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New Character.

Discussion in 'Character Discussion' started by Foreign Flora, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Made using Smokestacks guide for beginners

    Who the hell are you?:

    I am Mahuizoh Broadwing

    What the hell are you?:

    Mahuizoh is a Avian merchant, selling clothing and cloth of Avian design. In his downtime he explores unclaimed worlds. He hopes to spread the culture of his people, and hopefully the will of Kluex, through his wares. He also hopes to live up to his family's expectations as a weaver and a successful business man

    What's your story?:

    Born on Avos to a merchant family, he was destined to become steeped with the family trade. His family indeed pampered him for a position in the family's growing business. He was trained to be a weaver, utilizing ancient traditional techniques and skill alike. However, he had a deep desire to be on the move, to see new places. At a young age, ever since he could walk, he could not stand still. Adventurous at heart, he could not stay at Avos, the scenery was getting boring and the landscape were plain. He sought permission from his father, the 'CEO' of the business, to let him take his work elsewhere. His father refused. In a temper tantrum, he ran away from home, believing himself to be ready to leave and start his own business. After accumulating the required currency, both from his savings and from years of his own profiteering, he bought out a small (really small) cargo ship. He fled Avos, and now is satisfying his wanderlust.

    Why are you here?:

    In his wanderlust, he sought out the Antares frontier. Believing that business would be better here than any other frontier, and mostly taking advice from his gut than anything else, he followed the money here (metaphorically).

    What are you like?:

    He's a business burd. I would imagine him to be devout as well as calm and a bit naive. Open minded, he is accepting of others traditions. He always follows the money, so where business flourishes, so will he. He tends to believe what he is told. Combat wise, he knows how to slap someone and... well... Get into cat fights.

    What do you look like?:

    Thin and frail in appearance, he is stronger than he looks. He usually stands tall, proud of his accomplishments. His green feathers are finely preened and plucked, and layes down flat. The back of his head has a few feathers that stick out, giving him a almost cone-headed appearance. The talons on his feet are dulled down. The white plumage on his face is swayed to the sides, giving it a mask-like appearance.

    I also need some help, is there anything I should know about Avians before I get into this character? Is this character good at all? Did I miss anything?
  2. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    It's alright. 7.5/10 not a mary sue -Raideck
  3. Foreign Flora

    Foreign Flora New Member

    Jan 29, 2015
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    Is that sarcasm I detect? Did I mary sue? (assuming I even remember what mary sue is...)
  4. Raideck

    Raideck Member

    Apr 6, 2014
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    No I'm saying you didn't mary sue. Which is good. Mary Sue is a character that has like no flaws and is super powerful in most cases. Basically picture Saitama from One Punch Man
  5. Yotan

    Yotan New Member

    Feb 10, 2015
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    Or Superman.