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OOC Information/Coordinates

Discussion in 'Fernbrook Field' started by Leschinsky, Oct 8, 2016.

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  1. Leschinsky

    Leschinsky Bohemic Tendencies

    Dec 31, 2013
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    38, -9 Ragnarok Rim III



    OOCly leadership defers to myself and @Mary_Whitaker , ICly there is no established leader at this time. This is an old abandoned colony inhabited by only a few. This may very well may change in the future. In terms of planning, it would be nice to establish a small democratic council to oversee the Fields should it grow far beyond its simple beginnings.


    Growth of Fernbrook Field will be driven strongly by the players who come to settle at the colony. Those seeking to provide additions to Fernbrook are required to ask for OOC permission to do so, and work alongside the colony leaders to establish a location for said buildings. We would ask all players seeking to add to our settlement follow the established aesthetics.

    There are three primary forms of building on Fernbrook:

    Campsites: Fernbrook is a rustic community, with a rich landscape just perfect for outdoorsmen. Campsites provide players with a quickly set up, easy to maintain piece of land they can work with.

    Established Locals: Fernbrook has many ruins, caves, and tunnels woven throughout the planet. Those looking to build upon established foundations are encouraged so long as they do not hinder upon other player’s ability to explore. Players are permitted to expand upon background ruins through building or use of teleport doors to make a structure that was already there before the player came. These provide another quick claim to land for players to build within.

    From Scratch: If you’d like to build something from the ground up, that’s just fine. You will be expected to follow the theming found within Fernbrook. Depending on the scale and scope of the project, a player may be required to ICly establish the build being worked on for awhile before being permitted to actually construct it. We don’t want brand new things springing up out of nowhere.


    Building within Fernbrook fields requires permission. Players must ask if they can build something, we’ll allow or deny it, and we reserve the right to tweak things for aesthetic’s sake. But, the place uses a small handful of block types as a core, so, it won’t be hard for players to keep in theme. This does not apply to temporary things set down for the purposes of ongoing roleplay. Pitching tents, setting down a lantern, laying down a log to cross a body of water, these are all allowed outside of permission.

    We ask you be respectful to other player’s structures and the colony as a whole before taking any actions that may alter the planet for another person. A good deal of what was set up on this colony was done so with the express purpose of providing players areas to explore.


    To provide players a location that puts social interaction and character development first. This is a colony set up around the idea of community and all the drama that can come with it.

    To provide players with ample and varied setting to explore and play around within. There is a wealth of interesting areas to explore, and activities players could do given some creativity.

    To provide an avenue for lesser used player events such as large social gatherings, exploration expeditions, or co-operative DMed events focused more around players versus the environment and native wildlife than strictly PVP.


    Fernbrook Fields is a strictly expressed consent colony. What does that mean?

    You may not under any circumstances permanently maim or kill another player against their will. There is no “implied” consent, permission must be openly given. If you are seeking to push forward a confrontation with another character to the point where one of these would be a likely outcome, we suggest you open a line of communication with involved parties to work through the boundaries and possible outcomes an open conflict might have. This extends to destruction of players’ property as well.

    Fernbrook Fields is a colony rooted in player interaction. We openly welcome developed interpersonal conflicts between players, but stress it should be done in a constructive and respectful way that will help move along development for all involved parties.

    Large scale or random acts of violence are not the sort of roleplay Fernbrook Fields was created for, and as of right now will not be participating in such things.

    Regarding any of the content here on this page, or sub forum, feel free to contact myself (Leschinsky on Discord) or @Mary_Whitaker (Mary Whitake on Discord). We are open to listen to your ideas and critiques so don’t be afraid to shoot us a line.
    #1 Leschinsky, Oct 8, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2016
    3 people like this.
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