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[OOC] Camp Asset Compendium

Discussion in 'Loswake' started by Aiko, Jun 12, 2016.

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  1. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    The Camp Asset Compendium

    This thread is for detailing and describing all the assets and features constructed or established within the colony from what they are, to what they do. As the settlement develops, more and more structures or fortifications will be added!

    Asset Summary

    Summarized asset information can be located below. More detailed information will be posted.
    Last Updated: 06-12-2016

    The crimson forest this colony sits within rests atop a moderately sized island surrounded by salty green waters that stretch far off over the horizon. Uneven, mountainous terrain make travel difficult. A walk from the shores to camp takes approximately 2 hours. Local fauna is relatively harmless and manageable, the most dangerous of which being an organism similar to the earthen grizzle bear.
    The bridge is a massive ancient ruin which the settlement was built upon. It extends from one cliff face to another. Steep rocky cliff faces keep the area well protected from unwanted intrusion. The only ways to enter the camp without an extensive rock climb is through the hill base gate, or the tower to the west.
    The outer walls of the camp protect the settlement from both wildlife and potential intruders, funnelling all traffic through either the west or east hydraulic gates. The walls are 10 feet tall, with segmented laser trip wires running across their summits. These tripwires simply alert the radio tower & synchronized colony officials when disturbed.
    Prefabricated amenity modules were purchased from and deployed by Ceres Housing Solutions, and currently sit atop the bridge in the centre of the colony. These modules provide essential colony necessities including: An engineering & fabrication bay, Hydroponics, Restroom Facilities, and a Medical bay.
    The generator is used for emergency and back up only, utilizing erchius combustion. Otherwise, most facilities are kept operational through harvested UV energy.
    Solar panels are stocked upon most roof tops, and positioned around the massive xeno crystal looming within the centre pillar of the bridge. They are the colonies primary source of power.
    Water is siphoned from the river within the valley below the bridge with basic filtration & treatment. Common standard sensors are in place to detect parasites and toxins.
    The workshop is a simple collection of tools and equipment publicly available to colonists. On top of that, it is also considered the 'store zone', and houses most of the colonies supplies safely secured in crates and lockers.
    The radio tower provides the colony with a connection to the rest of the sector, as well as monitors air traffic in the surrounding atmosphere. The air control radar encompasses the entirety of the island side, and feeds directly into the Sentinel. The structure itself is incredibly stable and fortified due to its critical nature. From titanium & concrete supports, to tempered 12" thick windows.
    The Sentinel is a rugged and worthwhile investment linked with the air traffic radar system. An automated AI will issue warnings to all trespassing ships, and provide time to retreat before blasting them out of the air.
    #1 Aiko, Jun 12, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
  2. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    The Island

    Loswake consists mostly of deep valleys and rocky hillsides. The island mass itself is roughly
    3.5² kilometres. The waters that surround it are tinted green thanks to rich algae & plant life in the shallow shoreline.

    It's climate is moderate, and diverse. Commonly, the days are hot and humid, whilst the nights are cool and crisp.
    -5°C - 20°C

    The indigenous fauna share traits and behavioural patterns similar to Earth's North American continent. Rabbits, Deer, Wolves, and Bears are some of the more prominent similarities -- of course, these are just reference examples. The fauna aren't earthen species. Duh.
    #2 Aiko, Jun 12, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
  3. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    The Bridge

    The ominously large & marble carved ruin is the foundation the colony was built upon. The crackling, decaying stonework and overgrowing grass & trees demonstrate it's immense age, but despite it all the structure is as sturdy and strong as a mountain. Elegant masonry assumes whoever built these ruins were sophisticated and advanced, or at the very least, determined.

    The bridge stretches between two parted cliffs and looms over a small valley mostly occupied by a calm current river. The hillsides to either side are the only ways to enter the camp, apart from mountain climbing. This provides the settlers with an excellent advantage when attempting to control their territory.
  4. Aiko

    Aiko The Coolest Cat

    Dec 19, 2013
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    The Walls

    Containing access to the hillside leading to the camp on either end stretch gated walls comprised mostly of iron sheeting and framework. While the walls themselves are not impenetrable, they are more orientated toward alerting the colonists to danger as opposed to stopping it. The walls reach 10 feet tall, and are roughly 5 inches thick.

    Running from segment to segment at the peaks of the walls sit pairs of ultraviolet sensors & laser tripwires. As with most lasers, these security measures are invisible to the eye. However, once something interferes with the alignment of the laser & sensor pairing, alarms are trigged within the radar tower and discretely forwarded to all calibrated personnel.
  5. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    The Prefabs


    These prefabricated amenity modules were purchased and deployed through Ceres Housing Solutions, Prefabrication & Utilities. Located upon the bridge in the centre of the colony, they're fully integrated with the settlements power & water supply.

    The four prefab modules house crucial amenities for most colonial development.

    Engineering Facility
    Offers modelling and fabrication equipment for producing sophisticated components and electronics, or robust plating and equipment.​
    Features accelerated growth through artificial stimuli, with adjustable climate settings. Yield space of approximately 100m².​
    Restroom & Shower Facilities
    Simple, yet mandatory. Filtration and sanitization equipment ensure waste is handled hygienically.​
    Equipped with most current era medical equipment apart from larger machinery.
    #5 Reconus, Jun 12, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  6. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    The Generator
    The backup erchius combustion generator is stored behind the colony workshop, and is only used when absolutely necessary. Due to the low energy consumption rate of the settlement, solar power fuels all facilities in excess throughout the average week.

    Solar Panels
    Most facilities are stocked with independent solar harvesting systems to maintain their power reservoirs throughout the day. Discovery of the unorthodox xenocrystals seemingly endless ability to emit UV radiation has lead the colony to encapsulate the primary bridge support crystal in a solar cell flower.
    #6 Reconus, Jun 12, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  7. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Water Treatment


    \Piping is secured along the main marble column supporting the centre bridge, reaching from the base of the valley river to the water pump & treatment module, which then branches off along the sides of the bridge to supply most of the immediate area.

    Water is siphoned from the river within the valley below the bridge with basic filtration & treatment measures. Common standard protocol sensors detect parasites and toxins.
    #7 Reconus, Jun 12, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2016
  8. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    The Workshop


    The workshop is a simple collection of tools and equipment publicly available to the colonists placed inside a very basic metal shed, along with a collection of wooden racks and a general supplies


    The support beam that hosts the workshop has become a sorts of stockpile to the colony, with stacks of crates filled with general supplies surrounding the main workshop itself. The tools are also useful in many circumstances, be they for construction within the colony, engineering, electronics, metal-working or scraping.
    #8 Reconus, Jun 13, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2016
  9. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Air Control Tower


    Radio Tower
    The radio tower provides the colony with a connection to the rest of the sector, as well as monitors air traffic in the surrounding atmosphere. The air control radar encompasses the entirety of the island side, and feeds directly into the Sentinel. The structure itself is incredibly stable and fortified due to its critical nature. From titanium & concrete supports, to tempered 12" thick windows. Only those with a proper authorised keycard for the keypad can open the doors.

    The Sentinel
    The Sentinel is a rugged and worthwhile investment linked with the air traffic radar system. An automated AI will issue warnings - being fed information from the tower - to flying objects entering range or breaking atmosphere. After three warnings have been issued in successive order with each having no response nor being heeded, the Sentinel will fire upon the incoming object.
    #9 Reconus, Jun 13, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2016
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