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Nova Culture & Society

Discussion in 'Novakid' started by L.O.R.I.E., Oct 7, 2016.

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  1. L.O.R.I.E.

    L.O.R.I.E. Lil Ole' Record & Info Editor

    Oct 5, 2016
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    The Memorant
    The Quiet Kindred
    Kindred's Calling
    Memorant Society & Culture
    The Militant
    The Three Pillars
    The Council Of Scholars
    Stylized Etching
    Naming Conventions
    The Misbranded
    Misbranded Society & Culture
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    The Memorant
    The Memorant Nova share a universal respect for their kind, and their origins. Recollections
    of their life givers, commonly named ‘The Quiet Kindred’, ingrain them with a sense of unity and a desire to prosper. These ingrained desires, and the sensation Memorant Nova have when recollecting The Quiet Kindred’s memories is a feeling they refer to as ‘The Kindred’s Calling’. As a whole, the Memorant strive to achieve the impossible goal of cataloging all there is to know about the universe. Despite such ambitions, the Memorant are a kind, pacifistic, and patient people. A devotion to knowledge and exploration, and an innate curiosity for everything around them has lead the Nova to grand scientific prowess, which comes both in leaps and bounds - and occasionally the odd accidental explosion. While individually, they may not be as intelligent as the Apex, or anywhere near being technologically superior - collectively, Memorant societies are quite the rival.

    It’s more than possible for a Memorant to venture away from Memorant society like a Misbranded. Many have succeeded, and lived their entire lives in such a way. However, it’s inevitable for a Memorant to feel homesick; it takes an ironclad resolve to resist their innate urge to return.

    The Quiet Kindred
    The Quiet Kindred are the direct source of the Nova’s conception, and cherished amongst Memorant Nova as a symbol of their potential. Nova do not praise the Quiet Kindred like an idol or god, and consider it more of a role model. Memorant Nova wish to carry on the legacy they were left with the Quiet Kindred’s departure.

    Kindred's Calling
    The Kindred’s Calling is what makes the Memorant who they are. It’s defined amongst Memorant Nova as a certain feeling or drive for collective unity and prosperity. The Kindred’s Calling is a compassionate, soothing presence that puts most Memorant at ease and encourages patience.

    The Kindred’s Calling may also refer to the recollection of memories, knowledge and wisdom gathered by the Quiet Kindred during their celestial lives. One of the three pillars, The Archives, aims to recreate the Quiet Kindred’s once omnipotent library of knowledge through meditative memory sifting.

    Memorant Society & Culture

    Memorant Nova generally keep to themselves. While many follow a nomadic lifestyle similar to their Misbranded brethren, they do so within a gathering of their own kind. Of course, that isn’t to say that Memorant Nova don’t venture off to explore alien society! Doing so, however, is normally just part of a temporary expedition for the purpose of gathering experience and perspective.

    Memorant cities and outposts, no matter how far spread, behave like a single cohesive entity. Expedition crews voyage from city to city, whilst stopping at outposts along the way to replenish rations and perform maintenance. They deliver cargo, archives, equipment, and even passengers between the many Memorant cities whilst also performing their primary explorative routines along the way. Those whom share the Nova’s innate wanderlust form the expedition crews, whilst those who prefer a more solidified lifestyle thrive in the cities. The three pillars of any Memorant city are the Observatories, the Archives, and the Universities. Each are treated with respect and admiration, and only the most devote and prestigious scholarly figures work within them. Members of these three pillars form a cities Council of Scholars. The most densely populated planetary colony, considered to be the Memorant Capital, is known as Mesa'Memali, and is home to The Grand Archive; a marvellous collection of literature & information.

    It’s quite uncommon for Memorant to settle multiple cities on a single planetoid. They consider it redundant, as a single colony is more than enough to observe all a given celestial body has to offer - eventually. This particular habit speaks volumes for their collective patience. More so, these single cities are abundantly populated - nearing several hundred million per city. Despite their massive population; the Memorant are a rare sight for outsiders to behold, unless explicitly sought. There is no recorded instance of any alien species inhabiting a Memorant city; and all organic visitors are forced to indefinitely outfit extravehicular suits to survive in the uninhabitable environments.The Memorant people are quite hospitable and friendly to visitors; albeit cautious. Being a rather non-violent culture due to their collective nature, most Memorant are unprepared for the more aggressive behavior iconic of most alien species. The Hylotl, however, they are rather comfortable with.

    Amongst each other, the Memorant behave fondly - as if everyone were family. It’s considered common courtesy to aid a Nova in need. That isn’t to say there isn’t some competitive drive between them. Most, if not all Memorant Nova have some desire to be recognized as a great scholar, philosopher, explorer, or even artist. Literature, music, visual art, and drama are all highly regarded forms of entertainment within their communities. Cooking, however, is certainly not appreciated much amongst Nova as a whole - not compared to organic species, at least.

    The Militant
    The Militant Memorant are, quite simply, the Memorant armed forces. As the Memorant are not violent by any stretch, the Militant are reserved for protection against ravenous fauna and hostile entities, often being found guarding their expansive cities or forward expeditions. The Memorant are not renowned for their combative prowess, but are quite capable of defending their own people, proficient and organised enough in doing so. The Militant also double as a police force - though crime, especially violent, is rare.

