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Omega's video documents.

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by yoyohaloreach, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Just sat there at the table of his apartment, clearly fatigued.

    "Well I've been hearing of people making these things, and today is as good as any to start. But let me give you some back story... About two years ago I came upon a system named Antares, I was just starting out as an arms dealer. I made a shop on a shitty colony named Avalon. Was having a great time, met a nice girl it was awesome. Till she cheated on me, and a better gunsmith came up. Then the corruption of Avalon came into play, at that I left the system hell I left the sector. Now skip to today pinewood opened, now that was a cluster fuck. Max a friend who I hate came down, you know who hates him even more? Most of everyone on pinewood, because they 'talked' to him in private. And by talked I mean my friend Greg put a hole in his fucking chest, straight up killed him. When I saw the body I couldn't believe it, and when I bothered to tell people that shit colored bird Ziggy riled them up and demanded to see the body. He said I just made a mistake, God damn I wanted to shoot him in the back of the head. Other than that I almost got in a firefight with some piece of shit, I think I'm going to stay around Olympus until Pinewood gets it's shit together.

    At that he gave a nod and pressed the camera's off button.
    #1 yoyohaloreach, Oct 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 7, 2015
  2. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    [Log 10/19/2415]
    Sitting there was Omega, a coffee in his right hand.

    "Holy shit I've had one hell of a fucking week... Plus a few days, anyways lets start out with... Ah yes, I was watching Holon's Arena fight over starnet. She let me watch it since I support her as well as the other way around, anyways A huge Glitch with a pickaxe and some... Weird fucking guy who had a fetish for hurting people in their private areas." He shook his head, the russian just rubbing the bridge of his nose, "Anyways when the match was barely starting, the testacle man walked out. And you know who walks in right after? Ziggy, yeah me and him made peace. And we're not terrible to eachother but I'd say were some what friends. Anyways he walked right into the arena, he clearly had no fucking clue what was happening. Little did he know that he just volunteered himself to the chopping block, so yeah he faced off with a glitch." He looked like he was about to laugh his ass off, "And he got stabbed in the ass! Funny as hell, after I laughed my ass off I felt like a peice of crap. Anyways after a bit of combat Ziggy actually won!"

    "On another note, I found Sarah getting mad as hell in the bar... She says she's been in better moods, but I haven't seen that side of her until after I talked her into calming down and told my story... She sort of just shrugged it off, made me want to uppercut her, no wonder Ziggy hit it and quit it... Oh and that was what she was mad about." He sighed and slowly shook his head, "I wish I had lady problems, but whatever I'm a clone anyways and it freaks people out seeing my body..." He gave a shrug before taking a moment to take out a pack of cigarettes, hitting the bottom of it against the back of his hand. And with one finger flicked out a single smoke, his mouth taking hold of it. He then brought out a silver lighter with a gold Omega symbol on the side. Flicking it open, he flicked at the flint as the lighter went up he pressed the flame against the top of the cigarette lighting it. "Anyways after that is was business as usual, heard from Rodrick that tentacle cultists attacked the bar... I couldn't give a shit about a person's religion, as long as it's not to that terrible fucking thing."

    He let out some smoke from his nostrils, "I shaved my chin as well as gave myself a bit of a haircut, I think it suits me better though it might have made me look younger than I am... So anyways after all this was happening, I was robbed. One of my damn shipments was robbed, by some fucking thugs I have never felt so mad in my life... Well except back at the facility with Alpha and Beta." Rubbed his no smooth chin, a thought coming across his head, "Oh and there is this guy named James, he makes me a bit mad. He came into the bar, and when I was talking about my firearms he started to say 'it's all about guns.' I asked what his problem was and what was wrong about guns. 'My family is dead because of guns...' I'm not trying to disrespect his family's memory but A.) I didn't need to know your view on guns. B.) Or how your family died, I don't mind you mourning their death I just don't want you yelling it out in public and interupting... Anyways after my shipment was stoling he said 'forget about it, this is my revenge for saying to give up on my family.' Dude fuck you, those words never came out of my fucking mouth!" He rubbed his forehead, "Anyways after some time everything became the same, I'm still trying to pinpoint my shipment's location and hopefully the TSS will be behind my back... Anyways I don't have really any plans, maybe try to find a girl but like that will ever happen with the way I am." He gave a shrug, before taking another drag of his cigarette, "I've been working on my Plasma line of weapons, maybe in a few days or so it'll be greenlit to put on shelves..."

