1. These forums are archived and available in read-only format. No new accounts may be created and content may not be added or edited. This archive is dedicated to hoshiwara.t who tragically passed away in April of 2015. She will be forever missed.

Omega Weapon Tech Inc. weaponsmiths

Discussion in 'Archives' started by yoyohaloreach, Aug 6, 2014.


Do you remember Omega Weapons Tech Inc. ?

Poll closed Aug 20, 2014.
  1. Yes I do, and welcome back!

  2. No I don't, but welcome back!

  3. Yes I do, go away.

  4. No I don't, go away

  1. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    Hello friends this is Omega from big company as many (or those that remember) of you know, that omega was the first ever weapon company in the system. At first it took only one person to run the company, but although this Russian is many things he is not great at multitasking. So I send out message to all of those who are capable at making great custom weapons, and those who are good at marketing if company gets back on it's feet the pixels you will get will be in great numbers!