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Nalcotl Goldsong's Journal Volume 2

Discussion in 'Character Journals' started by ScarletSongbird, Dec 27, 2015.

  1. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    [The journal would be a fairly dusty book, fairly thick, but not bulky to carry. The covers are wrapped in fake red leather and unmarked. The book would find its home in the top drawer of Nalcotl's bedroom nightstand in the Springs. The writing inside is crisp and proper, written in black ink, but always smudged to the right.]

    Well, with my old journal now all but destroyed by water, I think it's about time I start a new one. I went through my old one as best I could and gathered every name and address I could find. I at least tried to transcribe some of the stories, but ink runs and a lot of the pages were stained pure black. I will miss that book, you were a faithful companion and a wonderful listener!

    On another note, I spent nearly all day and night yesterday writing letters to old acquaintances. Reaching out from the blue will either seem extremely strange or somewhat comforting. I suppose it depends on who you are. Now the only trouble is getting all these letters mailed.

    My injuries seem to be healing well, having actual meals has helped and Karo has been giving me pain killers. I've been trying to cut down on them, no need for such a high dosage, I say. While those injuries heal, I'm fairly sure if I keep writing I'll get carpel tunnel. Hopefully this journal is filled with more than just other people's stories.
    #1 ScarletSongbird, Dec 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2016
  2. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    What a dull few days. On the bright side, my lack of actually doing anything has helped with my healing. I've not heard or seen much of anyone, but then again, I think I've messed up my sleep schedule.

    I've spent a great deal of my time in bed reading. I found a few old play guides in the library, maybe I can gather people to do some performances! I hope so, Hershey seemed to like the idea, from what he says about the violence around the sector, maybe people just need some old fashioned entertainment.

    My bruises and swelling have been healing, My eye still looks like I was punched in the face... I still have my stitches, I think I'm going to have a scar across my gut... It might make me look tough though! Keep people away from me. I suppose I'd have to wear something that shows my gut though? That doesn't seem very practical, now that I think it over. [A few words are scribbled out after this]

    I can't seem to find my pick for my lute, along with my extra pen nibs, and my lucky pebble. I don't have any holes in my pockets, but they're all gone. I'll have to look for replacements, I suppose.

    [A small to-do list is scribbled into the margins]
    1. Ask Hershey about converting the would be restaurant into a community center
    2. Find pen nibs and a new pick.
    3. Actually make some friends away from the Springs.
    4. Find a new luck token.
  3. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Well, I found everything I lost. I must have set them down on a table in Ragnarok when I was there. The strange part is that I don't even remember going for my pockets. Oh well, everything is right back where it belongs.

    The last few days have been fairly uneventful, I've nearly finished reading all of the Springs' library, and I'm going to have to start asking for others' books. I've been working on getting off planet more, what's a bard who doesn't travel? A bad one, that's what!

    On another note, I had another reality check, this time in the form of being tackled into the springs. I suppose I may have overreacted to Firebird and Volare in the springs and just lightly *bopped* her on the head with my boot. Well, more of a rough smacking. I'm sure she deserved it at some point or another? I hope... In any case, I ended up in the springs fully clothed.

    Shortly after that Volare and I spent time discussing future plans for "adventuring" around the sector. Finally, something to do! I'm only looking forward to it, I don't see many downsides other than some basic dangers like frostbite, maybe wild animals, raiders, pirates (which may actually be the same thing as raiders but more organized and with more eye patches and peg legs), storms, radiation, burns [A section is scribbled out, a continuation of the list of possible dangers] The more I add to this list, the less fun this idea seems! So I will simply stop adding to it. After all, adventure is just bad planning!

    I also had tea with a new acquaintance named Ezaton, he'd called me clumsy at some point or another and wanted to apologize. I'd completely forgotten about the incident, I suppose. But it's good to know there are people out there who care about such things.

    But for now I should sleep, it's getting late and I'm quic
    [The sentence ends in a large black drop, smudged down the page. There appears to be a drool stain below it.]
  4. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    [The pages before this are filled with writing, slips of paper, pressed flowers, bookmarks, ribbons, and the occasional feather. As before, all the writing is smudged to the right, written in black ink, with the handwriting being neat and tidy. This page is marked with a blue feather.]

    The new ship seems to run well! I haven't heard any horrible screeching noises from the engines and it doesn't look like it's made of scrap. I'd say that's a great improvement to my last one.

    I'm not quite sure what to actually do with my own ship now. I'm kind of apprehensive about actually bringing it out of the system, remembering the last time I flew my own ship. I still have the scars from that, and I was right! They do make me look tough. Not that I want to show them off. Saying I crashed my ship doesn't exactly ring "dangerous."

    [There's a scratched out list of ideas, most of which seem fairly mundane.]

    I've been thinking. Maybe I should go back. Not home, home would be strange by now. Maybe that was mother's plan all along. To get me out here to show me what's so beautiful about it all, so I don't want to just settle with staying at home and raising a family.

    Not back home, no. I think I should go back to visit the Springs. If it's still there. Hopefully it is. If it is, I might be able to find some of my friends. I might actually get to see more of that sector too.

    I hope things haven't changed too much, but I also hope they have... Change seems like a good thing for that sector. It could be strange being on the Springs and not seeing... Well... I'm going back. I'll gather my things properly and repeat my ill fated jumps I did nearly six months ago. Hopefully I wrote down the coordinates somewhere in here in my blind panic. I think I have the coordinates for the Springs on hand as well... I'll leave within two days, I suppose.

