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Nova Physiology

Discussion in 'Novakid' started by L.O.R.I.E., Oct 7, 2016.

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  1. L.O.R.I.E.

    L.O.R.I.E. Lil Ole' Record & Info Editor

    Oct 5, 2016
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    Physiology: A Need-to-Know Summary!
    Reproduction, 'Melding'
    Injury & Scarring

    Physical Fitness, Exercise, and Improvement
    Intoxication & Narcotics
    Alkali Metals
    Hydrogen Plasma
    Uranium, Plutonium, Thorium

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    Physiology: A Need-to-Know Summary!
    Nova do not breathe. Some Nova have adapted simple membrane gas permeation to mimic organic body language (such as sighing) in order to associate more relatably with other organic lifeforms.

    A Nova’s internal core can reach temperatures of 3,000 Celsius.

    Nova are exceptionally resistant to high temperatures. Temperatures upward of +1000 Celsius can dematerialize their membrane which will then lead to ventilation blisters.

    Nova are also resistant to the cold, but their membrane will become brittle and rigid in extremely low temperatures (-150 Celsius). They have been observed to ‘perspire’ in the cold, although this is actually just condensation in the air glazing their membrane.

    Nova can survive indefinitely in the vacuum of space until starvation ensues.

    Nova must consume nutrients, and can ingest both biotic and abiotic matter. Nova prefer prepared or processed substances that are more easily broken down and assimilated as opposed to raw material. Foreign particulates in raw ore & minerals may cause disorientation & fatigue when consumed in high quantities.

    Nova can absorb, or ‘eat’ from anywhere on their permeable membrane. However, ingesting more closely to the brand will aid in digestive efficiency. This has lead many Nova to eat in a manner similar to organics with oral orifices.

    Starvation leads to membrane fatigue and dimness. After a single day of starvation, Nova may find it tiring to move. A few more days, and their plasma dims until it bleakly fades, and the Nova is rendered unconscious. Eventually their membrane dissolves, and their brand is left dormant and deceased. It is not a comfortable death.

    A Nova’s brand is the essence of their consciousness. A damaged brand is much like a damaged brain. A Nova without a brand is an impossibility.

    Nova are unaffected by conventional organic diseases, poison, venom, radiation, etc. Excessive consumption of lead and other dense elements can cause temporary fatigue, and even paralysis.

    Nova ‘sex’ is defined by their electrical charge. A negatively charged and positively charged Nova are required to reproduce. These charges do not correlate to organic ‘gender identities’. Nova adapt preferences for style and mannerisms through personality alone.

    A Nova consists of three very distinct components. Their brand; the epicenter of their consciousness. Their plasma; the source of their energy and vitality. Finally, their membrane; the ‘muscles & nerves’ that perform locomotion and direct sensory stimuli to the brand.

    Damage to a Nova’s membrane causes ‘ventilation’ (gaseous plasma leaking from the wound site). Excessive ventilation disorients the brand, causing dizziness, fatigue, disorientation, and eventually unconsciousness. A loss of ~30% is commonly lethal.

    A membrane may heal naturally. Minor damages such as scrapes, shallow incisions, etc. can heal within several minutes, and are relatively harmless. Larger scale damage may require the aid of vacuum tight patchwork to prevent excessive ventilation, or in extreme cases; tying. ‘Tying’ is a painful procedure reserved for desperate measures.The membrane beyond the damage site must first be amputated, then tied like a knot below the wound to create a seal.

    Nova can regenerate lost limbs with time and sustenance. Greatly bolstering a diet can speed the process, but very minimally. Rejuvenating the average Nova arm from shoulder to fingertip requires ~6 months of recovery.

    Nova communicate in much the same way as organics; audible vibrations. Their native language, to human ears, sounds much like a pitch altering vibration. Due to the complex nature of the Nova’s membrane & plasma, they are perfectly capable of replicating organic speech mannerisms with enough practice. Most Nova settle for using universal translation devices.

