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OFF! Heard of it?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Eric, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    An awesome free little game, OFF was made by this crazy French guy who loves the abstract. The graphics are simple, the dialogue witty and interesting, and the story line made me cry (real men admit they cry at certain game endings!). Really, try this. And best of all, it's Mac/PC/Linux compatible.


    It takes a bit of getting used to after playing any other RPG. Nothing prepares you for the style of OFF. Also, the fonts might be wonky. They explain on the site how to fix this pretty easily.

    If you've previously played it, tell me what you thought! And if you haven't, I, Eric Alfaro, challenge you to beat the game! I'll leave you with a bit of epic remixed OFF music:

  2. Koshi

    Koshi New Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    -Loud yelling- did someone say off
    But really it's a super great ride of a game! Have you played the fan-made sequels?
  3. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Fan-made sequels?! WHERE?!

    P.S.: Love your avatar. Female Zacharie?
  4. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    played it, wasn't my cup of tea, but i loved the music and graphics!
  5. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    The music and graphics were killer, in their own way. Too bad you didn't enjoy the game itself, but to each his own!
  6. Koshi

    Koshi New Member

    Mar 8, 2014
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    Yup. A Vader (or The Queen) RPer drew it. And also, Tumblr! Search for: Clueless, Home, Unknown Fastforward and 365.

    I like your avatar too. :^)
  7. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Thanks, also from tumblr >:D
  8. SirFruitcakes

    SirFruitcakes New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Off is a good game, it reminded me alot of Yume-nikki and IB.
  9. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Yume-Nikki? What's that?
  10. SirFruitcakes

    SirFruitcakes New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    It's a unbelievably surreal game, Off is very similar to it in alot of ways-- Yume Nikki isn't so story-based and can be alot more ... horrifying ... at points, it's amazing, it's based in a dreamscape-like world that your character is dreaming up, it's all about exploration, little else.

    You travel around in a bunch of separate and very different worlds, some dark, some cheery, some downright horrifying.

    It takes alot of time to beat, don't try to beat it in one day, you simply won't.

    If you liked Off's general atmosphere, you'd probably like Yume Nikki.

    Some people see it as a hit-or-miss kind of game, you like it or you don't, IDK if thats true but I liked it.

    http://yumenikki.wikia.com/wiki/Yume_Nikki <= Download link here within page

    I haven't seen another game quite on par in wacko-creativity in years since i've played it.

    Or if you'd prefer, this one has alot less depth due to not being finished, but it's in 3D and considered much MUCH more horrifying:


    Oh, and it DOES end, it's not just free-exploration, there is a point to it.

    To the majority of people who play this game, just like Off, it's considered amazing and to some a masterpiece.
    #10 SirFruitcakes, Mar 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 17, 2014
  11. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    oh man i LOVE Yume Nikki
    should try .Flow as well!
    download it here <3
  12. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Downloaded the first link, thanks. I've been lacking SP games for awhile now :/

    I'll tell you what I think tomorrow!
  13. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Downloaded .Flow too. Thanks for the game suggestions! Keep 'em rolling.
  14. SirFruitcakes

    SirFruitcakes New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Alright, you've got Off you've got Yume nikki, You've got IB? you've got .Flow, how about Witches House/Corpse Party/Mad Father/Underhell?

    I'll start with Underhell, You'll need Steam to play it, but you don't need any games on Steam, just a tool that comes with an account, (Source SDK base 2006/7) It's a shooter on the source engine, it's got a incredible story, really good gunplay, great level design, and in my opinion it pretty much makes registering on Steam worth it even if you never actually buy anything, you'd have to look at the page on Moddb to understand what I mean, it has a very high quality for a mod, higher than some triple A games, and even if you don't like it it's still free and worth playing through if you find it the least bit fun, the mod clocked in around 18 hours of pure non-boring full plot very little filler storyline, and it does it GREAT, it even does horror great, it has two different plot-worlds, theres the House, where the main character lives, it acts as a sort of Hub, it has alot of plot to it, your wife has recently passed away and she's haunting the place, you'd think it wouldn't be that scary because ahah ghosts, Nope throw that out the door, it's horrifying. Then theres the actual game, in the prologue you play as SWAT Officer Jake Hawkfield, you do swat stuff, you kick down doors, you explode corpses with your boot of strength, you snipe terrorists, you save hostages, and you continue the plot, in the first chapter your a criminal in a prison, no spoilers though in what happened inbetween prologue/chapter1.

    In chapter1: there are full fledged branches to the game through missions, going about things different, guns blazing or hiding, you'll get alterations, enemies always spawn in different places, enemies always react to things, you whistle? they look for what made the noise, you kill someone and leave their body? they find it and freak out and look for you, you throw a bottle/object? they hear it and go to it, it's unreal for the source engine to have this kind of depth, you'll sometimes get good items in a spot, other times you'll get nothing, it's a very dynamic and randomised game, minus the plot and story.

