[Dewell] I'm looking for copies of books that detail philosophical concepts, either digital or physical. Physical preferred. I am mostly searching for the old human classics (Thales up to Beauvoir) but I might be able to consider others as well if I find the concepts interesting.
I may have an extra copy of the Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Regrettably I only have one copy of John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism. -H.L. Hollow
((Delan)) The Astral Empire archives and library is large and possesses copies of most of these publications, and would gladly lend it to you. We have old human writings about philosophy and most major human publications, from Senecra to Sartre, as well as more precise work like Rene Huyghe and Al Farabi. If it is needed, you may arrange a request to Emperor Suwedi for his personal copy of Il Principe by Niccolo Machiavelli, as he has copied it a few times himself. This invitation is extended to all, including the apparent recent poster, high legislator Tarl Hollow of the Relzurautt Armada. -- D. Praquette.