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[OOC] Olympus FAQ

Discussion in 'Olympus' started by Punished Tacc, Sep 14, 2015.

  1. Punished Tacc

    Punished Tacc New Member

    Dec 17, 2013
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    This thread is a general purpose guide for those wanting to know more about the colony OOCly. If you have any questions, I recommend you post them in this thread rather than ask in game, as we are trying to foster a more IC environment.

    1. What is Olympus?
    In a word, Olympus is a corporate funded colony on an ocean planet. To get more in depth, Olympus is a continuation of the pseudo-experimental Darkwood, where we test certain methods in a colony settings. The main objective of creating Olympus, is to create a colony that isn't what we want straight out of the gate. In it's current, early post-wipe state, Olympus is made out of the trees and materials found on the planet. As time goes on, the corporate backed Olympus will grow, gradually evolving from a small island resort style town into a corporate beach utopia. We are currently, and always will be, developing a list of mile stones that will need to be completed in order to "evolve" the colony. For example, more centralized energy and proper irrigation. Our hope is to make colony members as involved in the process as possible, using the Triton faction that runs Olympus as a driving, governmental vehicle to achieve those goals. For example, a character who may be into fishing may suggest to Triton that they construct proper fishery facilities, and promote professional fishing to sell the product. This would then be reflected within the colony.

    2. Wow, I'm not reading all of that last question, just tell me what Olympus is!
    Olympus is a tropical colony that will go from shanty town to whatever the colony members push it towards. It will evolve.

    3. That's great, where can I find Olympus?
    For your OOC convenience, the coordinates for Olympus are -35, -23 Necrocia Prime I. They are no secret IC, and are posted publicly, so getting them IC should not be a problem.

    4. How do I join?!
    While you could always just come to Olympus and say "I want to build a house", we also have a thread called "Living in Olympus", which is an IC way of applying through the forum. Unless there is some extenuating circumstance, no one will be denied.

    5. Great, now where can I build my super original glitch castle made out of gold?
    Slow down slugger. Residents of Olympus have a few choices on housing, but pimp castles are not one of them (assuming Olympus never becomes a pimp castle colony). Depending on the stage of Olympus' evolution, residents can either elect to live in colony provided housing (such as a hostel, inn, apartment complex etc etc) or construct their own homes from materials that are in stock (such as wood or metals). While in a perfect world, we would let everyone just build with whatever blocks they want, it tends to come out looking silly when you have a quaint hunting cabin next to what is essentially a battlestation. Once you're all set to move into Olympus, you should show either myself (Cullen IC), Venom (Michael IC) or couchpotato360 (James) IC where you intend to build. This way we can make sure you don't spend hours making your place look nice, just to realize that you built it on a spot that someone already called dibs on.

    6. What is the government structure of Olympus?
    Olympus is owned and operated by Triton Enterprises. They run it as an autocratic state. Executive decisions are made by Cullen IC, though are heavily advised by his trusted employees.

    7. Do we pay taxes on Olympus?
    Yes and no. The only people who pay taxes on Olympus are those who don't work for Triton, yet want to sell a good or service planetside. They simply pay a small, 10-25% tax on every sale, with the percentage dependent on the volume and price of the product in question.

    8. Why don't citizens pay taxes?
    IC, the man who runs Triton which runs Olympus believes that everyone should be a self made person. This is why people are allowed to build their own homes from materials purchased on their own accord. He believes in a utopia where everyone may cut their own piece out of the galaxy. OOC, it is because running a ledger for a colony is difficult enough without factoring in the taxes of active members and inactive members.

    9. What are the laws on Olympus?
    Olympus recognizes Council Space laws. The only 2 laws enforced by Triton on Olympus however are "no killin' and no stealin'." And never, EVER get in the way of business. Punishment is summary execution or extradition to the council.

    10. I want to build x, what do I do?
    Talk to Cullen IC. He will most likely have Michael with him to negotiate the terms of you building x.