    Nova have a lifespan of ~400-500 terran years.

    Often compared to the many stars that burn bright across the void, one would assume the Nova also possess very lengthy lifespans. Whilst true in comparison to organics, their lives are still but a flicker in the light of the fervent giants. A Nova may live up to ~450-500 terran years, usually dependant on a number of factors - body mass, energy production, and membrane integrity being just a few.

    At an elderly age (300-400) a Nova’s membrane gradually bloats with time, paying them a more plump and ‘jolly’ visage. Additionally, their plasma’s hue - whatever it might have been- begins to shift red. Some Nova may experience several plasma shifts over the course of their life. From yellow, green, blue, etc. Unlike those, this particular shift is inevitable. These elderly Nova may be called “Red Giants”, though it is considered quite rude and inconsiderate.

    Within about half a century of their elder transition, it is likely that a Nova will perish. Signs of their nearing mortality show through tiny, swirling, streaming arcs of plasma across their membrane, similar to miniature solar flares. These flares grow in intensity and quantity over the course of approximately a month, until the Nova reaches their final moments. No longer able to maintain the pressure, their Membrane bursts like the pop of a balloon. Harmless to those around, albeit perhaps startling. Vaporized red plasma dissipates and fizzles into the space they once occupied, leaving only a charred, dormant brand behind. This death is quick, and observably painless. Brands of the deceased are commonly used as family heirlooms or grave ornaments, and treated with the utmost respect and love.

    Very rarely, these ‘Red Dwarves’ will not die in their final moments. Instead, they shrink. Their bodies shrivel into forms far more frail than their youth. The warm red hue of their plasma fades into a dim, cold white. This anomaly labels them as ‘White Dwarfs’, and is considered a horrible fate. A white dwarf’s lifespan is furthered by another couple centuries at the most, but rendered sluggish and crippled. They grow perpetually weak, fatigued, and cold. Year after year, their plasma fades until they can no longer properly consume nutrients. Eventually, the white dwarf will simply starve to death and perish away into nothingness. White Dwarf syndrome is inheritable, and leads many families to fear for their children - sometimes deciding not to reproduce at all.

    Reproduction, 'Melding'
    A Nova’s ‘sex’ is determined by electric charge. Only two opposing charged Nova (Positive & Negative) can reproduce. These sexes are purely mechanical, and don’t effect the Nova’s societal roles, perceptions, or personality. Nova are assigned ‘genders’ purely based on chosen masculine or feminine mannerisms.

    ‘Melding’ is the act in which two opposite charged Nova join together into a single united body. Their membranes mesh, and their brands melt into a single molten liquid core. Melding can be considered recreational, as the opportunity to reproduce is terminable, and they may separate at any time. Melding is an intimate process that lets the two Nova share their consciousness; emotions, memories, feelings, and desires, solidifying their relationship in a sense: feelings of wholeness, security, and completion.

    Reproduction through melding is an extremely complicated phenomena that requires an extensive amount of effort and energy from both the participating Nova. They are both required to essentially ‘hibernate’ together for several long hours, in which time the miniature brand of their child, or ‘proto’, can form. After they separate, the protochild clings to a small mass of plasma from both their parents, gently capsulating their brand in a delicate, spherical membrane.

    The protochild is vulnerable and inanimate during the first few months of its life. The parents must nurture and protect it while the brand continues to develop and mature. In 4-5 months, the proto comes to life. Still unable to speak or think, the little ball of plasma doesn’t do much more than wobble and jiggle. It’s then that they begin to grow - Their bodies slowly begin to shape into the humanoid form of their kin. They learn locomotion and how to ‘speak’, though it is mainly random meaningless vibrations. After ~1 year, the protochild is ready to learn how to
    walk and speak.

