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Newbie Glitch Questions

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Psyloken, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Psyloken

    Psyloken New Member

    Jun 27, 2014
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    I have read over the Lore for the Glitch, but I am unsure fully about a few things. Instead of spamming the planet/universe chat, I thought it would be wise with asking them here.

    1) I know it says that Glitch are stuck in the 'medieval ages' in their programing, and those who have broken it (lore indicates VERY VERY few do it) are considered insane or crazy and are 'put down'. How come only a few can break this programming? Are there any Glitches stuck in the 'western' era, or 'cyberpunk' type or embracing the current time? (Aside from that Steel Code guy that lore states.)

    2) For those in the 'medieval ages', is this considered the norm? Common knowledge to all?

    3) If the Glitch are in the 'medieval ages' mindset, are those not in 'nobility' or 'knighthood' are peasants? What is the 'standard' type of Glitch?

    4) If those who 'break' the programming, are they automatically evil/crazy?

    5) Can Glitch feel emotion? (Pain, love, etc.)

    6) Glitch eat, sleep, drink, like any other sentient beings? How do they eat? Do all Glitch have mouths? What if they don't? Is it up to us or is there a 'standard'?

    7) Are Glitch naturally aggressive? Or passive?

    8) Is there a website that can explain this even further that I can read up on?

    Thanks for any information that can be given on the Glitch, so I can RP 'appropriately'.

  2. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    1) Not sure

    2) Not sure, I prefer not to answer. I'd ask you to clarify what "this" is. This questions?

    3) It's probably exactly like our old mediaval society. Other than that, no idea.

    4) Yes.

    5) Indeed.

    6) It's completely unknown, and generally left to who plays the particular glitch. However in-game glitches heal up in beds and need food, so it's assumed sometimes that they do indeed eat food and sleep, but it's really up to you.

    7) My guess is that unless you're playing a glitch that was made for a certain purpose, or a reprogrammed one, they aren't "naturally" anything, as they seem to be perfect simulations of organic life, and we certainly don't have our personality hardcoded in.

    8) Other than the wiki, I don't know. The wiki is here and it also contains all the in-game lore, it's good to read it, but glitches lack much, much information about their workings.

    That's it. If any answers are wrong because I messed up with glitch lore somewhere, feel free to yell at me.
    #2 Iridium616, Jul 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2014
  3. Felonious

    Felonious Restart Monkey

    Apr 28, 2014
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    3) Pertaining to this question, there is a codex entry that mentions that Glitch do not have preferences to where they sit in society, and will often change where they are day-to-day. One day they might be a dishwasher, the next a knight, the day after a baker... Oddly, it also mentions they have particular skills that make them better at certain things than others.

  4. Psyloken

    Psyloken New Member

    Jun 27, 2014
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    Clarification. 2) Those Glitch that are programmed mindset is the 'medieval ages', is 'this' considered the norm? As in, its common knowledge that Glitch are 'medieval ages' robots?
  5. Psyloken

    Psyloken New Member

    Jun 27, 2014
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    This part is interesting. So those who break away (somehow) from the Hivemind, they are Outcasts, but why are they automatically evil? or crazy?
  6. M-Bot

    M-Bot #swellest

    Apr 4, 2014
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    Yes, the overwhelming majority of Glitch stay in the medieval ages, as their broken programming dictates. If you see a Glitch outside of that environment, using, say, guns or modern armor, there is a very strong chance they're an outcast, self-aware Glitch that has somehow bypassed their broken programming.

    Edit: they aren't evil or crazy. That's simply how the hivemind Glitch label them. Think of it as the equivalent of 17th century witch hunts, where people hunted "witches" for doing or saying things they didn't understand and couldn't accept.
  7. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    1) Bear in mind, the Glitch are supposed to advance beyond that medieval stage, so the Glitch that have broken through that error are actually the ones that are perfectly fine. This is a case of "I'm sane, everyone else is just crazy", not the other way around; due to the sociological norms that have been put down, within a perspective of someone inside a typical Glitch village, they just are considered crazy because they are exceptions to what has been adopted as a norm.

    The person you're mentioning (Hewlett Deckard) is a bounty hunter; the Glitch that are unbound by the error and freed from the programming of "the hivemind" are usually free to take up any aesthetic they want. Most of them, however, become scientists and advance technology further, usually hidden away from whatever Glitch society they came from.

