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[OOC] Loswake's 'OOC' Information Guide

Discussion in 'Loswake' started by Reconus, Jun 12, 2016.

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  1. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Lost jungle wakened once more.

    The crimson jungle chirps with life, the leaves dancing amongst the humid rain, having been undisturbed for untold millennia. The quiet civilisation that once called this planet home have long since fallen or departed, leaving a legacy of grand white ruin's and catacombs behind them for the red flora to slowly reclaim. Whilst none know of the planet's original name, few simply calling it "Gor", or "The Gor Waste" after it's parent star, the ones who had settled there before had come to call their home "Loswake".

    Since the inevitable 'independence' given by the powers-that-be, denizens of the once relatively stable Orion arm that refused to leave the sector as the local superpowers pulled back their fronts found themselves having to fend off against raiders and pirates who circled and preyed on the weak like durasteel sharks in the cold void. Rather than risk an untimely demise, a certain group of these residents banded together in a large convoy with the intent to blast through the plundering blockade. Needless to say, they somehow succeeded, and found themselves within Council Space.

    The refugees have since settled themselves upon the jungle planet on the larger piece of a small island chain off the coast, which judging by it's geometry could possibly have been birthed by a powerful impact of another large celestial body such as a meteorite. Mountains encircle this island in a ring, having slowly been moulded over the countless years. Rivers flow freely from their peaks through the jungle to open bays by the tropical ocean, for indeed some faces of the island smooth out into sandy beaches, either with the jungle canopy behind them, or colossal cliff faces from years of hardship and erosion.

    NPC Guards
    How do they work??


    The guards posted at the colony gates will provide all visitors with a pat down and then send them through. If your character was banned or exiled from the colony, please assume that they will turn you away. If you wish to sneak something through a pat down, please whisper a colony official IG and explain how you plan to do so. If it sounds silly or unlikely, it won't get through.

    If you wish to cause some mayhem or chaos in front of the guards, we'll try and replace them with a PC guard character. If no one is available, you're a butt head! -- And should probably save it for another time.

    Yes, there is always someone there.

    More OOC Stuff
    What you probably need to know.


    Other than enjoying yourself (hopefully), there are few more things that should get cleared up before hopping in to the rainforest.

    • Building: Please don't build anything without asking for permission! As empty as the jungle may seem, we don't want the place littered in case we get any more plans. You can either ask/PM (private message) @Reconus or @Aiko for clearance.
    • PvP: PvP is perfectly fine. However, do please keep in mind the consequences of some actions - for example, visitors are not allowed guns on the camp grounds, so if you do bring one it would be wise to expect resistance in return. If you plan to commit a raid on the camp, please have the courtesy to give us a heads up prior. 'Raids' will not be permitted when there are less than 5 locals planet side unless given explicit permission from those affected.
    • AA Coverage: The campers have installed an anti-air control system in the hopes to protect them from any potential ne'er-do-wells. This system has clear view of the entire island around it, from the far mountains to the heavens above - three warnings are issued before it will fire upon intruders. For landing authorisation you can either ask IC or ask/PM @Reconus or @Aiko.
    • Breaking: PLEASE do not destroy things either unless you own that thing or have permission in one form or another. Thank you, loves.
    Again, if you have any questions, feel free to contact @Reconus or @Aiko. More things may be added as things arise and so forth.
    #1 Reconus, Jun 12, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
  2. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    Posted tidbit regarding NPC gate guards
    1 person likes this.
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