    And this time, hopefully, I won't panic.
  5. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    I made it to the sector. I even spoke with someone who knows my friends over the radio. I was directed to a colony called Mud. That doesn't seem like the most welcoming name, but the colony is rather homey, I think. It's avian, so that helps, I met a couple people and they seemed pleasant enough. I ended up looping back to my ship after i bought a small can of pepper spray from a human merchant.

    My ship isn't exactly suited for sleep, being as small as it is, I think I might develop claustrophobia if I stay on board for long periods of time. So I've taken out a room in the inn on Mud for now. It's cozy enough, and it has a beautiful view.

    Speaking of the inn on Mud, I met someone who nearly stopped my heart earlier. I was listening to a story, a very... grim story from an older avian... But not all stories are happy ones. I tend to forget that among the beauty of the Galaxy is just as much morbid horror and countless atrocities.

    But back on track, the man who nearly gave me a heart attack. He walked in shortly before the story ended and... Well, I thought he was Lovepeck. I nearly had a panic attack right then and there, but I managed to hold my composure. There's nothing quite like thinking you're seeing ghosts. He left before I could say anything, but returned soon enough. I gathered my wits enough to stand and greet him.

    I still need to work on my anxiety, I'll be wearing a hole through my medallion within a year if I don't. And it doesn't make the best first impression to stammer through a sentence, although I suppose I had good reason this time. We managed to clarify that he is not, in fact, Lovepeck. His name is Kahlua, and he's Hershey's son. Apparently Hershey and Firebird weren't killed, and managed to escape. They were in the sector earlier this year, I just barely missed them. Kahlua explained that there were basically some space time shenanigans going on in another sector, and they're both now nearing their fifties.

    It's all a bit strange to me, but I'm happy both of them are safe and happy. Kahlua seems like a good person, though he seems to have a lot on his mind, he barely smiled until I made a terrible pun. He looks nearly exactly like Hershey, maybe a little bit wider shoulders and minor things, but he looks nearly identical. He works for some sort of military organization in the sector, TQRF or something. That would explain a lot of the stress, I suppose. I could never do that, large crowds alone nearly give me attacks, let alone being shot at by large crowds.

    We talked about the Springs a bit, and it does still exist. I'm not sure I'll want to live there again; it was just too easy to stay put and not get out. I'll have to visit soon, maybe I'll drop by unannounced and give everyone a surprise! That might not be the best idea though... I don't know how many newcomers are there, and they might think I'm there to do something bad. Kahlua says he doesn't like the Springs much, I hope things are all right there.

    In any case, it's late, I should get some rest before I set out again tomorrow to meet new people. Hopefully that pat down system at the beam pad keeps things peaceful here. I don't enjoy gunfire as an alarm clock.
    1 person likes this.
  6. ScarletSongbird

    ScarletSongbird Galactic Hitchhiker

    Oct 17, 2015
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    Well today was fairly uneventful, so I suppose this page will have room for doodles.

    I woke up late today, the jump lag is still something I'm adjusting to. It's a bit disorienting and difficult. In any case, I got up late, grabbed my lute, and headed for the little fountain I had seen when I'd come to find the inn.

    I set out my bowl and played for... I'm not sure, a while. I tried to play songs fitting of Mud. [A sentence is scratched out] What a strange sentence. I never thought I'd say anything like that. A song fitting of Mud. Well, in any case, eventually Kahlua came by with one of the other Rabbits. I'm sad to say I don't entirely remember her name, but I do remember her bringing me soup...? Something like that shortly after my ship crash when I was recovering. Moon something. After a bit of banter and some odd looks from Kahlua I was invited to go read with them.

    I thought why not? I had barely seen a soul since I arrived at the bench in the park, and I need to make friends out here. Anyway, we all headed back to the inn where [The word "Hershey" is scratched out] Kahlua is staying as well. I grabbed a few of my books and stuffed them into my satchel. [Written in the margins: I need to clean that towel I keep in there, it's getting pretty ratty looking and I don't want it to start to smell.]

    Reading was fairly uneventful, Moon seemed to be making Kahlua uncomfortable up until a massage was started and I was asked to leave. So much for group reading. What's a "chee" anyway? Maybe I'll look it up later.

    After that I decided I might as well go back out and play, so I returned my books and satchel in exchange for my lute and headed down to the bar area. I met a black avian called Malli, I think it was. I started rambling as I do, she left as a familiar red avian walked in.

    I don't think Volare really recognized me at first. I'm not sure if that means I've changed a lot or if I'm just forgettable. I hope it's neither. It doesn't matter anyway. Once he recognized me we spent a while talking, I showed him my travel charts and told him some half stories, tried to joke about things. Volare seems alright! Which is great, he doesn't seem to have changed much past being somewhat happier than when I left. Which is understandable. We talked over things in the sector, Karo and Skye, Kahlua, and myself. We ended the conversation with a hug and [There's a note scribbled in the margins: "Text/Call Volare!"] he gave me his contact number. He says I'm perfectly welcome at the Springs and that there's a human living there now. Somewhat strange, but who am I to judge?

    Immediately after that I turned around to see the other finch himself, Karo. We had a short chat about things, as I was nearly falling asleep on my feet, what with the jump lag and all. He's married Skye human-style. Ceremony and everything. I'm happy for them, they deserve to be happy together. (Also I think it's adorable.) Karo is still one of the few doctors in the sector, but he says he's less busy than he was a few months ago. I hope that's true.

    Speaking of truth, I said I was nearly falling asleep and that still rings true. This entry turned out to be much longer than I thought it would be. Oh well. It's time for rest.