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OOC - Ragnarok village district building guidelines

Discussion in 'Ragnarok' started by Khaltor, Dec 6, 2015.

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  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Alright, I'm going to make some building guidelines for the village distrct, for Ragnarok.

    1. Don't overdo it; You don't need to build a giant mansion, keep it modest.
    2. The Floran gatherers/hunters and Glitch miners and smiths can provide some building materials, so try to use those materials, don't ass-pull a completely concrete and durasteel reinforced bunker.
      Try to stick with the theme, use thatch, sod, or brick roofing, use a mixture of stone walls, wood pillars or floors and the like. Everyone has a right of self expression and their preferred blocks, but don't make things that would just look out of place, or which you can't ICly justify.
    3. When building, try not to intrude on another player's allotment or its general vicinity.
    4. When building a house on the surface, avoid having a sub-terannean part, unless the building has been built with a public ground floor, meant as a hall you can pass through easily, without a problem.
      Make an elevated building, using pillars to lift it up, or have part of the wall just be a background wall.
      This will make it possible for people to walk PAST or UNDER your house.
    5. I'll be overseeing construction mostly, so unless I tell you otherwise, there will not be any building without me present, in the village district. In order to build anything on Ragnarok, you require my, or @John_McFakename 's permission.
    6. Somebody proposed that I'd make alottments. I might do that, in some for or another, but during the building process, so you, as the builder, know what area you should try to work with. It is especially important for when you're building something underground.
    7. Appliances and furniture: as the colony doesn't have a form of electricity or waterworks, you can't have a working sink, bath, shower, toilet, ... These forms of infrastrucure may be added in the future, once we can ICly justify their existence. This'll cause some form of development, or evolution, in the state of one's house.
    8. Try to make your buildings look structurally sound. Don't build it somewhere where it looks like it could collapse, proper gravity is not a gameplay thing, as the blocks have no gravity to them, due to IG mechanics, but we generally pretend they DO have a form of gravity to them, ICly.
      Also try to use a variety of different blocks. Nobody likes to see a little square block made from exclusively stone bricks. That's ugly and boring.
    9. Finally as colony owner, I have the last say in anything you do and or build, so don't argue when I tell you to change something. ((Unless it's a debateble issue you can convince me about, but otherwise, don't bother.))
    That's all I can come up with atm. I may add some more things later.
  2. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Sewage system, waterworks and electricity are in place.
    If you can ICly acquire the applications that require these, go ahead and use them now.

    Do try to stick with the settlement's theme, at least on a superficial level.
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