    The house and main story are both intertwined in some way, but the maker, Mxthe, is forcing players to link the story of these two places together themselves, none-the-less, this is a very well made game that you don't want to miss in my opinion, and that will never change, afterall its the only source mod to have working stealth akin to a MGS game, with body-hiding, you can shoot helmets off, if you shoot a gun, your armed pursuers will hear the shot, you can blow bodyparts apart, when you shoot someone they have a bullet wound, it really is the quality of a AAA game. (Or above, even if you hate the game you probably would still admit this.)

    To install just throw it in your Steamapps/sourcemods folder.

    http://www.moddb.com/mods/underhell/downloads/underhell-chapter-1 <== Download link here!

    Corpse Party is a very dark but at the same non-graphic game on the RPGmaker engine, it's a very creepy and intense game without even trying to graphically spook you, if your easily depressed (TRUST ME ON THIS) do not download and play this game, it has incredibly dark and very messed up themes, with a very branching storyline, eight different endings depending on which characters you didn't get killed, and it's a big story/puzzle game, no RPG elements. I REPEAT DO NOT PLAY IF YOU ARE WEAK OF HEART, I played it thinking "Oh, Corpse Party, sounds nice, I don't know why people keep saying its so dark with a name like that ... " ... just so happens I have a thing for morbidly dark amazing story games, so it hit home with me.

    By the way finding this link was really hard, apparently most places are shutting down their old-corpse party links because of the newer 2000 games made of it, but this is 100% legal and approved by them to be made.

    http://www.memoriesoffear.com/games_corpsepartypc98/index.html <== Download link somewhere here!

    Now for a really good one akin to IB, and let me remind you not to play if your easily depressed, Mad Father -- The story is very good, it has very hard to figure out puzzles every now and then and although that was annoying I don't regret playing it, it was really fun when you knew what you were doing, and like the rest of my suggestions I mentioned it has a really good story, I suggest unless you like long thought-out attempts at puzzles, to consult a walkthrough if you do play this, OH and it has really really good art.

    http://www.vgperson.com/games/madfather.htm <== Download link here!

    Witches house, witches house... This game is very scary if I remember, I don't remember--OH GOD!

    It's another horror RPGmaker game, that's sort of my thing if you haven't figured that out yet. Highly recommended but uhhhm, this one is very graphic, especially for RPGmaker, it will make you jump at points.

    http://www.vgperson.com/games/witchhouse.htm <== download link here!

    This gave me some time to write about some games I really enjoyed at a point, thanks for that, but for some reason I think you've played alot of these.
    #14 SirFruitcakes, Mar 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2014
  15. Weavle105

    Weavle105 Back in Black.

    Jan 17, 2014
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    EEEEEEEEEE OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH!!! IT'S SO-*static*Apologies, seems we have a fanboy on our hands. Worry not, we shall have him detained and treated for his mental illness, before he shall be released.
  16. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Holy hell, thank you! You're wrong, I don't have ANY of these games. Thank you, sir! You've made the next month or so x3 more enjoyable! And no, I don't have IB.
  17. SirFruitcakes

    SirFruitcakes New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    I FULLY recommend IB, IT IS SO ARTSY!

    Oh, and no problem!

    Oh, and Corpseparty does have one RPG battle but it's not too hard and it gives you a save beforehand, you'd be fine if you've beat Off!

    http://www.vgperson.com/games/ib.htm <== Download link here!

    Oh, and one more game, Ao oni.

    http://www.moddb.com/games/ao-oni/downloads/ao-oni-v623-english <== Download link here!

    It's not as good as the others i've mentioned, but its pretty short and has some good monster chase scenes.

    This one too, haven't played it but from what I saw it looks pretty good:
    http://vgperson.com/games/hellohello.htm <== Download link here!

    I feel like I said oh alot in these sentences.

    All of these games are 100% free too, but thats kind of obvious (Edit and me mentioning this is kind of my own occasional stupidness, I do that alot and I knew you knew that IDK what I was thinking, excuse it please.)

    Aaaaaand you ran me dry of suggestions, thats a feat! however if you have a source game or two on Steam-- that's another matter entirely...
    #17 SirFruitcakes, Mar 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2014
  18. Eric

    Eric New Member

    Feb 10, 2014
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    Your name does you justice, sir. Thanks again for all your games, I'll treasure them forever. I just started playing Yume Nikki... pretty trippy so far. In the meantime, .Flow is giving me an error >.<

  19. SirFruitcakes

    SirFruitcakes New Member

    Feb 15, 2014
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    Whats the error?
    I can try to figure it out.

    Looks like TD. has it, but if that doesn't fix it still post the bug.
  20. Kai

    Kai hey im kai and this is jackass

    Jan 28, 2014
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    you'll need to install AppLocale, I think!