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Prisoner 00512 - Flack Sharp

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Chimpowitz, Dec 11, 2014.

  1. Chimpowitz

    Chimpowitz New Member

    Oct 13, 2014
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    ((Must be in the prison to see this))
    --Prison cell - 201 Block B--
    Its dark at night... i lye awake in this freezing cell, with nothing to comfort me but the screams of the damned. Never was religious, but some of the Avians are sure basket cases, having wars in the mess hall over some bird god. Ugh... hate that, i get stuck back in my cell because of some stupid Avians worshiping some god or whatnot. At least mostly everyone else is clam. Mostly keeping to themselves, and doing there own religious crap in there own cells. Sucks to hear when a avian get ganked though in the cell across from you, 5th time now, and all you can do is watch.
    --Scratched in text cuts off near a crack in the wall--