(( This can be found on Olyfin's computer on his ship, or on his personal PDA that he carries around. Requires a password to sign into and enter the files. )) :create file :name - Olyfin's Personal Whatever Creating file... :editable?:true File created. Opening. ///----------------------//// MY FIRST DAY IN THIS SECTOR Oh boy. Nothing happened. Yay. How interesting. Well.... what do I put here? I'm basically talking to myself right now. I talked to my brother, Tachi Kenvenoi. He's real sad right now, and I helped cheer him up just a little. Yay. I might try to learn how to use a gun. Proooooobably won't happen soon though, but I heard that guns are preeeetty handy in this sector. Well, that's really all. I'll update this from time to time. Yay. ///---------------------//// :save Save successful. :exit Exited. Enter any command. :sign out, shut down Enter password to confirm shut down. :********** Signing out. Shutting down. Goodbye. ///---------------------////