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Nuclear/Radiation in RP

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Trite, Mar 9, 2014.

  1. Trite

    Trite New Member

    Feb 16, 2014
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    As some of you might know my character Halogen has a lot to do with Nuclear science and radiation, but sadly some OOC misconceptions about how Nuclear Power works have hindered my roleplay with him a bit.
    This post is meant to clear up those misconceptions and help people be more comfortable with seeing nuclear elements in roleplay :^)

    *How nuclear reactors and nuclear waste works(note: if you don't mind watching a video, this guy explains it a lot better than here)

    Before jumping in what could go wrong with these two lets first go into how they work in general terms.

    Essentially, a nuclear reactor is just a big steam boiler. You have nuclear fuel inside a tank with a water, and the heat that the radioactive reactions cause boil the water to create steam which spins a turbine that generates electricity.
    In time, the fuel inside needs to be replaced and taken out of the reactor. But even then it still generates heat, so it is placed inside pools of water to keep it from overheating. Water is also a very effective shield against radiation, so not only does it keep the spent fuel cool, but it protects workers so well you can walk around the pool and even swim in it safely.

    So then, what can go wrong? Most radiation accidents in reactors stem from malfunctions that allow the fuel inside to overheat, and like a big kettle, explode when the pressure from steam and heat becomes too much to bear. (This is why they call it a Meltdown.)

    From what I've been able to research, there have been no accidents related to nuclear waste pools being attacked or malfunctioning so far. They can't explode like the reactor, so if they become too hot they'll just boil the water away and in turn make it unsafe for you to be around the fuel.
    *Radiation poisoning and You
    Most people assume the big danger from an Atomic bomb or a reactor comes entirely from the radiation, but that is wrong. Most of the danger actually stems from good ol' fire and explosions, since radiation poisoning doesn't just kill instantly.

    Death and injury from radiation depends on two factors: How much radiation you were exposed to, and what body part was exposed.
    Being irradiated in a limb like a hand or a leg even in great quantities isn't as harmful as being irradiated near your stomach or head.

    Another thing is injuries from radiation don't immediatly show up. You might feel fine standing next to a pile of Uranium and you'll only start feeling sick weeks later. (Generally by feeling weak with flu-like symptoms.)
    Radiation burns work the same way. You might feel pain at first, but the wound will only show up weeks or days later.
    Even if you're hit by a lot of radiation and you're sure to die, the process will only be faster by hours.

    What this means for you is: Using radiation as a weapon during fights isn't exactly a good idea. Its like bringing a glass of poison to a gun fight.

    So yeah, this is my really simple infopost on radiation and nuclear stuff. Its really really simplified, so if you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to ask!