    The russian slowly stood up and cracked his back, thinking for a few moments seeing if he had anything else to say. He then just shrugged and went over to the desktop and flipped the switch shutting the recording off.

    [Log time: 7:29]
    #2 yoyohaloreach, Oct 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2015
  3. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Log: 3
    Star date 4/12/2416
    Time: 23:23

    Sitting there is a bruised Omega, who has clearly taken a beating. The bridge of his nose covered by a band-aid, and showing recent signs of being broken. He takes a moment to make sure everything is fine before starting. "Well holy shit it's been a big time jump since I've done anything like this. Where to start.... I don't remember much, but I left a bit after my last entry. Mostly for business in the inner sectors, had to re-establish some connections and what not. Anyways I get back about... A week ago, everything is changed. Though that shouldn't surprise me, different colony, different people I should get use to it." He gave a small shrug before continuing. "I found Rodrick, he's fine. Getting married to a Floran woman that's twice his size. Should be fun for him, also he now has an adopted Avian daughter, hope she turns out fine with being raised out here and all... Anyways you know Rodrick hired a maid! She's pretty, french, good with food and quite friendly. So I could see why he hired her, plus he said he's too lazy to clean.. Though other then that he did change, physically and mentally. His limbs have been cut off, and have been replaced... He's started to remind me a bit of Greg, that man was more machine than flesh. He was hardened as well... Always wonder if he's still alive wherever he is. Anyways Rodrick said he lost the limbs from some pirates way back when I left." He let out a sigh, leaning back in his office chair to stare at the ceiling for a moment. A thoughtful look on his face, after a moment he came back. "This sector deals some damage huh? There have been so many threats, I wonder why there is still life out here. But I guess good people need cheap land, and assholes need prey. On another note, I went to Upside. New colony by the way, nice place has a sewer system for the more.... Just straight up Ghetto dwellers. Anyways I was walking along upside, and since I lived on Pinewood, helped out a little with farming I decided to help these two young adults, brother and sister. When I was in the middle of telling them all my tips. Three men, with ballistic masks, assault rifles and military gear stormed into the room. I was right by the door, so I ran the fuck out of there and alerted the colony. A whole cluster fuck happens, making three assholes, four. There was one hiding in the bathroom and we had him surrounded and we were about to make way to the beam pad to trade him for safety. When this bitch sewer rat busts into the room and starts shooting, I mean seriously she was a fucking idiot. She killed the younger brother! And afterward she didn't give a shit about it.... I just want to GAH!" He slammed his fists on each side of the table, both of them trembling in anger. He took a few deep breathes before calming down. "Anyways, someone had the bright idea to try and trace these guys. So they somehow find me making a deal, and ambush us... Sol was with me, so we fought for as long as we could till we were backed up into a corner. I gave them the very limited information I had, since I haven't been around all that long. And I thought I was going to leave with only losing two guns. Nope they start to assault me, fucking assholes... So I'm like this... They should be healing soon. Anyways you have no idea who I saw last night! Lulua, the bitch came back into my life, to annoy the living shit out of me. She said she just doesn't like me and I seem like a cunt. Called her a bitch, and she kindly fucked off... Gah, I have no idea why I'm blessed with such nice fucking people around me...." He once more sighed, rubbing his forehead for a moment before once more continuing one. "Anyways, I'm more worried about no military faction coming up, these terrorists have free rain right now. So fingers crossed on that, and more so to supply weapons to whoever does so. Well that's all for now. no idea how long it'll be till I make another one of these... Till then Omega signing off." He gave a shitty two finger salute before finishing the recording.

