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Approved Nation Submission

Discussion in 'Other Questions' started by squamouss, Jul 31, 2016.

  1. squamouss

    squamouss Lore Writer

    May 20, 2016
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    The Republic of New Brelius (So named for its capital, the original having been razed by a massive pirate fleet several decades ago) is a democratic nation based in the Capricorn Q-2 system, comprising an astonishing 9 habitable planets along with a single gas giant closest to the system's bright yellow sun. New Brelius is a booming and prosperous system, comprised of multiple species and the differing ethnic groups that reside therein. Precious metals from ore-rich planets and valuable vapors harvested from the resident gas giant ensure that immigrants continue to pour in, hoping to make a new life for themselves. And indeed, many do. The standard of living in New Brelius rivals that of many nations far closer civilized space, with citizens receiving dedicated police protection, modern medical care, and representation in government. In the sprawling cities that most of the citizens of New Brelius call home, one can see architectural influences from Glitch, Humans, Avians, Apex, Hylotl, and even Novakid occasionally, although the latter often do not last long due to the endless changes inevitably violating some regulation after a given amount of time. Tourists flock to beautiful works of art and scenic landscapes, Popular celebrities of the sector own various mansions across the system, and the industrial districts of the various planets constantly ensure both a stable job market and a constant stream of quality goods. One can see aliens from all corners of the galaxy walk the same streets and speak the same language, while offering the best of their own unique culture to booth the customers they service and the friends they make. One would think that to live there is to live in paradise.

    One would think.

    The truth is behind the gilded exterior, the senate of New Brelius is one of the most corrupt and ruthless criminal organizations to ever crawl its way up to a position of power. Every senator is in someone's pocket, every vote is rigged, every phone is tapped, every computer monitored, every paycheck skimmed, and every crime boss pays lip service to their true clients. The political machinations of the republic ensure that only the most ruthless and calculating end up being elected to office. Strings are pulled to ensure that there is always enough unrest to keep the police forces that haven't been bought out too busy to investigate federal corruption. Florans are allowed in and used as second class citizens, treated well enough for a good amount to be willing to do menial labor but kept carefully alienated to ensure that many will turn to crime, keeping the streets dangerous enough at night that any loss of privacy is accepted as a necessary evil in the name of preserving safety. The more civilized criminal organizations have essentially free reign so long as they pay the proper tithes to the government officials who allow them to sell their wares and prey on civilians who won't be missed. The people are kept pacified both by a never-ending selection of bread and circuses, and a fear of their fellows thanks to pervasive street crime. Such power would be terrifying if it were united under a single leadership, but luckily for New Brelius's citizens and the neighboring systems, the government spends as much time fighting itself as it does pulling strings. Many a politician has been forced to resign after they've lost the great game the all play. Alternately, they just vanish, never to be heard from again except for a media blurb stating they've retired to a quiet life in the countryside. Private operators roam the streets as they gun down rivals, intimidate the rich and powerful who won't toe the line, and make citizens who've gotten too nosy stay quiet, one way or another.

    The Republic of New Brelius is as bright and hopeful as it is corrupt and dangerous. People can make a profit on both sides of the law very easily if they know what they're doing, while the elite make the whole system into their bloody playground.
    #1 squamouss, Jul 31, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2016
  2. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    This all sounds well and good, but i'm curious as to exactly what it's for. Just more fluff?
  3. squamouss

    squamouss Lore Writer

    May 20, 2016
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    More fluff, but the plan is to to eventually have them go up against a nation that is equally dickish but in a different kind of way. Players can pick sides in the fight and go on missions in pre-built instances. But just background fluff is fine too.
  4. Haplap

    Haplap Happypaps

    Aug 5, 2015
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    It sounds nice for a little conflict going on, but that would be more of a faction type application if you wanted to play a group from this area, methinks. It's well written and interesting, though, so i'll tuck it away to stick into setting lore, faction or no faction.
  5. squamouss

    squamouss Lore Writer

    May 20, 2016
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    Its not gonna be a faction unto itself as much as a setting. Like the war between the republic and its enemy will be a stage for PCs to do things in. My plan is to give our violent characters actual things to do besides sit around in bars, and what better way to do it than an actual war?