    The Three Pillars
    Every Memorant city revolves around three essential institutes: The Observatory, The Archives, and the University. This triad make up what is known as ‘The Three Pillars’. Most Memorant Nova strive to be recognized by these institutions. Nova are not employed by the institutions, but instead chosen to occupy them. To be chosen for any of the given pillars is to be given a seat on The Council of Scholars.

    The Council of Scholars
    The Council of Scholars make up the governing body of every Memorant city. Each Council is responsible for their home city, and the induction of new members. They delegate resources, coordinate expeditions, and maintain city infrastructure. To be given a position amongst The Council of Scholars is considered to be one of the greatest Memorant accomplishments.

    The most practiced Memorant scholars, normally those whom occupy any of the three pillars, are capable of performing a complicated act known as ‘scrying’. Scrying is a technique used to read, and sometimes absorb, the memories from a dormant brand. Scrying is commonly used to pass on wisdom from the prestigious deceased. Outwardly, scrying appears quite simple as all it requires is a prolonged touch. Mentally, scrying requires an intense amount of concentration and cognitive fortitude.

    Stylized Etching
    Etching is a form of scarring incurred when metals or minerals damage a Nova’s membrane through laceration or penetration and melt, forming a crust.

    Nova culture has adopted ‘Stylized Etching’, the intentional and precise use of metals and minerals to draw semi-permanent designs upon a Nova’s body.

    The native Novaic language comprises of both optical and audible indicators. They produce complex series of varied pitch tones and small flicks of light through their brand to construct words. The product is something almost robotic to human ears. Outsiders describe the Novaic language as sporadic throbbing light and humming.

    Nova, with enough study and practice, are capable of replicating the audible vocal vibrations akin to organic species. A Nova speaking common will sound quite off, however; as if muffled by paper & gently vibrating.

    When communicating, a Nova's brand will continue to blink and strobe with dim flickers of light regardless of the language they're speaking. This appears to be the only way to tell when a Nova is talking, as they do not have a mouth.

    Naming Conventions
    Translating Novaic names into common was originally a difficult task. Name translation is performed by direct relation to the native Novaic language; primarily the tone duration & pitch, as well as the light flickers used to convey them. There are three base rules for translating Novaic names to common.
    • Each letter of the alphabet is assigned to a pitch through a relational scale. 'A' being the lowest audible pitch, and 'Z' being the highest.
    • An elongated tone duration of more than 200 milliseconds duplicates a pitch letter, while further increments of 200 milliseconds append more pitch letters.
    • A flicker is represented through an apostrophe break.
    E.G. Aa'klab, Zzymr, Ooo'lo, etc.

    Interpreting Novaic names is relatively simple.Traditionally, negatively charged Nova names begin with low pitches, while positively charged Nova names begin with high pitches. Memorant Novaic culture name their children based on feeling; after a family member, or simply something that sounds right.

    Some Novaic names may be unpronounceable through common language; it's normal for Memorant Nova intent on meeting alien species to use a title or adopt a more culturally appropriate name temporarily if such a case occurs.

    Misbranded are a simpler story; they usually rename themselves according to their assimilated culture, and name their future children accordingly.​

    The Misbranded
    Since the Misbranded are less solitary than their Memorant kin, most alien species consider the Misbranded Nova the norm. However, it’s actually the opposite! Misbranded Nova are considered an anomaly among Nova society; and while they may not be shunned or mistreated, it’s clear amongst their Memorant kin that they don’t truly belong. Physiologically, the Misbranded are no different than the Memorant. Mentally, however, Misbranded lack ‘The Kindred’s Calling’. They’re incapable of recollecting any memories from their progenitors, and simply can’t feel the pull for collective prosperity that the Memorant share.This is due to a conceptive malformation of their brand; a malformation that behaves like a dominant gene. Any child a Misbranded has, even if conceived with a Memorant, will share the same malformation. This malformation may also lead to some crippling cognitive disabilities; memory loss being the most common. However, plenty of Misbranded Nova are perfectly healthy! They commonly flee their native roots, adapt and assimilate with foreign alien societies, and adopt mannerisms from their culture.

    Being a Misbranded is not entirely bad. The Misbranded Nova possess an avid curiosity and wanderlust, and more often than not live more fulfilling lives than their Memorant counterparts… even if they can’t always remember.

    Misbranded Society & Culture
    The Misbranded, technically speaking, have no identity or culture. Misbranded are individuals, and not considered a collective. Most Misbranded don’t even acknowledge themselves as Misbranded, while others have never even heard the term. Many of the Nova born to Misbranded life might not even know about their Memorant kin. Misbranded born within Memorant society often struggle to accept the fact that they’re not a true Memorant, and may continue to live within Memorant society out of fear of leaving their family and friends behind. A Misbranded’s culture is based upon the company they take, and the communities they involve themselves. Given their nomadic nature, the majority of Misbranded Nova adopt a sort of ‘drifter’ culture; a culture that strikes a resemblance to old western terran culture, making extensive use of natural, sturdy resources like hide and leather and certain alien wood for reliability.
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