    End Time: 23:54
  4. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Log: 3.5
    Star Date: 4/13/2416
    Time Start: 23:51

    He of course sits there, reading a book. The Odyssey apparently. "So not much today, I mean I came in got coffee and checked out the swimming pool at Upside. It's starting to become a nice place. Still needs a gym of course, but other then that. It''s a nice place... Sol the awkward hitman was talking with this girl named Paige. A red head artist of some sorts, she has augmentations so that's something to note. She believes in the norse gods, Gemran NeoPaganism seems to be her religion. I noticed a small hammer hanging from her necklace, like one would hang an amulet of Kluex or a cross of Jesus... It's interesting, and it's not like I haven't seen things like this before, there was on with the Greek Paganism, as well as Roman. It's un-scientific that people rely on gods to explain what science easily can.... But hey believe what you want to believe, as long as you don't force me to believe the same thing. So anyways Sol and Paige were talking about making a Militia of some sorts. In comes Sarah, who listens in and looks furious at Sol. She said that he's not a Soldier and he shouldn't make decisions for himself. She was being... Well Sarah was being Sarah, I've seen some people with this much anger, and usually Clonazepam is the medications they use to help stop that... Maybe I should tell Paige of it, she seemed somewhat friendly with Sarah and that's something. Anyways as Sarah and Paige leave, I strike up a conversation with this one Avian. And odd looking one, innocent. He seems to not be effected by the curse of this frontier yet. Though talking with him made me think, of course he took my occupation as something terrible it also made me think... Anyways we had a bit of back and forth about the use of lethal force and what not which ended well. Anyways continuing on to my thought and it's this..." He paused a moment staring straight into the camera. "People, are people.... Doesn't matter what race, religion or gender. People are people, people aren't good nor evil when they come into the universe. They come into this world innocent... And some people have the mistake of saying innocent means good, no it means without a clue. Soon these Innocents slowly lose that one thing. They find their way through the world as a person. Something that can be as dangerous as a nuclear bomb... That can cause an uproar that can change lives, with only a few words. People are people, they have a weird way of acting though... They label themselves, to people who label themselves ;Good: They think they're doing the best for everyone, that they're pushing into the future for all sentient races. :Bad: people who are labeled by all and sometimes even themselves are those who do what they want, have no moral issues with it and cause harm. But there is no need for labels, that bird could have been a serial killer if something happened in his life that pointed him that way... Anyways back to the main point, people are people. Simple as that, and as people a system is needed to make everything work and that is the good and the bad... And it works, it makes the good people happy to see the bad people jailed or killed. And it makes the bad people happy in taking away from the good. That's the way things are and how they'll always be... I mean I may be an armsdealer, but I'm labeled a bad, and good guy by some certain people. But I'm neither I'm just me, and people are just people." He gave a nod finished the recording.

    Time end: 24:11 4/14/2416
    #4 yoyohaloreach, Apr 14, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2016
  5. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Log: 4
    Star Date: 4/22/2416
    Time Start: 11:29

