1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

|/-/-| ¡Pabo "Pooky" Miramontes! |-\-\|

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by Ricardo, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
    Likes Received:


    usuario: P.Miramontes_82
    >... contraseña: ******

    (c) 2415 Quantum-C Communication. All rights reserved.

    |_Initiating DataJack scan_
    |_DataJack connection detected!


    Bio-metric read positive! ✓
    Modifying neural emissions into applicable code . . .

    ▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃ ▁ ▁ ▅ ▃ ▅ ▅ ▄ ▅ ▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃
    Neural interface established! ✓

    Welcome, Q-SEC_OVERRIDE/head_administrator.sysown.


    [15/6/2416 - Log 01 - "Cache dump."]

    [Video feed live... . . .]


    The video feed opened with near total darkness. The only visible light was a soft, bright orange glow before the video focused, revealing the flickering flame of an oil lamp. Also coming into focus was the faint outlines of objects in the dark room. A rusty file cabinet, a bed roll and... "Fuckin' A this thing is..." mumbled a distinct, Mexican accent from the hardly visible outline of a man. He approached the lamp light, kneeling down and with a rusty squeak, the light intensified. "Ha HAAA!" He popped up to his feet, a wide grin on his bearded face with the room now unobscured by darkness. It was a room that appeared made of stone and wood, reclaimed and otherwise. There was graffiti painted here and there. "It's Pooky, son!" He snickered. "Pabo Miramontes if you recognize! Bet y'all maricónes didn't think I'd get back on the Sistemos server, did you?? AYYYE!!!!" He laughed aloud, doing a little rumba jig in what appeared to be excitement. He stopped to give the camera lens a loose, two fingered salute. "Sargento Ortega!" He greeted. "You still sergeant or they boot ya ass out yet, dawg? Ey ey ey!" He held a hand out to the camera as if to give the viewer pause. "Don't delete my shit off the server! Y'all gonna need it in the future when I'm a fuckin' interstellar household name, ya hear?" He suddenly stood up straight, hands on his hips. "Been a few years, am I right? Ten years since you fuckers chased me away!" He grinned again into the camera before suddenly frowning, eyes darting up to the sound of muffled voices and footsteps coming from above, dust showering down. He mumbled something incoherent and harsh before looking back into the camera lens.

    "Shit ain't lookin' so hot right now but you gotta start somewhere. Gotta pull me up a lil posse, then we might could actually get somewhere! Make some REAL fat stacks, boy!" He cleared his throat before sniffing loud, wiping a finger across his nose. "Y'all know what it is! I'll keep you chingados posted, ye? Right now I got some seriously important shit to get doin'. Pabo out!" He said before strutting up to the camera, fumbling with it awkwardly and mumbling a moment before the feed finally ended.

    [Video feed ended... . . .]

    [Log 01 was saved to X:\Admins\01\******\Logs]

    >/search_input... "hylotl_booty_bounce.mov"

    >searching... . . . search cancelled!
    >/search_input... "FEMALE_hylotl_booty_bounce.mov"

    >searching... . . .

    > DISCONNECTING USER "Q-SEC_OVERRIDE/head_administrator.sysown."
    #1 Ricardo, Jun 15, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2016
    1 person likes this.
  2. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
    Likes Received:

    usuario: P.Miramontes_82
    >... contraseña: ******

    (c) 2415 Quantum-C Communication. All rights reserved.

    |_Initiating DataJack scan_
    |_DataJack connection detected!


    Bio-metric read positive! ✓
    Modifying neural emissions into applicable code . . .

    ▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃ ▁ ▁ ▅ ▃ ▅ ▅ ▄ ▅ ▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃
    Neural interface established! ✓

    Welcome, Q-SEC_OVERRIDE/head_administrator.sysown.


    [20/6/2416 - Log 02 - "Cache dump."]

    [Video feed live... . . .]


    Faint music could be heard playing from an old radio in the background of the video.

    "Ay whaddup pinche pendejos!!" The cheerful voice came in as the screen adjusted, revealing a rather excited looking Pooky, hands on his hips as he grinned fiercely into the camera lens, he now sporting a rather thick beard. The room was a lot brighter this time, electric, flickering light illuminating the room. "I seen you chingados been spamming my inbox wit warning notices since I got back on ya data server!" He paused to laugh quite heartily, seeming to openly mock the viewer. "I'm way the fuck out HEEERE! Whatchu boys think I'm gon be scared of, huh??.. Maaaan!" He scoffed, dismissing the viewer with a wave of his hand. "Y'all just daring me to come back." He simply shook his head as he stared with disappointment into the camera lens.

    "I'm a free man out here, homeboy." he said, arms outstretched as if beckoning the viewer to behold both himself and his surroundings which were rather gloomy and empty in fact. "Livin' large, baby." He said with an air of sarcasm before giving an insincere laugh. "But I ain't gon get all down'n all that gay shit on y'all, ya feel? I actually got me some good things goin' on! Not like you putofaces would be surprised but I'm runnin' a lil cantina out here. Yeah, that's right! Sold me a few hits of E, too. Good side money from some nerd wit a motormouth." He folded his arms, stance wide as he stared smug into the lens like the viewer ought to be sufficiently impressed. "I ain't stoppin' there either,
    güeyes. Got me an operation in the works but I ain't gon discuss that shit wit you."
    He snorted. "Some real hinas out here too." He suddenly smirked. "Nothin' like them mamis back on La Tierra but it ain't like I can go back, right?" He cleared his throat, suddenly appearing serious as he approached the camera, appearing as if he were about the shut it off. "Send me my old Sistemos folders instead of all these fuckin' warnings, yeah? Shit.." He reached forward past the camera lens, the video ending.

