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Patient Log- Harbinger

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Orenten, Oct 13, 2016.

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  1. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    This information is provided by and made public by Windy Hills Asylum
    -=Winy Hills Asylum is closed to to destruction by fire=-

    Patient Name: -=REDACTED=-
    Patient Nick:

    Race: African
    Gender: Male

    6'1" (~185cm)
    Weight: 200lb (~91 kg)
    Body type: Athletic
    Skin: Dark Brown (DaBr)
    Hair: Black (Bl)
    Eyes: Brown (Br)

    Reason for submission: Jailed, plead insanity, taken into the care of Windy Hills
    Reason of leave: N/A
    Mental Problem: Insanity (Refer to type C-2 of handbook)

    Description of patient: Standing a rough inch above six feet tall, this dark skinned human male appears to be in ideal physical condition, most likely from the situations he has kept himself on and the "exercise" he has been getting. His dark black hair lays across his shoulder-blades, but previous pictures of this patient suggest he likes to do his hair up in a "wind tunnel" effect. Patient is always smiling; Always.

    Description of Mental: Category C-2 described in the Winy Hills Asylum handbook; this patient shows little to no empathy to his chaotic and destructive actions. Shows examples of sadistic and morbid humor; he enjoy's other's suffering. While showing clear signs of a savage, if not RABID man-beast, he shows superior sense of self-preservation, and will actively avoid conflict that will lead to his injury or death; he seeks only situations he con benefit from and get away with. Patient also shows great ability to manipulate people to his whim, as his record book shows in the criminal system.

    Note: This is a RED LEVEL patient. Basic-Sentient-Rights to not apply, contain with EXTREME CAUTION. Only enter room with armed guard. Containment team must be present to restrain prisoner.

    -=Logs of Interest=-
    Some information was put together by Loyd PD


    *Three armed guards enter a padded room, quickly followed by a doctor. Two of the armed guards work to keep restrained a man in a restraining jacket, laughing maniacally and thrashing against the containing hands of the guards.*

    Doctor: Easy with him! Place him in the restraints, quickly!

    Guard 1: I thought we hit this guy with a sedative?

    Doctor: We did, this is better than before, we weren't able to contain him this well.

    Guard 2: Rusty, get the shackles open!

    *There is only laughter for a moment, paired with the sound of rattling chains.*

    Guard 3: Get him in, place, I'll close the locks!

    Guard 1: Right... Alright, he's in!

    Guard 2: We need to go, doctor down the way wanted help with Daisy down the hall.

    Guard 1: Daisy? Damnit, remember to put your spit guard on.

    *The first two guards leave, leaving the third guard, doctor, and the still laughing and smiling Harbinger.*

    Doctor: Sir, please calm down, take a deep breath.

    Guard 3: Doc, you got another nutter... He ain't listening. Need me to-?

    Doctor: No, we don't know if he needs it. A shock may only upset him more... Leave him for now, we'll try later.

    *All exit, save Harbinger, who laughs in the darkness*

    *The same doctor returns, with a new guard.*

    Harbinger: Well well well! Look at that, I have guests! I'd offer a seat, but- well, I don't have one!

    Doctor: I prefer to stand, but thank you. We have your court files here, sir, but we can't seem to find your name...

    Harbinger: Harbinger! But people call me Harby, buddy. Say- I got an itch on my back, can you-?

    Doctor: Harbinger? Is that a nickname?

    Harbinger: Yep!

    Doctor: Well, we need to fill out your patient file, so we need your birth name and surname...

    Harbinger: My... Birth... Heheh... Heheheh... Haha! HAHAHA!

    *Harbinger seems to go wide eyed, and begins to laugh uncontrollably.*

    Guard: Sedative at the ready...

    Doctor: No- don't. He doesn't need it. He calmed down before, he just needs to be alone.

    *The visitors leave.*

    *Three people enter the room. The doctor from all previous times, a female nurse, and a guard.*

    That's- Is that blood on his arms?!

    Guard: That's normal. They thrash against the chains too much, but it'll teach him to behave.

    Nurse: That's inhumane!

    Doctor: Now, Emily-

    Harbinger: Well well well...

    *All go silent, the limb figure against the chains gives a small cluster of bubbling laughs before looking up slowly through his draped hair.*

    Harbinger: The demon, the saint, and... Well well~ has an angel come to save me with her grace and mercy?...

    Doctor: Harbinger, that's all we have on him. He's got no background, no relatives that we know about, no friends, and the connections that we found on his personal devices refuse to respond.

    Harbinger: Hey now- doc, if you got access to my phone, clear my history for me, yeh?

    Doctor: ... Furthermore, he's a Red. He's extremely dangerous, and far from humane. We hope to FIX that though. Andy?"

    *The guard grunts, and looks back, clicking his tongue. Another guard enters the room with a tray of tools and vials, along with a syringe.*
    Nurse: Sir, what are you planning?

    Doctor: We suspect he suffers deficiency in his receptors in his brain, and we hope to stimulate him and hope to find some positive traits in him.

    Harbinger: Hey now, doc- You can't just go stickin' things in me, we didn't even have dinner!

    Doctor: I'm sorry, Harby, but this is for your own good. We won't hurt you, we just want to help...

    Harbinger: Well, that's a shame...

    *Harbinger lowers his head, sighing*

    Harbinger: And I was hoping for some fun...