    Sitting there in his office chair was of course Omega, his hands rubbing against his temple. "Have I ever told you that sometimes, I really fucking hate Avians.... Well I came up with the kind I do hate, the mother fuckers born in the core sectors that don't know jack shit of living out in the frontier. Gah! I'll get to that later, let me see if me memory of the past few days held let me see.... Oh yeah.... I have some very bad news." The look on his face made it easily to see that he was close to bursting into tears, though he kept it back. Just the small sad look on his face. "Let me tell you of the events of the last few days, I met up with Junko the Hylotl veteran salvage jockey. She's a nice woman, and I found out she has some chemistry with Francsico the owner of the strip club in the sewers... Oh yeah there's a strip club in the sewers now. Anyways met up with her and all that, sold her a Desert Eagle, we had lunch and we swapped stories of our past life. She told me she was apart of the Port Last war, and then I remember her from the news." It'd cut off to footage of Junko taking shots with a sniper rifle inside the Port Last hospital. "I remembered her, but she changed so much from when the news footage came out. For one she has lost on of her three eyes, and she no longer has any legs... Shame, though when she heard of my past my past, about being the whole clone thing she understood. She's a nice girl, I hope to be good friends with her and all that. After that the next day came in and I found myself with an employee... Well more of a business partner Greenpetal, she needed a job and she was very good with customizing guns. So I gave her an agreement, I can pay her an alright sum a week. She can do business with who she wants name her own prices. In return I get a big cut and offer her the resources. It gives me a bit of profit which I enjoy. I almost mistook her for a male, she was so big and well... To be honest from the front she didn't have much. From the back, yeah I could tell." He chuckled out a bit, shaking his head at himself "Though I'm only kidding... Anyways she upgraded my personal Deagle. which looked a lot better now. Anyways after I came in to see Junko holding a sniper position the next day, I asked her what was wrong and she said some crazy scientist bitch with two glitch looking robots. I for one didn't get into it, but heard the gunfire that occured soon after. People said that she was an Android, a Synthetic to be exact.... Later um.... Sol, a good friend... He was murdered by some green Nova kid, Rod thinks it might have something to do with the people he worked with the time before but I don't know. I tried to get some answers from Rose, another Nova kid actually the one I punched after the raid. I told her how bad I felt for doing that. She said it was fine, and she turned out to be a really nice person, pretty as well.... She worked as a stripper in Francsico's bar, which I met her in.... Got a nice dance.... Anyways! Um I had to tell Rodrick about it, he didn't seem happy especially since he was as much of a friend of Sol's as me.... It's terrible what happened to him. But I won't forget him, like the others who have died as my friends before him. I'll remember you all, even you Max. You fcuking dick hole.... Anyways continuing on from before, I have even worse news. Me and Rodrick sat down and discussed that he's having doubts about staying with Mispi, she's somewhat physically abusive and emotionaly as well. Rodrick told me of how when he was heavily injured and they were together she asked about Ziggy first. And I just thought, I remember little but I remember how she was with Zig, I think she loved him but Ziggy being the womanizer he is, told her no. But I don't know if she stills loves the avian, or just cares about him since Mispi and Rodrick are raising one of his many children. I told Rodrick, I'll support his decision as a friend and told him to think it out and investigate...." He soon facepalmed and shook his head slowly looking at the camera, looking more annoyed then sad "Speaking of Ziggy's fucking kids, I met Willow one of his bastards, apparently he was into my shop to search through my wares. Instead he got slammed against the wall by Green. I was wondering what was going on but then heard the peice of fucking Avian shit left her and a fucking planet for months without food! That bastard diserved a lot worse then a scuffed up beak and I told him that. BUT THEN, another one of Ziggy's annoying fucking bastards came in and told the police. LIED ABOUT US BEING ARMED TO THE TEETH! Gah! We were in a gun shop but I left mine at home and my shit was locked up. So I had to talk greenpetal down. Willow that little fucker said that me and Rodrick who were just watching and not doing anything should get in trouble. HOW WERE WE SUPPOSED TO DO SOMETHING WITH A SEVEN FOOT FUCKING FLORAN WOMAN?! I wasn't going to shoot Green, hell no I don't want to kill people in the defense of some asshole spewing insults my direction. Anyways we got everything sorted out, I told both of Ziggy;s kids to fuck off. I want to have them killed, but no.. I owe Ziggy that much, were sort of friends now.... Haven't seen him in some time though. Though he has one decent kid, that little girl Rodrick has... She's adorable." Sighed, looking rather calm now, giving the camera a smile "Anyways, that's all for now. And in loving memory of my friend Sol, I'm going to try being friendly for the both of us... Rest in peice old friend, you will be dearly missed...." The video soon cuts out, Omega giving a nod and a smile before the recording ends.

    Time End: 11:58
  6. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Log: #5
    Star Date: 4/25/2416
    Time Start: 23:27

