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Mysmarri's Universal Plant Index

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Mystyice, Mar 11, 2014.

  1. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Hi all! This is Mysmarri here. I've been studying botany for quite a while, and I've been collecting all the trees I can get my hands on. Here is a list of all the trees I've found, along with a couple more facts and such.

    Organization of Plant Species
    I organize and record the trees I find by their appearance. I simply look at the texture of the bark, the color of the leaves, and the texture of the leaves. For example, if I had a tree with spiky bark and purple willow leaves, it would be called Thornsinum Violewilla.

    Bark types
    • Thornsinum (spiky)
    • Birchum (birch)
    • Flattecubum (flat squarish bark)
    • Palnum (stripey palm)
    • Braidium (braid-like lumps)
    • Lumpium (lumps, similar to oak tree bark)
    • Lumpartum (lumps with certain-colored lumps mixed in)
    • Porium (bark with lots of pores and holes)
    • Metallum (metallic bark) (to be verified)
    • Fibrevinum (fibrous, green stem-like bark)
    • Maganum (braids of bark fibers, with a few fibers as hot and red as lava)
    Color types
    • Rosa - (Red)
    • Ora - (Orange)
    • Lemo - (Yellow)
    • Fores - (Green)
    • Aqua - (Blue)
    • Viole - (Purple)
    • Buna - (Brown)
    • Roshe - (Pink)
    Leaf types
    • Thorn (spikes)
    • Brain (brains)
    • Palm (palm leaves)
    • Thinclou (scraggly, cloud-like leaves)
    • Contou (cottony leaves)
    • Willa (willow-like leaves)
    • Okapuf (puffy oak-like leaves, like the tops of trees a kindergartener might draw)
    • Swirlpuf (like above, but with small swirls)
    • Eye (eyeballs)
    • Rosaluf (rose-like flowers)
    • Petalluf (flowers with wide open petals)
    • Spikebruf (leaves with tufts sticking out)
    Extra Prefixes
    • Add Fros- to the beginning of the leaf names if the leaves have snow.

    Will upload trees soon.

    Floran Facts
    During my travels, I've found myself getting more and more obsessed with Floran biology and how they work. And I end up ruthlessly interviewing pretty much every single Floran I can find, while recording the information I find in my notes. Here are a couple of facts.

    Florans view other plants like vegetables similarly to how humans view livestock.

    Florans are unisex, but how they reproduce is unclear. They do not transmit pollen to reproduce, as all members of any Floran tribe have a similar set of attributes unique to their tribe. If there was pollen flying about, tribes would have very different members.

    Florans seem to plant their seeds after the female flower produces the seed.

    Florans can reproduce asexually, but they have evolved to prefer sexual reproduction due to the fact that offspring with dna from two parents are generally stronger than those with dna from only one.

    Some Florans are vicious, whilst others are peaceful. It appears that the peaceful Florans have trace amounts of DNA from other species, thus having a more developed prefrontal cortex. It's possible that a long-ago experiment injected this DNA into primitive Florans, though a large number of the peaceful Florans are likely to have gone extinct.

    Florans have a greenish sap as their blood.

    Florans can regrow certain limbs.

    Herbs and various remedies
    Because most herbology and botany textbooks are way too boring to read and usually contain useless herbs, here are some of the most essential kinds. I must add that most of these only work for organic organisms. Some individuals may also experience an allergic reaction, so ask before using a treatment on them.

