((Flavor music)) Jackson stands looking over a familiar landscape. Fields stretching far as the eye can see, from the river to the distant mountains. Tennessee's landscape is more beautiful than ever. He looks out over it, as gunshots ring out. On one side of the field, soldiers in bulky armor with rifles charge, MG men following. The blue armor shines out, "RA", on the shoulder plates of the armor. Then, drones fly to the ground from the other side, opening fire, chainguns and missiles sound out, as suddenly Jackson is at the front of the RA charge, as he is carrying a rifle in one hand, 44 in the other. The rifle, an MAW set to heavy, is very powerful combined with the Armor Piercing rounds of the 44. Suddenly, a crack rings out as Jackson flies back, he'd been shot in the shoulder. Figures fired at the drones, struggling to hold them back as the retreat with the plentiful wounded was made. Soon enough, it fades, Jackson being in a hospital room. It was all a sick, twisted, nightmare. He'd been in the Taranis attack, and now was hell bent on killing them, those who sent out the drones. IT. ENDS. NOW.