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Approved New Tech: Scandroid

Discussion in 'Other Questions' started by Tazerok, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. Tazerok

    Tazerok New Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    Designed by Desura Mechanical Works, the DW-78b security drone, informally known as the "scandroid", is a limited production version of the original DW-78 that has been redesigned to suit the needs of the corporate sector. The initial model was used to scout out uninhabited planets, scanning for new forms of life and mapping terrain.

    The b type model has sacrificed it's environmental shielding layers and beam turret in exchange for a cheaper tungsten titanium alloy and taser. The armor is rated for NIJ III, although the drone's scanner suite is an obvious, if small weak point. The taser is stored in the underbelly and carries 12 darts. Upon deployment of the taser, the bottom of the drone unfolds, exposing the underside internal workings and leaving them without protection.

    The scanner has been reprogrammed for security and surveillance duty. Each drone is capable of utilizing facial recognition if the proper facilities and database have been set up and linked. Unlike the original model, which operated in isolation for months at a time, the security model constantly transfers and receives data, and requires a tether unit nearby to function. Each drone has their own power source and AI core located in these tethers. Drones are programmed to remain in a 4 meter radius around their designated tether, failure to do so results in an exponential decrease of the connection quality to the mainframe, followed by signal loss and the drone falling out of the sky. As a result, these drones are mainly used for autonomous guard duty at important access points, chokepoints or small rooms. They can also be utilized in open areas with heavy traffic, as a surveillance camera replacement.

    These units are a mainstay in the corporate sectors, where they are deployed in high density cities and around/within company property. 30 of them were brought to the Antares sector by the Shizukesa Clan. Excited by the prospect of an untapped sector, the clan was approached by DMW with the offer of 30 drones, a reseller license, and the comm channel for their procurement team. A percentage of the profits would be sent back of course.

    (So the purpose behind this is to provide an alternative to NPC guards that also fits with the theme. Since the faction I'm in hails from the corporate sectors, I thought it would be a good way of introducing this. Some of our new cities will be metropolises, which this is intended for. I have no idea how to price this, suggestions would be appreciated. Feel free to nerf any or all aspects of the drone, I might have went overboard with the new toy. Even thought of adding metal detecting, wasn't sure if that was too much, it was an alternative to patdowns. Weapons made of other material could easily make it past. If you don't want my faction selling this, feel free to take the idea and distribute it another way. I just think the scandroid is a really neat addition that fits in with our upcoming settlements. It's a unique mob that can be stored with capture pod.)


    EDIT: Might do something with this too. http://starbounder.org/Mini_Drone Just saw it, I'm thinking much cheaper and unarmed, with minimal armor. Flying camera basically.
    #1 Tazerok, Jul 31, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2016
  2. Reconus

    Reconus Moderator
    Staff Member

    Feb 23, 2014
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    Sounds good so far, in my opinion.
    If you want an idea on price, I did have an "advert" drone concept cooked up, around a similar size which I ic'ly had at a price of around 5000 px per unit. I would say maybe in the range of 6000 would be suitable for something like this, perhaps?

    Otherwise, I have no qualms.
  3. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    This sounds fine to me, so long as the droids aren't abused in roleplay. But that tends to go for everything in roleplay, sooo...

    I'm good with this.