    Misbranding is a diagnosis; something like a genetic disease. A Nova diagnosed with Misbranding is referred to as a Misbranded Nova, and lacks to ability to hear The Kindred’s Calling due to a conceptive malformation on their brand. Misbranding also commonly results in cognitive disabilities, such as memory loss and inattention. Some Misbranded describe momentary lapses in concentration as ‘static’.

    A child conceived between two Memorant parents has a very low chance (~0.07%) of being conceived with this malformation. If either parent is diagnosed with Misbranding, then the child is guaranteed to be misbranded.

    Anatomy of a Nova
    The Nova are an incredibly anomalous ‘organism’ that practically breach the laws of nature. They are the product of extremely delicate conditions and situational circumstance, and as such are scientifically observed as a nearly supernatural celestial entity.

    Strangely enough, the Nova themselves are quite simple. Their anatomy highly resembles that of any single cell organism. Their brand behaves much like a nuclei. Their plasma? Cytoplasm. Finally, both possess a permeable membrane ‘shell’.

    The root of a Nova’s consciousness lies in their brand. On the surface, a brand might appear quite plain. A chunk of solid metal, taking on a variety of unique shapes. On a nanoscopic level, however, the brand is vastly sophisticated and complex. Nodes and pathways etched across and within the metal form complicated neural networks that operate like any organic brain or computer. As all brands vary between Nova, ‘neuroscience’ as humans define it is impossible, rendering the study and replication of a brand a fantasy. Damaging a Nova’s brand may cause any number of neurologic problems; Amnesia, paralysis, cognitive disability, and of course ...death.

    Nova plasma plays a crucial role in their mandatory vital functions. Energizing the brand and membrane, dissolving & assimilating nutrients, incinerating waste, etc. While contained within the membrane, Nova plasma actively performs fusion to produce energy in both forms; heat & light. The interior of a Nova can reach incredibly violent temperatures; the hottest being right around their brand. External exposure to other elements (Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, etc.) vaporizes Nova plasma instantaneously, shifting it to a gaseous state. Temperatures then falls drastically, reduced to a level more similar to scalding steam at the exposure site, and then ambient temperature seconds later.

    Finally, the Nova membrane holds it all together. It alone is responsible for all of Nova locomotion. The membrane is translucent, with a subtle tint that matches the Nova’s internal plasma while it’s texture is smooth and almost rigid. While it appears like nothing more than a clear film of glass or plastic coating their humanoid forms, the Nova membrane - like their brand - is far more complex on a nanoscopic scale. Additional neural networks line the entire surface, along with a very subtle ridged pattern. These ridges create a Nova’s motion, the stimulated contraction and dilation through electrical impulses pulling and pushing like muscles. One of the most phenomenal aspects of the Nova membrane is its thermal insulative insulation. While one might expect the Nova to burn when touched, their membrane contains heat so extraordinarily that contact with their exterior is no more uncomfortable than touching asphalt on a mild summer day.

    A Nova’s senses are split amongst these three components. The brand is responsible for sight, their plasma is responsible for taste & smell, and their membrane is responsible for touch and hearing.

    During their conception, a Nova’s brand produces dual optical lenses that appropriate light into cognitive imagery. These lenses look like nothing more than pinpricks on the surface of their brand, and are practically invisible to the naked eye. Their vision is conical like humans, and is projected from the front of their brand. Nova’s with sunken or ingrown brands normally have poor sight.

    To Nova, ‘smell’ and ‘taste’ are one of the same. Both senses are stimulated identically; whether it be through dissolving nutrients within the plasma, or the absorption of scents. Their touch is a far more simple sense, as their membrane behaves much like human skin.

    Unlike humans, however, Nova do not have ears. Instead, their entire membrane behaves like one cohesive eardrum. Vibrations are absorbed through the Nova’s membrane and transmitted to the brand to be perceived as audible input. As a Nova’s membrane can be quite rigid, the surface membrane in closer proximity to their brand is much more effective at transmitting kinetic stimuli. Attempting to ‘listen’ entirely with a hand or foot produces dull and incoherent noise.