    Sitting there at his desk would be Omega, a thoughtful look on his face. "This one isn't really going to be a long one... Well maybe I have no clue, it depends on what's on my mind and all that... Lets start off with... Ebi, who's Ebi? A beautiful pink Hylotl I met the other day, she is... Well she was a mercenary, came here because she heard of the trouble in the sector and thought that she could get work. I told he that not much mercenary work around here. She bought an assault rifle from me, and we decided to get to know each other. We ate some lunc and BOOM! a lockdown started. Prior to that I was contacted by Junko and her boyfriend Francisco to not sell a certain glitch a weapon. I did as I was told. Anyways after the lock down apparently it was me, Ebi, Rodrick, Junko and Francisco sitting in the armory basement of my shop. Ebi got to know my past and I got to know a bit about her. And since she seemed friendly enough, I offered her a place to stay on my couch. We talked some more and I reccomended that she join the police force which she sent in an application. We seemed to get along pretty well. On a side not saw a drone wearing a reporter hat... And it bursted my ear drumbs but it looked cool especially chasing Ation that red Nova... Anyways next day, starts out alright, and I come across everyone surrounding an android. Me, Ebi and Paige took it in, repaired it. And I instantrly knew this model from the rich assholes I speak with in the core sectors. She was recalled mostly due to a death that happened.... Anyways I warned the police and they said to keep and eye on her. Anyways day cntinues on and my friend Amis? He lost his leg due to a shotgun blast from a rogue Hylotl. Some Nova named Blanc killed the Hylotl.... He looked similar to Sol. I was talking about Rodrick about it..." Omega's expression turned to that of anger and annoyance. "He shrugged me off like some fucking jackass! It made me so angry I destroyed the chair in my home and put a hole in the wall.... Anyways I had to simmer and I took a walk sat in the cafe. His expression softens as he remembers what occured a pleasent smile on his face. "Ebi came up to me wondered if I was okay, I was happy she was worried about me.... Anyways we talked some more, she asked about some rubber bullets. And she was adorable and added if I wanted to go get some dinner tomorrow night. Which meant she asked me out on a date, she was cute in doing it and it made me happy some silver lining in that day.... I am starting to really like her and maybe there is something I can be truly happy about in the frontier. Anyways I'm pretty sure that's all I have to share for now. Maybe add a point log in tomorrow telling how the date ended." He gave a smile and a wave before soon signing off.

    End Time: 23:42
  7. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Log #6
    Star Date: 5/1/2416
    Time Start: 13:33

    Once more Omega shows up, his hands rubbing at his face. Clearly he just had a break down, his eyes bloodshot and his knuckles lightly purple from bruising. He had a bit of a bruise on his head. "You know, I was born to be a killer.... No let me rephrase that, I was born to evolutionize another generation of military killers. I was just a guinea pig, in the span of twenty four brothers to see which one was the best model.... I.... I have no idea if I'm a monster or not, people say I am for selling guns and people don't because I provide other things like medicine.... I need to come to the relization that I cannot make everyone happy. I can't be seen as a good guy in everyone's eyes, and not as good as moral standing but good in their eyes. And I have become use to it. I don't give a shit anymore... Ziggy's kids make me want to resort to murder, but net! I will not, I am not a murderer no matter what people say! It's people who kill people not me! It's not on my conscious! So fuck them! Those born with a silver spoon in their fucking moths that think we, the people of the frontier are monsters! Fuck them..... Anyways I'll get to that, I had my date with Ebi two days past the right day, first we were interupted by some automated power armor going crazy. We had to destroy it.... Then the next day we had our date, it was wonderful we took joy in the time we had together before shit hit the fan once more. I hope we can go on another one soon. Cement our relationship. Anyways by the night I see another group of droids kidnap Conscium the android bakery lady next door.... I was persuing them, but then this giant droid in power armor came up with a huge gun! The bastard started laying down fire, there were no police so I had to take him on. I had some infanty power armor laying around and used a heavy machine gun to destroy the bastard along with the android Nano who hacked his systems.... I had some wounds, a quarter of my body is now burnt... It hurts so much, I just.... Anyways... He sighed leaning back once more thinking over things. "Next day Paige the local doctor wanted to go to where they took her and burn everything down, and kill everyone. To be honest she was being an unreasonable bitch. The police calmed her down. Then she went on a drunken rampage. After that I was talking to someone about the battle and I used guy instead of droid and I got a glare from one of Ziggy's boy, short of the story he only got one hit in and nothing else, he thinks I can't fight my own battles without a weapon and that I'm a coward. No bitch I'm just smarter then not to use a weapon you fuck. Then Ernal came in and started spewing about how I'm a bad guy. I told him to fuck off and yelled about how good they have it, how great of a child hood they had and if they can't handle the frontier they can go fuck themselves! I went to sleep soon after, I gotta turn myself in and pay a fine soon... I'll get back to you later.