    Something to note is that the lore doesn't state very few do it, but rather, very few survive, if they even want to part ways with their lifestyle to begin with. Some just accept that they're self-aware and not with the "hivemind", and keep doing what they've done all their lives. What usually gets a Glitched ganked in the first place is that they ask too many questions about their existence when they go through it, and that conflicts with the status quo established in villages. We becomes I, and the Glitch are a collective, and by opposing that ideal, you're basically opposing everything the broken Glitch society stands for.

    2) This question is pretty vague, but I'm going to assume you mean that they're aware people become self-aware. In which case, yes. Whether it's accepted or not is a completely different story, as even mentioning that walks a thin line with what is considered taboo in Glitch culture. Simply talking about people who are self-aware can lead to asking the next logical question, and that is a big no-no for those bound in the "hivemind".

    3) As it's been already answered here in this thread, the Glitch are hot-swappable, and you never have to plug-and-pray when put in their new roles.

    ...anybody? No? My jokes. :(

    As to the frequency of how many times they swap, and why, no one really knows. Those in power (re: Glitch Kings and their gaggle of bot consorts within the Glitch Castle Dungeon) do exhibit an air of superiority, though. It's likely that the positions do create a method of hierarchy, but because they're liable to change at the drop of a hat, they're rendered pretty moot.

    4) No. At most, they wax philosophical and dabble in mad science.

    5) Sorta. It's very nebulous: It's clear they do have emotions, but whether they're artificial, pre-programmed emotions or genuine ones are up for debate. For the ease of narrative, I assume the latter, but the former can still be a thing. The latter as a bit more basis, as it's been proven with the Fatal Circuit (second boss) that they do have, at the least, base instincts.

    6) This is where the gameplay contradicts the lore, along with many established things. There's nothing on whether or not Glitch eat; all of their foods are artificial and made of metal. Their chickens are mechanical. However, as a Glitch, like any character, you can eat anything. It's all up for interpretation.

    7) Both and neither. Since they have personalities, it's safe to deduce that there's a spectrum within each individual Glitch in terms of aggression vs. passiveness.

    8) Here's the entirety of the lore in the game so far, go read the Glitch ones. This excludes any new lore in the new nightly builds. Don't get too attached; the lore can be subject to change.

    Hope this helps.
  8. Psyloken

    Psyloken New Member

    Jun 27, 2014
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    Wow, this put it greatly into perspective!! Thanks for this!! I think this allows me to rething how to put Scy-Tech's story all together.

    Also, if a Glitch becomes self-aware, how does it happen? An event? A 'glitch' in the system? (Eh, eh? No? okay, bad joke.)
  9. Terallis

    Terallis Dark Matter of Fact

    Dec 18, 2013
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    I think the self-awareness comes from a number of things. Glitch in the system probably being the most commonly used.
  10. Psyloken

    Psyloken New Member

    Jun 27, 2014
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    I read up on the lore 'books'. Quiet funny some of them. Really puts it into perspective.
  11. Animator

    Animator New Member

    May 9, 2014
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    Imagine a pipe that's become backed-up with gunk. Some of the gunk escapes to the rest of the path the pipe provides.

    Now imagine that pipe as time, and the progress of Glitch history. Imagined the culminated gunk as the current Glitch malfunction (i.e. medieval robots). Logically, as a result, the gunk that escapes the blockage represents Glitch that have realigned back into their proper programming, known now as the Free-Thinkers. The growth of the Glitch collective is stunted as a whole, but some of them do overcome it. Metaphorically, this is probably the best way to view it: Some things simply just escape.
  12. Psyloken

    Psyloken New Member

    Jun 27, 2014
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    You have great metaphors to explain things. I appreciate it.

    But now I have no idea how to make my Scy-Tech. I discovered the cowboy hat fits him really well along with the pose he has, but not sure how to RP that. I want him to be aware, but with all this info I feel as if I need rethink fully on how to make him... him, but I am at a lost of ideas. Sure I could go with more of a scientific way, making him a techy (as its part of the name lol) or go some other route, a 'space cowboy' seeking new adventures with other people... on which I have no idea how to implement it now, unless I redacted it all and start anew, but even if I do, not sure if I want to keep it that way, or make him more of a 'merc' kind of thing. Making him like guns and live off of ends meat due to his 'lack of work' until I guess he meets someone. Hmm... maybe this might work... I think I will just make a new toon and apply this and see how it goes. But what to name him...

    I will have to ponder on this.