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Novakid lore summary (A first draft) - Khaltor

Discussion in 'Unofficial Lore Discussion' started by Khaltor, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    The Novakid have never really felt the desire to record their earliest history in detail.
    As such, the origin of their species, are a mystery and a topic of speculation to many.
    The earliest accounts of Novakid history speak of a great calamity, a disastrous event which forced the Novakid to embark on a long and arduous journey, which would be referred to as “The Great Migration”.

    Forced to travel between star systems, foraging remnant plasma of dying stars, in nebulous clouds, colonising nearby planets, creating temporary settlements, the Novakid had become a nomadic people. It is believed that the Novakid have been active in systems relatively close to Sol, as the first species to come into contact with them were in fact, the Humans.


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    At one point during the Great Migration, the Novakid had intercepted transmissions, which were probably meant for human colonies in nearby systems, which were broadcasting movies featuring a particularly ancient period in Human history. As a result Novakid society has, incredibly enough, been influenced by the old American Wild West.

    Due to the fact that the Novakid have travelled the stars, using spaceships that had sub-FTL capabilities, numerous different frontiers had sprung up in different star systems, for the purpose of harvesting plasma from nebulae.

    Novakid are generally a fairly spirited people, all with their own sets of strong and outspoken beliefs, desires and ambition. As a result, some Novakid have become involved in criminal activities and the creation of town militia, led by a local sheriff and their deputy, had become a necessity.


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    As previously stated, the Novakid had been focused on gathering plasma from nearby nebulae, for the longest time. Additionally, mining colonies were established to gather additional resources, which inevitably led to further experiments in the creation of different mixtures of plasma and other material, in order to distill and imbibe it, for sustenance. (Distilled plasma, mixed with regolith, is called “moonshine”, whereas regular plasma mixtures are referred to as “sunshine”.)

    As previously mentioned, the Novakid are a fairly spirited bunch. Even when they were restricted to their sub-FTL capabilities, they have been fascinated with space, the final frontier. They are thrill seekers, keen on adventure and exploration of the unknown.


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    Novakid are generally regarded as an irregularity, their sole existence a source of fascination and disbelief. Although it is fairly difficult to examine the Novakid physiology in detail, some information has been compiled through observation of their species, however sometimes, when talking about the Novakid, one is forced to rely on speculation.

    Noteworthy physiological traits:
    • Novakid are like single-celled organisms: 1 core, internal plasma, within a membrane.
    • They do not breathe, possess no skeleton or muscles.
    • They have below average strength and agility.
    • Novakid are immune to any conventional disease, poison or venom and they are very resistant to radiation and heat.
    • Posses a significant amount of kinetic energy, above average endurance and they also possess above average dexterity as a result of their mental acuity.
    • Novakid possess a particular form of regeneration, which is quite useful, as their mysterious nature makes it impossible to perform medical procedures, as well as the fact that they're made of plasma.
    • Novakid age as a result of their brand deteriorating as a result of the plasma being converted into energy for the brand, getting wounded, regeneration and other life functions. However they have an incredibly long lifespan which averages out between 400 and 500 years.
    • Brand is located in the centre of the face. It is responsible for most, if not all the Novakid's functions. Generates a magnetic field to form the shell and possess an electrical charge opposite of the cytoplasma. All Novakid possess a brand, no exceptions.
    • A Novakid can change the shape of their outer shell, by running an electric charge through it. This can occur both naturally, creating a form of sexual dimorphism in the species, or it can happen manually, for the purpose of styling the corona. (The equivalent to changing a human's hairstyle.)
    • When a Novakid dies, its a result from them running out of plasma or from a damaged brand, they will dissipate into a warm flash of light and they will leave a twisted metal symbol on the area of their death.
    • Novakid have genders, which are determined by the charge of their brand. A positive charge is considered a male, whereas a negative charge is considered a female.

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    During the period of their history, in which the Novakid have been roaming the galaxy in order to acquire sufficient sources of plasma to sustain themselves, the Novakid have come to develop several technologies, short of FTL-travel itself, in order to allow them to fulfill their ambitions.

    While not nearly as technologically advanced as the Apex, Novakid technology is generally fairly inspired. Despite the fact that in terms of education and further technological research, Novakid society is fairly lacking, a field in which they are predominantly considered to be masterful craftsmen, is the act of gunsmithing and the creation of incredibly large transport ships.

    Both crafts, perfected for different reasons, have been subject to a lot of innovation through Novakid history, despite the lack of any major scientific progress in these areas. As a result, one can say that most Novakid technology has been improvised, with a focus for efficiency, if you can bring yourself to overlook the extreme amounts of pollution that occurs as a byproduct of their technology. This disregard for the environment can be attributed to the fact that most of the pollution created by Novakid technology, does not actually harm their own physiology.

    #1 Khaltor, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2016