    End Time: 13:53
  8. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Log #7
    Star Date: 6/3/2416
    Time Start: 12:49

    Omega sat in the same seat as always, a new scar added on to the right side of his face. It expanded back to his right ear, the bottom lobe being torn off. He had a neutral expression, clearly he wasn't stressed much. "God it's been over a month since I've done this, I should remember to do it more often so I don't have to speak much. Because clearly I've been chatting people's ears off, and this is the best way to blow off some steam. Anyways where do I start? Ebi is... I don't know where she is, she just left one day to my surprise. Just like my brothers, just like a lot of people I know... Anyways uh, not much to tell that I remember, I was kicked off Mud for being me. But recently that was solved me and Ernal, pushed our differences aside, and even though I sense he still has a little bit of hate for me. We've decided to co-exist, he let me back on Mud. Earned my respect back, he's a good man. Just doing what he thinks is right." He chuckled a bit at himself, his head slowly shaking as he peered down to the floor, but then looked back into the camera. "Anyways, I guess you're wondering about the new scar? Guess who gave it to me.... If you're guessing florans, then you get the cigar! Yeah me and this floran, she's a marine. Mattulip had a bit of an arguement. About what? Anya this Russian girl, she was Rodrick's business partner in his Arms company. She wanted to destroy the TQRF, because she didn't like the owner. Rodrick and I told her it was a waste of resources. And she turned into a total bitch, turns out she found that in common with Paige and they are together now I think. Oh and the TQRF is a PMC Sarah made, they are pretty good. I have an ammo contract with them. Anyways back to Mattulip, we were fighting in the gym slash pool. Mother fucker cheap shots, but he or she is cool. Umm right after Matt dislocated my arm, and I round house kicked him in the head. A group of Florans showed up. Just so you know Joshua was there too on the tread mill he's also a new friend and head marine of the unit based here. Um, they zerg rushed us. Matt pushed my arm back into place, got my gun and fought them off before we got help. Joshua was impaled, Mattulip had one javelin to the side and my face got a new scar. They were more focused on Joshua. He survived though, and recovered. Now he works for me." The video cut to him opening a can of cream soda, and sipping at it. "Uh... Hm, oh yeah a bunch or Refugees from the spur came into the sector, set up a nice place Ace works there now. They're sort of crazy. But from what I remember of the Spur, that whole place is fucking nuts. But just as crazy as are place, but had a different kind of crazy... Anyways they're here, of course had some problems, two dead, and one injured. And I was there watching. Um oh! The planet they're set up on, has fucking fruit with a raging aphrodesiac. And someone had the great idea to make a pie with the fruit..Ate it, got my jaw socked by a giant horny black man. And then I ran around like a fucking maniac, screaming. I had to relax in my ship... Next thing on the list, is that we captured a floran from that tribe that attacked up. Interrogated him. That's a not. Oh and this weird Avian came into the shop, looking to buy something to defend himself. Background checked he lobotomized people. And replaced parts of their brain with "Kleux's soul" machine parts basically. He was a loon, so I sold him a non-lethal." Shook his head slowly, his left hand rubbing against his chin. "Anyways after that things were peaceful, but I doubt there will be anything like- Oh yeah! Jaycee an avian I know is prgnant, two eggs. She has.... a Relationship I guess you can call it with a few avians. I can see she was confused, when she was with them. And now she has gone crazy... Not crazy crazy, but enough to let a giant armored.... Thing take her with it. Anyways I just came home and drank some beer before heading to bed. Now here I am! That's all for now, I'll probably come back in a day or two. With a nod, he gave a thumbs up and turned the recording off.

    End Time: 13:14
  9. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
    Likes Received:
    Log #8
    Star Date: 6/9/2416
    Time Start: 12:12

