a clicking sound and more rain. The voice speaking is the same as the one before.*
    "...Day two." *The voice sounds much, much more serious than before.*
    "We found this...temple. Could it be what we're looking for? Maybe. It's made out of some sort of sandstone. There's beau-....carvings on the sides. They're really, really, really old. Ancient. That's what Sarah says, anyway, and I agree...but...it's impossible. It's so impossible. The entire temple should be eroded into dust at this point. There should be NOTHING left."
    *The speaker takes a long pause.*

    "It's three thousand years old at the very least, but the carvings look like they were made yesterday. It's bizarre.
    On the bright side, that means the traps must be very primitive, if any. The *static* could be here, too. If not that, it'd at least be shelter. So, tomorrow...we're starting the expedition."
    #2 The Lucky Prism, Feb 24, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  3. Log #4

    Attempting to re-load...
    Load successful. Warning: File is set to auto-delete you upon closing. View anyway? [Y/N]

    *The speaker sounds alarmed and desperate.*
    "They're still not back. Everyone but me and Sarah went in. Sarah looked pretty concerned...a-and...she's...she's acting really strange. She's acting like this was the worst thing to ever happen to us, all of a sudden. She seemed so excited to find this at first. Now she's so...quiet. I guess I can't blame her, though. I'm really worried too.
    I hope they come back."
    #3 The Lucky Prism, Feb 24, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014
  4. Log #33

    Attempting to re-load...
    Load successful. There is a note by the author. View it? [Y/N]
    This specific audio file was found in abandoned ruins of a temple three years ago by a USCM investigative team. Whereabouts of Doctor Summerset are unknown, but the rest of the crew was found nearby. The only evidence were a pair of broken glasses in the middle of one of the rooms, seemingly belonging to Dr. Summerset.

    The audio of this file is private and may not be viewed by anyone except authorized personnel. Unauthorized viewing will result in arrest.

    Warning: File is set to auto-delete upon closing
    . View anyway? [Y/N]

    "Shit. I have to talk fast. M-me and Sarah went inside the temple, but...I turned around for just a second and she was gone. I can't find the exit even though it was two rooms behind me. I've drawn a map, and it's wrong. At this point, I'm certain that I'm drawing the rooms correctly, and yet the map's rooms are overlapping and intersecting with themselves on my map. It's impossible. It's like the rooms are changing around me..."

    "All of this is so impossible. The technology behind this must be so advanced...the time it must have taken. Especially the prism..."
    *There's a very long pause and the sound of something metallic hitting the floor, like glasses*

    Deleting files...
    #4 The Lucky Prism, Feb 26, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2014