    • Froffulle Grass - A species of wild grass that induces immediate sleep when taken in tea, steamed, or smoked form. Usually made as a tea.
    • Acvera - A light orange berry that numbs pain when eaten. If the juice is made into a paste, it can be applied to skin and cause complete numbness.
    • Ginger - A root that has anti-inflammatory and stomach-relieving properties. Can clear sinuses, reduce nausea, reduce gas, and reduce joint pain. Eat it as a tea, a dish, a soup or even a dessert. Humans are, surprisingly, less sensitive to it, however the effects are very effective on other species. Works on Glitch.
    • Pussplum - This popular fruit has some surprising benefits. Pussplum works as a bit of a painkiller, as well as causing those who eat it to become calmer. Works on Glitch.
    • Mayphyluss - A fragrant flower whose juice can induce blood clots. Useful for soaking bandages with, but not at all meant to be eaten or dripped directly into open cuts.
    • -For Glitch- Ferrotop - A queer variety of Toxictop that seems to have high amounts of iron and low amounts of toxic, corrosive chemicals. It is thus easily consumed by Glitch, but not that edible (or tasty) for organic species. Ferrotop causes a release of chemicals similar to adrenaline, creating a state where muscles are more efficient and blood loss is quickly replenished. It has a very rapid effect.
    • Cloverfoot - A flower that heals cough and sicknesses of similar symptoms
    • Frondleaf - A type of seaweed that induces vomiting, only for use when toxins have been consumed
    Combine Acvera and Pussplum into a potion that kills pain within five minutes. The remedy is delicious and is useful for quick pain relief, but lasts only for about 20 minutes after it is consumed. Smash 8 Acvera berries, mix the paste with 1/4 of a cup of pussplum juice, and add half a cup of water for one 20 minute serving. Drink only one serving at a time.

    Froffule tea is a nice way to end a busy night, but when you really need to get knocked out for, say, a surgery, a Froffule wrap might be a better choice. Steam a couple Froffule blades and fetch a bit of bread. Be sure to catch the juices as they drip off. Pour the juices on the Froffule and let them soak, then wrap the Froffule around the bread. Toast this for two minutes and consume whilst on a bed. You will feel drowsy within 5 minutes, then completely fall asleep for an hour. During this state you cannot be woken, so take caution. You may also inject the juice into your bloodstream, but this may cause blood sugar issues. Also note that excess consumption of Froffule can cause addiction.

    If you or someone else is experiencing heavy blood loss (must be organic), a Maphyluss bandage might be good if one doesn't have any nanowrap bandages or is allergic to their lining. Take caution, however - the juice of the flower is very strong and should never be dripped into the wound or eaten. Doing either may cause a serious clot in the vessel itself, which requires immediate medical attention. Simply squeeze the juice from the flower. For one teaspoon of juice there should be an ounce of water. Soak the bandage generously, then carefully squeeze the excess solution out, leaving it moist but not dripping. Within a minute, the clot will begin to form. The time it takes to completely close up depends on the size of the wound.

    If one chops up a Ferrotop bulb and consumes a slice raw, they will experience adrenaline-like effects. One Ferrotop gives about an hour and 10 minutes of the effect. Excess consumption may cause damage to piping, wiring, or circuitry.
    #1 Mystyice, Mar 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2014
  2. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Hello Mysmarri,

    I thought I would let you know about the odd trees I have found in my travels which do not seem to have a listing yet. For bark types I have seem both trees with an almost lava like core and other trees that appear to be made out of metal. And for leaves I have to confess that the most disturbing thing that I have some across was the tree with eyes, also I have seem many lovely trees with what appear to be roses as leaves.

    I believe that I have samples of these trees somewhere in my storage area, if you are interest I would be glad to provide you samples in exchange for recipes or neonmelon seeds

    Feel free to contact me in a private message if you would like to take me up on the offer or to make a counter offer.

    With respect,
    Sato Yumi
  3. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    I do believe I may have several varieties you're missing as well including many flowering tree species and much more cloud like trees as well as large flowering 'trees' that may not be trees at all and samples from large mushrooms. If you'd like I can attempt to grow them on a planet for you to come observe them. I'm not the best at that sort of scientific research but I'm very interested I many forms of plant life and am willing to assist with your cataloging.

    Also, to the poster above. I have neonmelon seeds if you are looking for some, as well as neonmelons fully grown. You're welcome to contact me to make arrangements.
  4. Kazi

    Kazi New Member

    Feb 28, 2014
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    Marvelous! What would you like in exchange! Oh wait, this is someone else's post, so please contact me via private message.