    [Video feed ended... . . .]

    [Log 02 was saved to X:\Admins\01\******\Logs]

    >SYSTEM SHUT DOWN... . . .


    > DISCONNECTING USER "Q-SEC_OVERRIDE/head_administrator.sysown."
    #2 Ricardo, Jun 20, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2016
    1 person likes this.
  3. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
    Likes Received:

    usuario: P.Miramontes_82
    >... contraseña: ******

    (c) 2415 Quantum-C Communication. All rights reserved.

    |_Initiating DataJack scan_
    |_DataJack connection detected!


    Bio-metric read positive! ✓
    Modifying neural emissions into applicable code . . .

    ▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃ ▁ ▁ ▅ ▃ ▅ ▅ ▄ ▅ ▇ ▅ █ ▅ ▇ ▂ ▃
    Neural interface established! ✓

    Welcome, Q-SEC_OVERRIDE/head_administrator.sysown.


    [30/6/2416 - Log 03 - "Cache dump."]

    [Video feed live... . . .]


    "Dear... Diary..." Pookys' voice could be heard, the video focusing on the back of a man sitting in a chair, hunched over and seeming to scribble away on a sheet of paper. "You... will... never believe... what... hhhappened to me... today!" He said, sounding out each word as he wrote it before sitting upright, looking behind him as if he'd just now noticed there was a camera on him. "Oh hi there!" Pooky said excitedly with a wide, open mouthed grin. He swiveled around in the ratty office chair to face the camera, whipping off the pointless sunglasses that he was wearing in the already dim room. "Just writing a lil' entry in my diary here." He showed the scrap paper he'd doodled on for a split second, it being nothing more than what looked like a 7 year olds attempt at drawing a naked woman before dropping it and the pen to the ground, hooking his sunglasses to the collar of his shirt. "I missed you guys! Thanks for STILL sending me warnings!!" He said with clear irritation, his grin fading. "I told you that you fuckers can't get me way out here! You can't even trace me!" He scoffed, giving a dismissive wave to the camera before placing his hands on his hips, turning to idly stare out at nothing before returning his attention to the camera.

    "Lemme tell you what's up, Sistemos." He said. "Cuz you always wanna talk but you never wanna listen so it's my turn. Lemme tell you 'bout what went down today." He sniffed loudly, scrunching and maneuvering his nose a bit as if to scratch an itch without touching it. "Met me a lil' honey out on Mud. Blonde chick wit tattoos of uh, North America I think it was. Fuck, I dunno. I never been to Earth and I slept in school. Anyway you chicos know how I like the blonde ones, right?..." He waved a hand dismissively at his digression. "Anyway, like I was sayin'.. Blonde honey. Tattoos. Met 'er. First thing she do is get pissy at this cabron startin' shit wit this kid but I'll get to him later. So she turns around quick as I could say waddup, and she starts shoutin' at him and pulls out a fuckin' taser!" He said as if in disbelief. "I'm tellin' you it's the women you gotta watch out for around here! They fuckin' wild! It's like, can I just meet one of y'all wit'out all the gung-ho shit? God daaamn." He sighed, shaking his head. "But Ima get up in that, dawg. Just you wait." He said, pointing at the camera with his brows raised as if trying to convince the viewer that he was being serious. "Watch. Ima bring 'er back here and you guys are gonna be all like, 'Damn, guess he wasn't jokin'. That's cuz Pooky don't play, homes!" He said, suddenly grinning all cocky and shit.

    "That's when I started talkin' to this kid named uh... Jesse. Yeah. Kind of a prick to be honest. Called me an asshole and all this other shit but like, I wasn't gonna get in a fight wit'im or nothin'. He was probably just havin' a shit day, actually. Anyway he's gonna be helpin' me get some customers back in this lil cantina, ya feel? MOneys kinda becomin' a problem. Infact, I was about to take him up to my ship and jump his ass for money! I mean I left that life behind but that's how desperate this money situation is becoming! Ima have to start sending you these messages wit' a rock, dawg! I- Ohohoh!" He paused, holding both his hands out to the camera as if to stop the viewer for a moment. "Check this shit out!" He said with excitement, turning around and approaching a rusty old filing cabinet, Pooky grumbling as he struggled to open it. The thing finally came open with an obnoxious, rusty screech, a red glow emitting out from it onto the ceiling. What Pooky pulled out, anyone might recognize as an avian crystal lamp. "From Muuud, B!" He chortled. "I wasn't even trying to take anything! The boss dude up at Mud left his office open wit' me just standing there so I seized the opportunity!" He said with a rather proud smile, dropping the crystal back in the cabinet and with some strained effort, shut it. "Thing will be worth somethin', I'm sure." He stared into the camera lens for a moment before the proud smile faded into a scowl. "Don't be lookin' at me all judgmental an' shit! I ain't gonna go back to eatin' bird food just to survive, mother fucker! You win some and you lose some!" He shook his damn head some, approaching the camera again from across the room. "Anyway... My lil diary here ain't gonna write itself so you be good, Sistemos!" HE said with a stern look, pointing at the camera. "Pooky, out!"

    [Video feed ended... . . .]

    [Log 03 was saved to X:\Admins\01\******\Logs]

    >SYSTEM SHUT DOWN... . . .


    > DISCONNECTING USER "Q-SEC_OVERRIDE/head_administrator.sysown."