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Need a little slack running Mud, clarification on some things

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by zkkzz, Jun 26, 2016.

  1. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    hey so I sometimes get a little overloaded running Mud. I play Sparrow Linnaeus (head of guard) and Ernal Piloti (leader of Mud).

    sometimes it feels like people get really mad at me for not playing sparrow all the time, because in their minds, it means there aren't any guards on Mud. i'm sorry! there are (IC) a lot of guards on Mud. like, NPC guards. if you're running around tearing shit up, that's kinda meh. how do you expect me to deal with that? teleport a guard in? naw, that's lame. so idk-- it's a tough issue because most of the time, if somebody's on Mud doing shit, like, doing crimes, and a guard comes up to them, they'll be rude OOC for being stopped. or the guard won't stop them for fear of being yelled at.

    sparrow is really good. like, very good. he's out of his prime but he's still got like, some training from avos, and has been heading the guard on mud for some 8 years. his methods on mud are, "Shoot first, ask later." because he's got a taser and it can't really kill people. if you try and cause lethal harm to people, he's just going to tase you. because what's worse: YOU being TASED, or SOMEBODY ELSE being DEAD? he is good with a staff also. very good with a staff. and trains all the guards personally.

    i'm not trying to powergame with this stuff! however, like i said elsewhere, mud is a place that has had /vigorous/ IC precautions against random crimes and murders. one of the reasons there AREN'T always guards around is because none of the visitors on Mud gives a single shit about guards. it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. so it would be nice if, when you guys get threatened by a guy with a stick, to not be mad when the stick hurts. and to be slightly more wary of causing crimes in a city of 1,500 people where you're constantly watched by natives and a single crime can get you exiled permanently. seems like nobody gives a shit.

    tl;dr: mud is hard to run all by myself, please cut its security some slack, stop making fun of how shitty mud's security is, because it's not actually that shitty :/
  2. Kirby teh Pink

    Kirby teh Pink Puts the Coo in Cool

    Feb 4, 2014
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    I will mention that playing two important characters like that not only puts more strain on yourself, but can also seem extremely metagamey.

    This, combined with the usual stigma that comes with a strict no-violence policy and NPC guards, isn't exactly a recipe for success.

    At least that's how I feel on the matter.
  3. Revenant

    Revenant New Member

    Jun 14, 2016
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    If you feel like you cannot handle the running of things all by yourself, why not let someone else help you out? If someone else took the position of chief of security, you would be able to use him as your subordinate to make sure things go as you want them to seeing as after all, you're the top of the chain. I'd feel like if you did that, you'd have a great weight lifted off your shoulders and perhaps maybe people wouldn't go around not giving a shit about the guards.
  4. FoRgE

    FoRgE Whack-A-Yak-5

    May 5, 2015
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    I'd recommend you find a way to retire one of your characters and find someone who can help you run the colony, you shouldn't have to run two major colony members to ensure the safety of it. It also takes away some interesting roleplay since you're doing all the major work.
  5. Ricardo

    Ricardo ERP Champ 2016

    Aug 25, 2014
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    You definitely will need help running it. There are enough people that are sure to be willing to lend a hand. I'd recommend putting a thread out IC asking for associates.
  6. zkkzz

    zkkzz New Member

    Apr 1, 2016
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    it seems weird that you would say that, because it's not like i haven't asked for guards before. the trouble kinda is with finding people who are willing to patrol, and only a couple people on the guard force (which is Francisco, Kuro, Volare, Karo, Jaycee, "Mimi") can even patrol semi-regularly. I have two people in backlog who need training from Sparrow so I can do that, probably today-- but agh. part of this post was about how the guards employed don't often do their job because the environment on Mud is so unthankful and terrible to them, both ICly and OOCly.

    I can keep playing Sparrow to train guards-- maybe not as many patrols.
    --but yeah, that's a good point. if I do keep bringing him toward the action it's going to seem like metagaming, when in reality it's just me trying to simulate that there are guards on Mud. so I'm gonna try recruiting extra people, having Sparrow train them, and hopefully what I said earlier makes people act slightly differently.