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Oklahoma "Oakie" Red Tribute Page

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Orenten, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    You don't know who I am, but that is fine, it is not me whom must be remembered. Instead, I want people to remember the man I loved for years, respected and worked beside, who helped so many to try and make up for his wrongs. A truly beautiful in soul human that will be dearly missed in the stars.

    Oklahoma "Oakie" Red, you were gone far too soon.

    Oakie is the name he preferred, something informal and casual that people called him by, strangers and friends alike. Born to a barren world in a dome, set free to the stars where he touched the hearts of at least hundreds, and at the most THOUSANDS of people. I will not lie, there are things Oakie had done in his past that would easily make him a villain or criminal in most people's eyes, but he grew to learn from his mistakes and felt deep sorrow and guilt for all that he's done. He knew he couldn't make up for all that he has done, but he tried his best to live an honest and true life afterwards. For ten years, until his twenty-eighth birthday, he served in a private military for a company with interests, doing things both good and bad. Today, I want to focus on the good things he had done. Responding to a village plague by savage Floran attacks, assisting the recovery of survivors in crashes and wrecks, standing guard to hold the peace in places where all species mingled and collaborated. On his birthday previously mentioned, his contract expired and he retired from the line of work, for two years freely roaming the stars and enjoying the prime of his life. He met many people, stood up for people when they were wronged, and protected those whom could not defend themselves. Upon some bad investments that went wrong, he rejoined me as second in command in a private mercenary group, where were primarily assisted in morally just causes, such as relief efforts or clearing pirates/bandits from planets, once even helping Florans evacuate a burning home world to find another.

    People see him in many different lights. Some people saw him in his darker hours, when war plagued his mind and the people he had lost or killed. He commonly told me about the visions in his sleep, of the people he's hurt, and how the "haunt" him. With the sickness of alcoholism and Post Dramatic Stress Disorder, he held up amazingly well when he put forth the effort to. However, there were times when the strain became too much, and the loving man I know and respect turned back into a heartless soldier that laughed in the face of danger. But commonly, other people saw him as a caring, loving spirit whom tried to get along with everyone he could, only coming to disagreements with other people on sensitive topics he had solid footing in. Some people even saw his most kindest moments, dropping everything to help injured victims, people he didn't even know out of tough situations, and giving items from his own pocket to help people onward. This is the man I want people to remember, someone with a troubled past that wanted to do right in the stars.

    Sadly, on Earth Date Log 6/14/2416, Oakie was found dead at the foot of his sisters grave, suffering from a gunshot wound through the side of his head. The loss of his sister clearly pushed him over the edge, having lost something so important he tried to protect with his life. He left a not, asking specifically to be buried by his sister. I don't agree with what he did, I don't understand why he couldn't find help and not commit suicide, but what is done is done, and Oakie is gone from our lives. I'll never forget his broad smile, that suave charm he liked to put on and those deep soul searching conversations he commonly spoke to people about. You were a chocolate skinned angel in the stars, Oakie, and I hope the place you call Heaven accepts you with open arms, and grants you the rest you truly deserve.

    \\\Rest In Peace///

    -Steltslana "Scarlet" Vorchaski

    On a side note, I am going to keep a diligent watch on this thread, removing any hateful comments. This is a memorial page to remember the best in him, not the worst. I have set up spam filters to keep basic spam out. I'll be keeping careful watch on this thread, you can trust me on that.
  2. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    I am sorry, Oakie. You have begun to lead me on a path toward morals and goodness, and for that I cannot thank you enough. It is a shame that you have chosen this fate.

    May your fire live on.

  3. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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  4. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

  5. Doctor Frohman

    Doctor Frohman New Member

    Feb 8, 2014
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    A shame he went so soon. Wish I could've talked with him more before this.
    - Chitlipotonqui Fenuku
  6. yoyohaloreach

    yoyohaloreach New Member

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I..... I can't.... Why Oakie?
    - Omega.
  7. EyesofMarch

    EyesofMarch New Member

    Feb 17, 2014
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    He is. His parents survived. And now they have no children.
  8. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    Do you believe suicide is a selfish act? Surely it is one which disrespects the self most of all.

    Morals are strange, McKinley. I have asked you before to help explain yours to me, and this is definitely an issue which I will have to investigate further.

  9. Orenten

    Orenten New Member

    Jan 24, 2014
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    I agree, the one named McKinley, this was indeed a horribly selfish act, but understand the pain this man went through.
    He has watched so many friends die before him, some in his very arms.
    He had done vicious horrible things under orders of his superiors that left him scarred, and sometimes unable to sleep.

    He was not mentally well, no person- human or other, can bear the mental stress much longer than Oakie has. You did not know his life, you did not know his struggles, and you certainly don't see it through his eyes, how comforting it would be to have eternal rest after the hellish life he lead.

    Learn to understand one's actions instead of blindly rejecting it, it's the more mature way to handle things.

    -Steltslana "Scarlet" Vorchaski
  10. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    They're talking about you. Heartless bitch.
  11. November

    November Previously Sermane
    Staff Member

    Jan 31, 2014
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    "Cattle die,
    kinsmen die
    you yourself die;
    I know one thing
    which never dies:
    the judgment of a dead man's life."

    1 person likes this.
  12. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Look at this god damn memorial page and shit, you'd almost think we're civilised.

  13. FoRgE

    FoRgE Whack-A-Yak-5

    May 5, 2015
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    Honestly, suicide isn't the wisest decision you could make for solving your problems. It's quick and clumsy, and it has a big effect on the people around you. However, whats done is done, may he rest in peace.
    1 person likes this.