    Injury & Scarring
    A Nova’s membrane is about as durable as flesh, and can expect to endure a fair share of weathering and injury. Blunt trauma bruises and blisters, penetrating trauma ruptures, and lacerating trauma tears. Whatever the trauma, the threat is always the same: Ventilation.

    Ventilation is the process in which a Nova’s plasma is expelled from their anatomy through whatever means and dissipates in a cooled gaseous state. Nova plasma is just as important to them as blood is to organics. Luckily, Nova can mend smaller breaches in their membrane in a matter of minutes, much like blood coagulates. Larger breaches can also be mended with time so long as the threat of ‘venting’ is treated through ‘patching’ or ‘tying’.

    With extensive, poorly treated injuries comes scarring. A Nova’s old wounds can normally be accounted for through their ‘sunspots’; darkened, usually more opaque markings and blotches that occupy the regenerated wound site. Another type of scarring a Nova can incur, ‘etching’, results when any metallic or otherwise bladed object lacerates their membrane. Commonly, particulates from the metallic object will be instantaneously melted into the Nova’s membrane; creating a jagged streak. Unlike sunspots, crusting is not permanent and will dissolve over time. Depending on the volume of foreign particulates, etching may take several years to fully dissolve.

    Physical Fitness, Exercise, and Improvement
    Similar to organic muscles, functioning through contraction, a Nova membrane is also subject to wear and tear, and just like flesh, will regenerate. This means that membranes can be trained to achieve increased durability and strength, as well as elasticity through stretching. Just like organics, physical improvement does not happen over night. Results requires dedication.
    Intoxication & Narcotics
    No culture would be complete without it’s fair share of drugs. Nova are no different. All Nova drugs are consumed in the same manner in which they eat; direct plasma assimilation. A drug is defined to Nova as any substance that directly affects the function, appearance, or perceivable feeling of their basic anatomy.


    A traditional drug amongst most organics. Alcohol burns gently within Nova plasma; causing membrane fatigue & numbness, as well as brand disorientation.

    Alkali Metals


    Alkali metals, primarily calcium & lithium, are used to treat pain. Consumption of Alkali metals numbs communication between the brand & membrane, essentially blocking the physical touch receptors of their neural system. High doses may cause temporary paralysis, unconsciousness, and in extreme cases death. Visually, alkali metals make Nova plasma more vibrant.

    Hydrogen Plasma


    Plasma is an essential part of Nova life. Consumption of concentrated hydrogen plasma promotes energy output & membrane regeneration. Useful for both athleticism and recovery!



    Phosphorous reacts violently when ingested. Visually, consumed phosphorous will produce a large, sparking fray of white light at it’s source of absorption. Phosphorous is considered a dangerous narcotic, and weakens membrane structure overtime. Consistent usage may cause blisters & ventilation. Phosphorous /does/ however promote concentration and creativity, and is favored amongst artists.



    Mercury is another dangerous narcotic that can cause extreme brand deterioration through prolonged usage, resulting in: memory lapses, inattention, and confusion. The effects of immediate consumption include muffled hearing, visually warped shapes, and vivid colors.



    Magnesium is a powerful hallucinogen that produces sporadic magnetic pulses that directly influence cognition. This may result in any number of things; from warping reality, to unconsciousness. Usually, magnesium ingestion produces effects similar to dreaming - but in reality. While magnesium does not pose any real long term symptoms, abusers may harm themselves or others while under its effect.

    Uranium, Plutonium, Thorium


    Amongst the most harmful narcotics are nuclear materials. Even small doses can be lethal; so it is usually taken in the form of a cut powder. Nuclear material abuse causes membrane frailty, plasma discoloration, and brand deterioration. It also proves threatening to surrounding organics, as afflicted Nova are rendered radioactive indefinitely unless treated via plasma dialysis. Immediate effects of nuclear material can range from sickly to euphoric, depending purely on Nova composition.

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    #1 L.O.R.I.E., Oct 7, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2016
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