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[OOC] Triton Enterprises

Discussion in 'Triton Enterprises' started by Punished Tacc, Aug 18, 2015.

  1. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    Business acumen, by any means. - Cullen Fontaine, founder and CEO
    Triton Enterprises is a small start up mining company, founded and ran by Cullen Fontaine. Currently, Triton is based solely out of it's bankrolled mining town of Darkwood, where it has a profitable business of mining titanium. While Triton Enterprises is a small start up, it has it's eyes on much higher planes, with hopes and aspirations that will eventually lead to it's potential throw as wealthiest corporate conglomerate in the god damn galaxy.

    While Triton Enterprises finds it's origins in mining, it knows that to truly succeed it must branch out. Triton Holdings, Triton Security Solutions, Triton Armaments Corp., Triton Concepts, Triton Energy Solutions, all sectors of the Triton Enterprises umbrella. Of course, these branches are currently inactive, but in time profits and opportunities may arise to allow ventures into these arenas of business.

    Mission Statement

    Business acumen, by any means.
    Triton Enterprises is not a non-profit. It is not a charity organization, it is not a news channel. Triton Enterprises is a business, and a business that proves it's mettle through the amount of green ink in it's ledger.

    A Living Economy
    Triton Enterprises did not simply poof out of thin air, nor did it's profits. A ledger detailing every single deal that costs or profits Triton is maintained by myself and Cincinnatus, with large updates going in every Friday. This ledger allows for us to restrict ourselves, and our growth, keeping us from jumping from a frontier town to a metropolis in a matter of days. This process of maintaining an active economy also means that IC, we have to make decisions as to how to proceed. We cannot afford to hire everybody, and we cannot afford to fund every project. We have to carefully choose how to spend our limited resources, lest we put ourselves into debt paying the wages of our loyal employees. We feel this adds a real sense of agency to our faction/settlement, whereas before we could do every little thing that anyone would ask for, we now have to judge decisions based on their merits, and perhaps let down promises we made to certain individuals. It is our hope that this well maintained ledger will set a precedent, and eventually evolve into an efficient means of providing quality roleplaying.

    Triton Enterprises Branches

    - Triton Enterprises: The parent company for all other businesses, acts as the overseeing organization that bands them together. At startup, it acts as a small mining company.

    - Triton Holdings: The banking branch of Triton, which oversees the payroll and any financial trading of Triton.

    - Triton Armaments Corp. (TAC): The branch of Triton responsible for the development and distribution of arms and armour.

    - Triton Security Solutions: The private security force of Triton, responsible for the security of all Triton business interests, as well as the interests of any paying customers. Also deals in security installations.

    - Triton Energy Solutions: The branch responsible for the distribution and maintenance of all of Triton's energy needs.

    - Triton Concepts: The science branch of Triton, Triton Concepts is responsible for research and development of all technologies, including pharmaceuticals.