(( Misfit )) helo mifsht is mfshthet n wud lik 2 bie prts. mfthsthi neds d folowen lasr diod undamgd x4 circit bord undamgd x7 850 pdns of durastrle gnpowdr eny amnt lite sensrs motin detctr x4 lrg spoll of wir x40 wircutrs wirn tol hamr crescnt wrnch monky wrnch scrwdrver scrp metl prts mifsthth wil b payn a totl of 485,000 pixl 4 evrythng ok
-Henry- Frank. I cannot understand this writing. It would be easier to understand if you used a spellcheck device.
(( Misfit )) Audio file etc. Hello, Misfit is Misfit. Misfit needs the following: Four undamaged laser diodes. Seven undamaged circuit boards. Eight hundred fifty pounds of durasteel. Gunpowder of any amount. Light sensors. Four motion detectors. Fourty large spools of wire. Wirecutters. Wiring tool. Hammer. Crescent wrench. Monkey wrench. Screwdriver. Scrap Metal parts. Misfit will be paying 485,000 pixels for everything. Okay. end recording etc.
-Henry- Pleased. Oh. That was...unexpected... Questioning. Will you only take materials if the materials given are all of the materials listed, or can I give you one at a time?
(( Misfit )) Audio file. Misfit has acquired laser diodes, and light sensor. Misfit still needs other parts listed in a post. End file.
Misfit, Weirdo guy friend i probably shot on Tetanus, i'll give you all of that shit for free since i don't need these pieces no more. - STPM