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Professional consultant and business man for hire.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Orenten, May 1, 2016.

  1. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    ((Disclaimer: I have been getting people whining at me that he has too much education. While true, he isn't young, and welcome to the frontier, how many of those certificates do you think are actually REAL? He's a fucking shady business man for a reason, so stop annoying me with PMs.))

    (Warning, I will shatter your pixelated threshold.)

    There is a video attached with the forum, below are references and previous employment records. The video begins with a man writing on his desk as the camera zooms in from a door's threshold.


    "Hello, my name is Paul Smith, and this is my office at my previous place of employment."
    He looks up and stands, wearing a very snazzy blue business suit.


    "If you are watching this, you have looked into my public application for work. Below this video you will find my previous times of work. I have a large variation of work experience, from work in law firms to work in accounting. Below those you will find my college degrees and digital certificates proving my certified education in many business fields. But I know what you are asking- "Why hire this guy?" Well, I'll tell you why..."

    He removes his glasses from his face, taking the white handkerchief from his pocket to buffer the lenses.
    "You will not find a single person within this sector that knows their way around a negotiation table like me. And as much as you think that I'm a white collared paper pusher, I'm /not/."

    He places his glasses back on, a glint of white flashing from them before smiling at the camera.

    "Unlike most men in suits, I don't mind undercutting my opponents to make sure my clients get the BEST profit margin possible from their business transactions. I will find what makes your workplace inefficient, weed it out and toss it to the curb without mercy. My saying in business is-"

    "There is no such thing as clean money. At one point or another, it's stained with blood. So what does it matter if it's a little fresh?"

    "If I have peaked your interest, please contact me via the forums or private communications. I will not take a job offer right after I post this, I wish to see what is offered as a day or two passes. Thank you for watching this video, I hope you make the wise, profitable choice of hiring me."

    With one last sadistic smirk, the video ends

    Each of these have their own picture of a certificate to go with it.
    • Hillcrest High School
    • Princeton University
      Masters in: Business, Marketing, Economics, Management
      Bachelors in: Psychology, Criminal Justice
      Incomplete Classes: Engineering
    Previous Job Employment
    • Primus Banking and Loans- Accounting Department: 2399-2401 [Reallocated]
    • Primus Police Department- Information and Accounting Departments: 2401-2405 [Laid off]
    • InterGal Financing: 2405-2406 [Fired for flawed business practice]
    • Red Skull Mercenary: 2406-2410 [Left on good terms]
    • [ERROR! Information classified!]: 2410-2416
    Medical History
    • Allergic to cats and (place really big medical thing here)
    • Currently on medication for I.E.D [Intermediate Explosive Disorder (Rage)]
    • Plate in skull from gunshot wound.
    • Vaccination for common illnesses.
    Other Talents
    • Fluent in Human English, Hylotl Common, learning Avian Common
    #1 Orenten, May 1, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2016