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[Nightly]Teleporter Bookmark Problem

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Khaltor, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    So... I've been screwing around a bit with the warp command, teleporters, pets etc on the nightly build and then i thougt: wouldn't it be a good idea to find where the information regarding the teleporterdata is stored, so i can just copy paste that from one character to the other so i won't have to find them and add them to my bookmark the normal way.

    You can always teleport from one teleporter to another, as soon as you've actually used it/found it/added it to your bookmarks.
    The singleplayer in the nightly build (maybe also in the live version) shares the same universe, so the characters i created to test this spawn on the same planet and have acces to the same universe.

    I tried to copy the bookmarks from character A to character B, but when i do so, character B dissapears from the list of available characters.
    This is character A's teleporter bookmark section.
    This is character B's teleporter bookmark section.

    And this is what i change character B's bookmark section into, which causes the character to dissapear from the character select, so i guess i'm doing something wrong/ the editor doesn't recognise certain things that are present there and therefor can't replicate them with CTRL C + CTRL V/ there is additional info in the other player files that also need to be adjusted?

    I gave the other files a quick scan, but i don't think they have any additional information about the bookmarks in there...
    Are there some actually tech savy people out there that think they can figure this out so we can easily copy our teleport info from one character to the other in the future?

    I've edited parts of my player file before and that worked, i used xvi32, but i don't know how to edit the bookmarks that way, because i can only change that which is already there, as in overwrite stuff that's there, but i can't add additional whitespace to add the additional information in. (unless there is a way and i'm stupid.)

    PS i used notepad++ for the bookmark things.
  2. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    If we could just add the teleporter bookmark information manually, we could make a forum post which has the bookmark of all public teleporters, that way no1 will ever have to bother with coords again :p unless they want to ofcourse...
  3. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I checked my universe.dat and the "fc25bd9c70a6df4f8889cd672e07282d" is the ID of the universe, i reckon the player file will have seperate bookmark sections for different servers.
    I've used xvi32 to make the bookmark section in the player file identical in both player files (A & B), there were some small errors, one character was different apparantly after copy pasting with notepad++ and there was an extra space between the biome type and planetname.
    However, it still doesn't work, now i'm digging in the clientcontext files in the universe folder... But i don't think that'll do much, the only thing it'd change is that starbound knows what planets certain characters have visited, i don't think it's a prerequisite in the code that you have to have visited the planet first... But i could be wrong? I'm gonna try to mess with the bookmark names a bit and see if those edits go through.
    actually i've seen some small differences between the two now while posting...
    edit: the spaces were a different hex notation in B in some places, i think i fixed that for every white space, but it still doesn't work
    #3 Khaltor, Apr 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2015
  4. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    I checked like every single character in the bookmark section of the code, and there was 1 symbol that differed, which i changed so it was the correct symbol, then there were some blank spaces, which can be either (in hex) 00,20,0A,0D, etc... And in the copy-paste process with notepad++ that symbol and some of those blank spaces had slightly different symbols (so different hex value for those parts).
    After making both sections in the code identical with XVI32, my test character has acces to the same teleports and bookmarks as my original character.

    So what you have to do in order to copy bookmarks from one character to another is basically: copy-pasting the bookmark section in your player file to the other player file, and make sure they're identical with XVI32.
  5. Khaltor

    Khaltor Lore Master

    Jun 13, 2014
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    So tl;dr: You can copy your teleporter bookmarks (located in the playerfolder) from one character to another, but editors like notepad++ will do a terrible job at actually copying the code propperly, so you'll have to check it with an editor program like XVI32 and correct the copy pasta errors.