1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.


Discussion in 'Archives' started by JunoStriker, Mar 5, 2015.

  1. JunoStriker

    JunoStriker New Member

    Mar 1, 2014
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    Beep! The generator obediently shuts down, the barely functioning lights in the decrepit facility turning off. The claw lifts itself delicately from the console, and the beast lumbers out of the generator room. She lifts a solitary claw, going to tap at the glass, watching the cracks appear and spread from the point of contact. Good. A large row of red, pointy teeth(?) reveals itself as she smiles, before slamming herself into the large window recklessly. Her huge size and strength tears apart the glass easily, making a sizable hole.

    She lashes out, her claws grabbing at the ridges formed by the tiles of the walls of the facility, stopping her fall. She scuttles along like a spider, now used to sticking to surfaces using equal parts brute strength and dexterity. She throws herself into another window, making a dramatic entrance into the facility, letting out what some might consider to be a laugh. Again and again, she weaves in and out, making large holes in the windows and sending glass spraying in all directions.

    After some time, she finally stops to look over her handiwork, light pouring into the facility uninhibited. She hisses softly, knowing she's going for a risky trade-off. She can only hope they come at night. On with her preparations! She moves over to a nearby locker, looking it over and grabbing its side, giving it an experimental pull. Yeah, bolted to the floor. She lets out a roar as her claws grip the locker mercilessly, fibrous muscles bulging as she begins to pull. Loud creaking and groaning signal the weakening of the bolts, until finally a loud SNAP is heard. She's thrown back with the locker, landing on the ground with the metal structure on top of her. "KSSSS!" She scrambles to her feet, going to put the locker back in place, albeit a little offset and bent.

    All through the day, the facility echoes with the sounds of her vandalism as she rips out everything that is bolted down. By nightfall, she is exhausted, panting softly as she studies her handiwork. No, still not done. She runs out into the forest to hunt the local wildlife, having sustain her monstrous metabolism. By nightfall, she returns bloody, well-fed and ready to continue.

    The incredibly grating sound of claws on metal screeches through the night as she simply starts to claw away at the metal structure all over. Soon, the interior walls are decorated with numerous slash marks, nothing too deep. She starts toppling certain structures down, too, messing up the place nice and proper, but not TOO messily. Perhaps she has standards.

    Once she seems to be satisfied with her redecorating, she crawls over to a broken life support chamber, carefully climbing into it and soaking in what little fluid remains. She takes the time to look over her scars from her recent encounters, eyes scanning every slash, every puncture, remembering with vivid detail what weapons inflicted which wound. Most of them have healed, but the memories haven't. She hisses angrily at herself. Four. FOUR prey got away. Had too much fun with the first three, and the fourth forced her to FLEE! She bares her teeth at nothing, grumbling unintelligibly to herself as she tries to get some sleep. Harsh lessons have been learnt. That is not going to happen again.

    This time... she will be ready.
  2. Ziggy

    Ziggy Sinfully Soft

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Chilling. But the predator isn't the only one that learns from mistakes of the past.