    Omega sat there, a different background. It was not his ship, it was an odd ancients looking thing. Behind him their seemed to be a robot made out of smooth metal. Two keys in it's chest that had around eight keyholes. It seemed to be staring at an odd anomaly, a dark sphere with a little purple emitting around it. Right infront of him, there would be a crown. A jet black thing, looking rather terrifying, giving off terrible vibes. He stared at it for a moent, before looking to the camera. A sigh drifting out from his nostrils. "Things are so fucked, god or whatever is up there if there is anything. This is the most terrified I've been in my whole life.... Let me start from the beginning, it was a normal day I've just hired a new Novakid to work for me, kid who's name was... Duh Kidd, anyways he made this nice revolving shotgun. Good peice of work. Anyways I get a call over the radio, it was open and I somehow wonder why I'm the only one that bothered to show up. And I come here to this scene, mister robot over there. Staring into the fucking void, or the gate to Carcosa or.... Whatever the FUCK! That is. I find documents that scare the shit out of me, find a key use it on mister A. That's his name by the way Object A the documents call him. He actually moves, the key into one of the holes, then goes still. I plug my PMD into him, it blares out fucking Sumerian. Know what Sumerian is? No fucking clue till I looked up some of the gibberish on the documents. Been trying to tanslate but to no avail yet." He Rubbed at his forehead, another sigh coming from it as he stared the camera. "Next it gets even worse. I get another call over the open radio by an automated beam system. As soon as I responded I was beamed to this odd base. It had fourty mil miniguns. It was a military installation. Prior to that, there was this picture released on Starnet, the symbol was made for the King in Yellow. And old horror character in a five hundred year old book. So we check out the place. And we see the mother frucker. He dissapears into no where.. And I find this crown and another key. And it goes to A over there. He reacted to the crown and said 'In strange ways gods, come to men' It was an odd sentence. But I know I heard it somewhere before. I can't put my finger on it. But what I do know, is something BAD is going on. It's.... Well it's rather terrifying, I keep asking for help but mostly everyone I asked gets scared away. This is unnatural, but compared to symbiotic black goo disease. Which is involved in this in some way. And a giant fucking tentacle monster, that's also related to this. Space fucking demons or gods or whatever, doesn't really seem far fetched.... I just hope what I'm doing, kills them off rather than releases the bastards. Whatver they are. Or maybe Carcosa, a star city or whatever. Has something good in it. Anyways, I'll get more info in when I can. This is Omega signing out, and hopefully I keep my sanity. He once more did a thumbs up before the video feed cut out.

    End time: 12:30
  10. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Log #9
    Star Date: 7/1/2416
    Time Start: 2:59

    There sits Omega, like usual. Though he was just leaning back in his seat, eyes staring up at the ceiling. He seemed distant, and of course sleep deprived. Bags lightly forming under his eyes. It took him a moment to get himself together before looking torwards the camera. "Oakie.... Uh Oakie is dead, yeah he blew his brains out at his sister's grave. I blame myself and a few others... That happened two weeks ago? Maybe, it's been a blur. I miss him, he was a good friend. And when I meet him after I die, if I do. If there is anywhere to meet... I will say I'm sorry I couldn't give him a reason to keep going..." He rubbed his face a bit, before sitting up. His hand coming up to take the hat from a top his head. "I'm going to keep the crown and this whole bunch of shit on hold for a little bit... Well it's already been a little bit, so just a little bit longer..... Umm... God this fucking frontier, takes a lot from you huh? I just.... I'm trying to keep my sanity in check sorry.... Who the fuck am I even apologising to? Who would even /look/ at this when I'm gone..? Whatever it fills it's purpose.... Um, big things coming up in the company, we opened a local factory with help of a locel business? I wouldn't call it a real business. The guy in charge doesn't know much about running one..." He rubbed at his eye for a bit, clearly nulling over a few things. "I'm going to try and get back on the saddle again, you know? Try to get something to encourage me, or at least fuel me to be social more. Met a few girls, a cute floran. She interests me most of all. But of course I'm uh... Sort of nervous, this place... This sector loves to take precious things from you... So of course I'm going to be cautious, not putting my eggs in this basket till they've proved to be made out of durasteel. Oh another thing, the sunshine company took up the ammo machines, a call back or something. I saved a personal one as a sort of knick knack. I've already started a project to replace them. It's going to cost more to put these things up. But the improved UI should help it make more sales... Oh and there's a no faction working for council space. Called the IG, Josh runs it. And I'm going to get hopefully another ammo contract under my belt. And it'll be a lot easier especially with the local factory and materials being brought in. I'm going to be making a higher profit here. And hopefully sell some more guns. Personal sales have been low lately. Hopefully that'll change soon..." Next his hand scratched at his chin now, his eyes staring at the left for a moment. "Star has hired Blaze to run security, without telling me. I told him straight and what not. I mean not like Blaze is a bad option, she's just racist to Florans. Which is a bit of my staff. Hopfully we won't get any executions like the last few times... New Anatolia is where the factory is. Nice set up to, like my office there... I don't have much to say, and I seriously need to remember to do these more often... Anyways Omega signing off." He gave a nod before logging off.

    End Time: 3:19
    #10 yoyohaloreach, Jul 1, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016