    With much thanks,
    Sato Yumi
  5. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Uploaded by: Mysmarri <3
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    Oh, this is just an index of the trees I've found so far. Please do send me a couple pictures, or show them to me in person. Right now I'm a bit busy, but we can probably meet tomorrow.
  6. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    I'll try to catalog what I have with pictures. Would pictures of the seeds themselves help? I find some seeds are hard to match with their grown counterparts just at a glance. Eitherway, I'll see what I can do.
  7. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Uploaded by: Mysmarri <3
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    Hmm, it's pretty hard to match seeds with trees, especially if they have bark and leaf types that I've never seen. I'd really appreciate pictures of the trees themselves. Would you like to meet sometime?
  8. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    I more mean pictures of the seeds matched to their fully grown counterparts when I send them. Trying to meet up may be hard for awhile, I'm rather busy. But perhaps sometime?

    -Izzida Von-
  9. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Ah, okay. Send me pictures of the seeds and the trees if you want, over s-mail or something. My address is [email protected].
  10. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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  11. Iridium616

    Iridium616 New Member

    Feb 2, 2014
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    "Some Florans are vicious, whilst others are peaceful. It appears that the peaceful Florans have trace amounts of DNA from other species, thus having a more developed prefrontal cortex. It's possible that a long-ago experiment injected this DNA into primitive Florans, though a large number of the peaceful Florans are likely to have gone extinct."
    Are you telling me I'm a some kind of sick apex experiment? I dobut it, my DNA is pretty healthy...
    Please check your sources.
  12. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Oh, it doesn't have to be the Apex. I suspect it could be from the same race that experimented on the Avians and created the Glitch. If it makes you feel better, you aren't the only one that has been experimented on. Besides, you should feel glad. You're more suited for today's world, which so heavily relies on social interactions. It's just that nicer Florans probably died out due to the harsh environment that is the really primitive Floran tribe.
    Or maybe one of your ancestors had smex with an Avian or something, but let's hope that isn't true.
  13. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    Damn, I hadn't noticed this before.
    This is fucking awesome, Mysi.
  14. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Awh, hehe, thanks.
  15. Corvus

    Corvus New Member

    Jan 5, 2014
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    You're welcome, darling.
    Now, let's not turn this into the Corvus Mysi flirt thread. Heh.
  16. Aleiksei

    Aleiksei New Member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    hi which ones can be consumed through smoke by a healthy human male i mean this is like incense this is for medecine very serious

    ps i am not pregnant or currently under any treatment
  17. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    Uhh, I recommend smoking water vapor infused with pussplum. It isn't harmful at all and calms you down. But if you really want to, you can smoke tobacco, or Froffule if you want to feel drowsy. Dried Acvera is also good, but its effects would be reduced to just relief from a minor ache. I have to remind you, though, inhaling smoke is not good at all no matter what the herb. You really should just consume the stuff instead.
    Also not all of the smoke tastes great, after all it's raw plant matter.
  18. Izzida

    Izzida New Member

    Feb 3, 2014
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    I know I posted on here before about seeing what I could do to help but I've recently become entirely swamped in work. I'll have to take back what I said. I noticed above you have a few marked 'needs ot be verified' I have seen and obtained samples from a tree with a lava like core and a coal like bark.

    Also I have encountered a Floran with more yellowish sap but he was subjected to extreme cold at a young age that has causes long lasting affects including the wilting of his natural leaves and extremely slowed regeneration. If you find that at all interesting. He's looking to find a way to possibly 'regrow' his vegetation if at all possible. You seem to know more on Floran then me. If you're interested contact me privately.

    Thank you.

    -Izzida Von
  19. Mystyice

    Mystyice New Member

    Feb 14, 2014
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    The Floran fellow seems really interesting. I'm a bit more knowledgeable about regular plants than specifically Florans, but I'll see what I can do!