    *Harbinger sits alone in the room. Emily, along with a guard, enters. She takes a stool in, and sits with a datapad. Harbinger lifts his head up, clearly in worse condition than he was at arrival. His shirt was gone, leaving him only in white, blood stained patient pants. Various bruises from injections and "treatments" are scattered across his body*

    Harbinger: Well well well...

    Emily: No other opening, Harby?

    Harbinger: I find you all like keeping this simple, repetitive and boring; seeing how you keep trying to make me into your "normal" person.

    Emily: We're only trying to help, Harby.

    Harbinger: And having you walk in and take a seat before me is helping, beautiful.

    *Emily shifts uncomfortably before she begins asking questions. These questions are simple, asking for basic information, up until...*

    Emily: -alright, favorite food... How about family? Anyone that might be worried you're missing?

    *Harbinger pauses for a moment before his smile pulled back into a wicked Cheshire grin, laughter bubbling from his chest.*

    Harbinger: No one is expecting me to come home, darling...

    Emily: Why is that? Did you run away as a child?

    Harbinger: HA! I don't run from my problems. I run after angels like you though-

    Emily: Did they abandon you as a child?

    Harbinger: They did, somewhat. They abandoned the child they had together, and instead brought in to the world who you see today.

    Emily: What do you mean by that?

    Harbinger: Meaning I was never a child... I was a slave. The scars will prove it. Burned, slashed, beaten. You name it.

    Emily: I'm... Sorry to hear that.

    Harbinger: Oh, don't be sorry! It's fine, because I killed them!

    Emily: You... You what?

    Harbinger: Oh, my bad! I tend to slur my words.

    *Harbinger leaned out as far as he could, speaking crisp and clear.*

    Harbinger: I... Killed... Them... Dead! Right in their sleep too!

    Emily: I-I... But... They-

    Harbinger: Were not my parents. They were my keepers.

    *Harbinger's smile faded and, he pressed his back to the padded wall*

    Harbinger: I didn't remorse over killing them, because they were outlaws- bandits, pirates who had a kid. I was never their child though. I was born their slave... I simply... Liberated myself with a lead pipe.

    *All is quiet for a long time. The log ends there.*

    *Harbinger is singing to himself, swinging side to side as his chains rattle lightly before hearing the door open. He looks up, seeing Emily enter with a small portable lamp*

    Harbinger: Well well well...
    Emily: Harby...

    Harbinger: It's late, you know. A woman like you needs her beauty sleep.

    Emily: My superiors know that... You're more open with me. They gave me permission to visit you, but it has to be late- we don't need the supervisors finding out...

    Harbinger: Well aren't you the REBEL!

    Emily: ... Harby. I want to talk more with you. Let me help you, there's light in you, I know it...

    Harbinger: You're right, sunshine... It's you. You're my light, making my world all the brighter. And the lamp too, I guess.

    Emily: Oh! I'm sorry, is it too bright? I can-
    Harbinger: Keep it. I want to see you...

    Emily: ... I want to start from the beginning. But it's you and me only. No one to hurt you, no one to restrain you. Please, I only want to help.

    Harbinger: Well... Buckle up, lass. Because I got a fun sob story for you.

    *The log ends.*

    *Emily quickly enters the padded room, which was lit by a blue light. She seemed worried, but Harbinger looked thrilled.*

    Harbinger: ... Hello, Emily.

    Emily: Harbinger!

    *She rushes over, quickly embracing him, Harbinger gives a dark smile, one of... Victory.*

    Harbinger: Hey now, the camera is on- I can see the red light- well, purple. This blue light was installed to "better my mood".

    Emily: Screw the cameras. Harby, I'm getting you out.

    Harbinger: Hmm? You are? Now why in the world-

    Emily: Dear God, Harby- The way they treat you, the way they HURT you... You're a sweet man, I know it- you don't deserve to be in here.

    Harbinger: But how will we get out?

    Emily: We... We- Yes, we! I have the key...

    *She begins to unhook him, Harbinger brings his wrists to his hands, rubbing them as she spoke quickly*

    Emily: "I have a key card, we'll sneak you into the armory and dress you up as a guard, we'll be out in now time!

    Harbinger: I love the idea, but the cameras...

    Emily: Eric isn't on the cameras, I laced his lunch I brought him with sleeping medicine. We have to go though!

    Harbinger: Deliver me, angel!

    *He laughed softly, moving out of the room with her...*

    *The padded room is empty, the door left open before the doctor from previous logs was shoved in, along with a guard, both with their hands behind their heads. Harby then enters, holding a laser pistol up, smoking a cigarette and wearing his old attire. A shadow moves behind him, most likely Emily*

    Doctor: Harbinger, think about what you're doing! You're only going to hurt more people, we can HELP! We can-

    *A blue ray of light connects with the doctor's leg, making him cry in agony as he crumbled to the ground, holding his leg.*

    Harbinger: Sorry doc... Looks like I'm checking out.

    *Harbinger would take out a metal lighter, inspecting it before lowering the gun to his belt, opening the top.*

    Harbinger: Cristo... Nice lighter brand, avid smoker, doc. Thanks for the cig.

    *Harbinger splashes the lighter fluid into the ground, then pulls his pistol back out, taking a long draw of his cig.*

    Harbinger: ... I think I like CRISP-O better...
    *He then blasts the guard's leg, sending him sprawling before spitting out the burning bud onto the lighter fluid on the padded ground, quickly setting the fabric and liquid ablaze. He then howls with laughter as he closes the door, going out of frame. The rest of the log is silent, showing the two quickly engulfed in flames.*
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