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OOC: Non-player character policy

Discussion in 'Ragnarok' started by Khaltor, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    Greetings, RPer's!

    Ragnarok was orignally a small Inn, built by John_Mcfakename and myself, for our characters Ser_John and Oak to have a place to hang out at/reside after the events of Antares. Therefor, it was never really meant to become a settlement, although we have discussed the possibility in the past.

    Recently, on a whim, I had invited some people to come over, which in turn caused other people to follow, and Ragnarok became reasonably popular as a result. However, some of you may have noticed there are a few "Colony Deeds" and "Colony Deed NPC's" around and may perhaps be somewhat confused as to what their purpose is, for our RP.

    The main function that these NPC's fulfill, is to create an artificial feeling of liveliness. When people are sleeping, these tireless npc's will populate the colony, creating a picture of a "living" colony.

    Currently there are three guard NPC's, their duty is to protect the guests from external threats. They do not interfere with inner conflicts between guests physically, but they will "advise" anyone against agressive actions. They are not to be killed unless given permission, most likely as part of an event of sorts.

    There's also two NPC vendors, one is a Floran, ICly she sells a couple of typical Floran goods, Floran drumms, bones, furs, meat, pretty much anything a tribal Floran could come up with, and secondly there is the Glitch cook, who sells a variety of liquor and sells food, which will be prepared by the Glitch cook upstairs, he will also offer a bacon on a stick, which you can roast at the pub.
    ((There's a supply of these items in the cash register, only take one per character.))

    There's also an NPC on the third floor, who oversees the hiring of rooms, so one can stay the night, and an npc who oversees the fights in the arena. Fights till the death are not allowed, but "accidents" can happen.

    As for their general behaviour, in time, perhaps I will create seperate personas for these NPC's and describe their personalities, but for now you can summon them by their colony deed, which ICly is pretty much a glorified service bell, and talk to them, to prompt dialogue, to interact with them. Their statuses or emotions, for instance Geartwists frequent crying, is not due to sadness, rather a persistent birth defect.

    Posts currently manned by NPCs can be taken by Player characters, who are always valued higher, the NPC's just replace the player when they are "on break" or sleeping, thus they will be assistant to the player who has taken that function.

    I hope this explanation was useful.
    Post any additional questions below and I'll attempt to answer them to the best of my capabilites, in time.