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Personal Ponderings: T.C.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Doc, Oct 28, 2015.

  1. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    In Doc's coat, he carries a small booklet he uses as a journal for general ponderings or to log daily occurences to keep himself organized. At night (or if he forgets it) it rests upon the nightstand of any bed he may lay in.

    ED: 10/28/2415

    Years past, and the sector still hasn't changed... Well, asides from location. Damn tentacles won't ever stop. Antares (do we still even call it that?) has certainly changed since the days of Honeydew Prior, but at the same time it's still the same, with the rowdy bunch still getting themselves into all kinds of trouble, and the peaceful ilk sticking together and trying to start up settlements. I've already fixed a severe hairline fracture in an Avian gentleman's rib. Lucky for him I knew to get him drunk and give him something to bite down on, because this "Pinewood" is severely lacking in medical supplies. But, despite that, it still feels like this rustic little village could make a good home, just like the Prior... Damn nostalgia. As for the Avian, a few weeks of tenderness and soreness and he'll be fine; Not even a day since I've returned and people need surgery, much less a check-up. The shocker of the day is that I had a young man ask me all sorts of questions on medicine, he seemed interested in practice, and even agreed to let me teach him if I can gather textbooks on the subject... Yet he lied about his name, and the barkeep told me he was a pickpocket (and a failed one at that.) Antares certainly never changes...
    #1 Doc, Oct 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2015
  2. Doc

    Doc Video Game Extraordinaire

    Dec 17, 2013
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    I was certainly right. Antares never changes, and neither do the residents. That young man who wanted me to teach him? Nearly had his leg cut off by a Floran after trying to sift through his pockets. You can only wonder why someone would try to pick the pocket of a plant-like bipedal apex predator and think it's a good idea. Well, I patched his leg up, and met with the local leader of Pinewood, Rodrick. Very quiet man, only says what needs to be said, and very level-headed, all traits I can respect. He's agreed to consider my offer of setting up a clinic on the colony and working it, and even for a wage, though we haven't discussed numbers yet. It seems to me I'll settle in here nicely, and be busy at that... I don't mind adding a few more wrinkles to this old face, as long as it means I can keep people from getting themselves killed like they seem to enjoy doing around here, as always. If all goes well, I can even manage to put some extra funds into Pinewood's reserves given the time, maybe help spruce the place up a bit and bring in more people, more numbers wouldn't hurt at all. Who knows...