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Proposition - Hylotl Itinerant Fleet

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Toadkid1234, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    I propose, if the general public should agree, to start a Hylotl version of the Migrant Fleet with some tweaks. Now, I know you all are thinking 'WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT THIS KID IS COPYING THE RIZULRURARATTE ARMADA' and that is true to an extent. In a previous server on which I played I planned on starting a fleet of extremely similar Hylotl ships who were basically the Quarian migrant fleet from mass effect, considering the Hylotl and Quarians both were kicked off by another race. It would make sense, then, for the Hylotl to have an equivalent version of the Migrant Fleet, to look for a new homeworld.

    (Abbreviated fleet story)

    Back when the Floran took over the Hylotl homeworld, the Hylotl had a small fleet. Since they were all pacifists, none of their naval vessels had any sort of weaponry aside from mining lasers. The ships were predominantly research vessels, transport ships, mining ships and personal yachts. After the Floran invasion, most of the population of the homeworld (which probably should have a name) was killed while the rest were packed on to transport ships and sent to any colony that hadn't be invaded yet.

    These colonies were very different from the aquatic homeworld of the Hylotl, being relatively dry, cold or inhospitable. Thus there was much longing for their long lost home. The remaining ships gathered together and concluded that they would make an effort to find a hospitable world for the Hylotl. After years of daily warp jumps, no environment was equivalent to their homeworld. There was only one option to progress as a race: Take (homeworld) Back.

    A racewide movement began, funding the research fleet to develop and perfect their long-discarded weaponry. The Hylotl Research Fleet had become the Hylotl Reclamation and Reconciliation Fleet. This fleet's goal was to bring the Hylotl race back to it's previous prosperity and success, with new wisdom. Rather than hoping other races would be kind enough to let them be, the Hylotl would retain Peace Through Strength, allowing their citizens to live in peace and be protected from the untamed evils that roam the galaxy.

    (Abbreviated personal story, red letters are stuff he doesn't know)

    My character was born on a Hylotl colony, a few years before the invasion. His colony was attacked, and he was the sole survivor after being hidden in a wicker bin. The Floran invaders had left, except for one. This Floran did not show excessive love nor hate for Ray, but showed him how to survive and kept him from getting killed for a few years. Ray one day woke up in a small pod adrift in space. In a few hours he saw a fleet of white shiny ships outside and his pod was recovered. Actually, one day a frigate landed on the planet Ray and his protector were on. A bunch of soldiers ran out of the ship toward the Floran and Hylotl child. The Floran put his hands up in surrender, the soldiers took the child, who was scared and confused, and put him on the ship. The Floran was killed. Ray's short term memory was wiped and he was placed in a small zero-g simulation pod and indoctrinated into the community.

    Ray was brought up around scientists, researchers and engineers. He was eager to learn, especially mechanics, mathematics and physics. During free time he would play video games with the battle simulation software. As he matured he decided he was most interested in ship design and weapon systems. This was because the psychologists aboard the fleet, through operant conditioning and behavior modification made these fields seem most interesting to him. He went to an all-Hylotl engineering college where he double majored and got a masters degree in ship design and weapons engineering.

    Now he works for Carroli.
    His fleet is going to tell him about their intent on reclaiming the homeworld, and inform him that all along he was being shaped into the perfect leader of the operation. They wanted an intelligent, ruthless, Floran-hating leader who would stop at nothing to reclaim the homeworld. Ray, however, cuz of his Floran upbringing as a young boy and his noticing of intelligent, civilized Floran, is going to do his best to diplomatically resolve the conflict if at all possible.

    (What might happen)

    I was going to make an IC fleet of Hylotl ships that will ICly be built up overtime. If there are any allies who want to help (non-hylotl, even Floran maybe if they really wanna help take (homeworld) back) I would accept them. Additionally, there would be a Hylotl homeworld, controlled by a Floran character (with other Floran underlings and npcs). We would coordinate RP and stuff about a diplomatic solution and/or battles and such. Before confronting the homeworld the fleet is gonna get as much support as it can, through deals with colonies, factions and businesses. After a while when(if?) the homeworld is recovered, the homeworld would be made into a colony, constantly being expanded as time passes. There would be ruins of old traditional Hylotl cities and some less old destroyed Floran settlements, along with the new, shiny, freaking awesome and space age city which is to be named once (if) it is made.

    If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to either PM me or post them if they warrant public discussion. I know there are probably a lot of holes in this and it is probably really underdeveloped, but I wanted to put the idea out there and see if it would be practical in any sense. If you would like to contribute, I would accept any help or advice. If you would like to criticize, tell me what I can fix. If you would like this not to happen, ever, you make me sad.

    Thank you for taking a few hours to read this, sorry for how long it is :p feel free to voice your feels!
  2. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    While I fully support new and fresh ideas, you should probably save this for when the playerbase rotates. With a 60 player cap that we never max out, we can assume there's about 100-150 active players on the server. That's also a very generous estimate. With that, most factions and colonies get a lot of alt traffic, meaning people have their mains and then they make their alts. When this happens, we get a false sense of how many people are actually around, especially with double logging. What does this all mean?

    What it means is, we get people who come in, make alts or join everything, and then never commit to one RP in full. With numbers spreading more and more thin, and with the cap, it's impossible for any faction. colony or group to actually have the numbers to represent what they are. For example, your fleet. A fleet by definition is any group of vessels under the same ownership. However, you refer to different types of fleet like the mining fleet, the research fleet etc. Most likely, you will either get a ship or 2 in one fleet or 1 or 2 ships spread out. That's best case scenario.

    Even our group, the 87th Expeditionary. We decided to be a small part of a bigger faction so that we can accurately represent our numbers with players. Even then, only about 6-7 members are active at any time, most having alts that are in other groups and factions.

    But I digress. This seems cool, and would make sense in the lore.
  3. Toadkid1234

    Toadkid1234 New Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Thank you for your input. I think I miscommunicated however. The fleet was gonna be a bunch of ships built by me and anyone else interested in an asteroid field. Most of the ships would be run by NPCs acting as captains and crew. Also, I forgot to mention that all the fleets basically combined into one big fleet, so all the ships are in one place at one time. Also, most of the ships are going to be outfitted for the purpose of somehow retaking the homeworld in some way shape or form. For example, a mining ship could have its mining laser modified for longer ranges, yachts could be repurposed as agricultural sustenance vessels and residential ships, etc.

    I agree with you about the number of active users though, along with the alts. I hadn't really considered this. Possibly I could postpone the creation of this to a later date. Or, I could start it off (by myself) as it is, say its still under development, and have it slowly get bigger and more intricate and stuff. I probably wont start it yet, and even if I did it would still be a relatively meager, bare bones, underdeveloped fleet.

    Aside, thank you again for your thoughts, I appreciate the feedback!
  4. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    ...and I was *this* close to making an Avian holy fleet thread.

    Oh well, seems like a cool idea, make it happen!